- Учителю
- What is Christmas?
What is Christmas?
муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная
школа №21 г. Шахты Ростовской области
346504, г. Шахты, Ростовская обл., ул. Садовая, 17, тел. 8 (8636)22-56-25, e-mail:zsсhool -
План-конспект открытого урока
«What is Christmas?»
Выполнила: Миронюк О.М.
What is Christmas?
Цели урока:
1. Образовательные:
- совершенствовать навыки вдумчивого чтения;
- формировать навыки выразительного чтения на английском языке
-обогатить знания учащихся о традициях празднования Рождества;
-развивать умение рассуждать, строить развернутые ответы и вопросы;
-развивать интерес к зарубежной литературе
-воспитывать бережное отношение друг к другу, умение любить;
-способствовать познанию общечеловеческих ценностей: любовь, самопожертвование, оптимизм.
Оборудование урока: презентация, аудиозапись песни со слайд-шоу, раздаточный материал, фотографии, поздравительные открытки.
Тип урока: урок формирования новых знаний.
Ход урока
Звучит в сопровождении слайд-шоу рождественская песня "What child is this".
Good morning. Very soon a lot of people in different countries will celebrate Christmas. It is one of the most favorite holiday. Why? Why do people love Christmas? Lets read a poem about it.
Is the sparkle on the tree,
The green wreath on the door,
The present tied with ribbon red,
Or is it something more?
The cheery greeting when we meet
A friend along our way,
The crunch of snow beneath our feet,
The children in their play?
We ask ourselves,
What is it?
But in the end we know
It's our love for one another
That makes Christmas spirit glow.
-What is Christmas for the poet? What does Christmas mean for you? Do you like this holiday?
3. Ознакомление с историей возникновения некоторых рождественских традиций.
- Christmas is a wonderful holiday. It associates with decorated trees, merry music, mysteries, surprises and of course with gifts. Where and when was appeared the tradition of giving presents on Christmas? Who knows?
Откуда появилась традиция дарить подарки на Рождество? Согласно евангельской легенде волхвы Каспар, Балтазар, Мельхиор из далекой Аравийской земли пришли поздравить родившегося Иисуса Христа. Они подарили ему золото (знак земного владычества), ладан (знак божественного происхождения и небесной власти) и мирру (смолу, которой умащали умерших). Это были очень ценные и дорогие дары, они символизировали важность рождения Иисуса Христа. «Дары волхвов» - так называется рассказ замечательного писателя Оливера Генри.
I asked you to prepare some information about the biography of this writer. Please.
Учащиеся рассказывают подготовленную информацию об авторе.
Упражнения на повторение лексики.
Before reading the story, let's review some words.
What is the Russian for
Match the words with the phrases
vision of something ideal
to give for money
feeling satisfaction and pleasure
a small clock worn on the wrist
having beauty pleasing to the eye
having little money
the day or evening just before a holiday
Работа с текстом.
Let's read and translate the text.
Find these words and expressions in the English text of the story:
верхний этаж
они очень гордились
много работать
канун Нового года
купить подарок
она вошла в магазин
счастливый сон
искать подарок
она распустила волосы
сбежала вниз по ступенькам на улицу
она побледнела
в его глазах было выражение, которое она не могла понять
What is missing?
They lived in … in a small room on the top floor of a high building.
They worked very hard, but there never was any … in the house.
Della had only 1,87$ to buy a … for Jim.
Jim had got his gold watch from his … .
He … a package from his overcoat pocket and put it on the table.
Answer the questions:
Did you enjoy the story?
Name the main characters of the story.
How old was Jim?
How old was Della?
How old was Jim?
Were they poor? Prove it.
What treasure did Jim own?
What treasure did Della own?
When was this story happened?
How did Della get money?
How much money did Della get?
What did she buy?
How did Jim get his money?
What did he buy?
Let's play a little.
You should divide into 3 groups. Every group will get 1 word, which you should descried not pronouncing 3 words written below. The other groups will try to guess these words. Is it clear? I'll give you 5 minutes to prepare.
Активизация речевых умений в рамках темы
Let's remember what we know about Christmas tradition in Great Britain.
Do they celebrate New Year? And how do they do it?
Who can tell us about Christmas and New Year in Russia.
Задание творческого типа.
Some of you have already mentioned one wonderful British tradition - a new year resolution, when people analyze their behavior and promise to yourself to become better next year. And now let's make our own resolution list.
Подведение итогов урока.
Now, children, our lesson is over. During the lesson, we have remembered a lot of things about Christmas. Thank you for the lesson. I wish you be kind, peaceful, healthy and successful next year. I wish you merry Christmas and Happy new year. You all get only a good mark today. Good buy.