- Учителю
- Разработка урока для старших классов Holidays in London
Разработка урока для старших классов Holidays in London
№ 57Date:__________ Grade:____________
The theme: « Holidays in London »
The procedure of the lesson
1. Organization moment. ) Greeting
T: Good morning, dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you. (T →Cl)
Say 'Hello' ( Pupils all together: 'Hallo') and clap your hands (3 times).
Don't say 'No' and, please, say 'Yes!'
Are you fine? (all together: 'Yes') Are you fine, Masha? (- Yes, I am) How are you, Gleb? (- Fine, thank you) And you, Kate? (I'm fine, too) (T →P1, P2, P3)
T: Great! Sit down, please. Let's start our lesson.
II. Warming-up activitiesDoing the puzzle
T: Well, friends, to begin with, have a look at the blackboard, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the topic of today's lesson. Forexample, a hat - letter 'h' ….. (вывешивается буква h на скотч или на магнит).
T: So, what key word have we got? Right. … ('Holidays'). I am sure you know much about holidays because we already read some information about celebrations in different countries of the world. Today we shall revisesomematerialand speak about some other popular holidays. I hope you will learn something interesting about well-known holidays in Great Britain and the USA.
Answeringteacher'squestions (учитель бросает любую маленькую мягкую игрушку детям, они отвечают на вопрос и возвращают игрушку)
- By the way, do you like holidays? (- Yes, I do)
- What holidays do you know? (either in Russia or in America or England)
Ps: Harvest Day, Christmas, New Year's day, Victory Day, Mother's Day, St Valentine's Day, Birthday… T: Yes, why not? It's the day when you were born and your parents were very happy. It's really a holiday in every family.
- Which is your favourite holiday? (My favourite holiday is New Year's Day. And what about you? Which holiday do you like most of all?)
II. Presentationa) Matching
T: Now, friends, look at the cards, please. Exercise number 1 (Приложение 2).… , will you read the task? (вкарточкепервыйпримерсоединен, чтобыбылопонятнодетям, чтоделать) Match the names of the holidays in Russian and English. Take your pencils or pens and do the task.I give you half a minute. ….. Ready? Let's check. So, number '1', letter 'e', number '2', letter …..? (T →P1, P2, P3 …)
Some well-known holidays in the world
Хэллоуин (ночь всех святых)
Корейский праздник урожая
День Благодарения
День Христофора Колумба
День Победы
T: Now, look at the blackboard. Let's read all the names of these holidays together. Repeat after me. (T →Сl)
c) A Guessing Game ( the riddles about some holidays)
T: Well, children, I am sure you already know something about these popular holidays, now listen to me attentively and give the name of the holiday which I describe - guess the riddles - отгадайтемоизагадки.
People called this holiday after the man who discovered America. His name was Christopher. What is this holiday? (Columbus Day) T: - I think, you know something about this man from your geography lessons, don't you?
It is the most important holiday in our country. It is in spring. People have street parades in the day time and set off fireworks when it is dark. (Victory Day) T: - Sure, in 1945 Great Patriotic War ended. I guess that some of your great grandparents died defending our country. Andnowwe'rehappytoliveinpeace.
It's a big festival in the USA and Canada to celebrate the harvest. The special foods on the table are a turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. (ThanksgivingDay).
People decorate the houses with bright lights and ornaments. They exchange postcards and gifts. Children like this holiday very much, because they always find presents early in the morning. (Christmas) T: You see, in America and England people celebrate Christmas in December, but in Russia it's in January.
This festival lasts for three days. People treat their guests with sweet rice cakes and fresh fruit. (the Korean harvest moon festival Chuseok) T: We don't have such a holiday in Russia.
The traditional colours of this holiday are orange, black and yellow. Children dress up in costumes of skeletons, goblins, black cats and spiders. There are many jack-o-lanterns in the streets when it is dark. (Halloween)
T: Very good, children. I knew, you could do the task.
Ребята, а вы знаете, почему этот праздник так называется? Why do people call this holiday in such a way - 'Halloween'? Doesanybodyknowthehistoryofthisholiday? (Если учащиеся знают, то рассказывают, если нет, то учитель расширяет кругозор учащихся.)
*** Семантизация названия праздника (история возникновения)
T: Много лет назад люди верили, что 31 октября - особая ночь, когда нечистая сила - ведьмы, привидения, демоны кружатся в небе и могут накликать беду, надо было напугать их и откупиться какими-нибудь подарками. С тех пор и пошла традиция переодеваться в маскарадные костюмы злых духов и устраивать шествия по ночным улицам с зажженными свечами и фонарями.
А еще одна из версий названия праздника Halloween = Hello, winter! Как вы думаете, почему? Если дети молчат, то учитель поясняет, сопровождая свой рассказ цветными иллюстрациями, изображающими погоду поздней осенью (чтобы облегчить понимание иноязычной речи, не прибегая к русскому переводу): InOctoberit'scold, theweatherisrainyandwindy, sometimesitsnows. The days are getting shorter, the nights are long and dark. = So soon after Halloween winter comes! Thus, Halloween = Hello, winter!
: Thanksgiving is a festival to celebrate the harvest. I think, people in America and Canada grow many pumpkins in their kitchen gardens.
T: You're absolutely right. And people usually have some sweet pumpkin pie for dessert on Thanksgiving Day. And why is this holiday called Thanksgiving Day? What are the traditions?
*** Семантизация названия праздника
Thanksgiving Day - an unusual name for the holiday. Look here - thanks = thank you, what does it mean? (спасибо, благодарить кого-то), andtogive - gave - given = давать, дарить. So, on this day the Americans say 'thank you' to every person around them, to those people whom they love very much. Учитель может прочитать стихотворение наизусть по-английски:
e) Doing 'Thanksgiving Quiz' (p. 101)(Сl)
T: Now, friends, open your textbooks at page 101. You can find a quiz here with five phrases about Thanksgiving Day in America. Look through the quiz very quickly and choose the right variant A, B or C. I give you a minute to do the task… So, the time is over. Now, listen to the radio programme and check your answers. … How many right answers did you get? What is your score - 4, 5 points? Very nice, indeed.
T: Now, boys and girls, it's time for reading. You will get some more information about the holidays in English-speaking countries. (Before reading the texts): But, please, look at the blackboard, there are some words here which will help you to understand the texts better.Repeatafter me - Unknown words on the blackboard from the text 'Halloween'
jack-o-lantern - показ игрушки - огонек-фонарик их тыквы(T →Сl)
neighbours [ neib∂z] - контекст(e. g. Look here. Masha and Olga sit together. They are neighbours. Ira is Ann's neighbour, they sit at the same desk, too.)
'trick or treat' - перевод-толкование - «угощенье или шутка», показ корзинки с угощениями
from the text 'Thanksgiving Day'
early settlers - перевод - первыепоселенцыenough [in∆f] = not much, not little (= достаточно)
died - the antonym of the word 'was born'Native [ neitiv] Americans - коренныежители
festive dinner - all the members of the family are together at table and they have some special foods on the table, they cook something unusual for this dinner
Let's translate these words.
III. Practice
Now, friends, I want you to work in 2 groups. This is the first group. And you will be the second group. In your copies you have the texts about different holidays. You must read your text and find the answers to fill in this web. For example, country - Russia, France, America, what not. Is the task clear? I give you 7 minutes to do the task. One, two, off we go!
Exercise 2. (Приложение 2</<font color="#333333">) Read the text and fill in the web (заполнитеспайдограмму).
Text 1. Halloween
Keys: 1. America; 2. October, 31; 3. black cats, skeletons, goblins, witches and monsters; 4. makejack-o-lanterns, dress up, say 'trick or treat', play games, have fun; 5. black, orange and yellow;
Text 2. Thanksgiving Day
Keys: 1. America; 2. on the fourth Thursday in November; 3. dress up in fancy costumes; 4. have family festive dinner, have parades 5. a roast turkey, a pumpkin pie.
- Answering teacher's questions
Well, friends, I hope you are through. It's time to check your answers. Answermyquestions, please
In what country was this holiday born?
When do people celebrate it?
Do people go to school or work on this holiday?
What costumes do people put on?
Why do children like this holiday? How do they celebrate this holiday? Whatdotheydo?
What are the special foods on the table?
What are the traditional colours of this holiday?
- Completing the sentences
T: And now, children, let's play a bit. Here is a flower in my hand. It has 7 colourful petals. You must take one of them, turn it over and finish the sentences about Halloween and Thanksgiving Day. For example, отрываялепесток, учительсамчитает: People celebrate … (Thanksgiving Day) on the fourth Thursday in November.Is it clear? Let'sstart
The traditional colours of … are ….
Many years ago the Native Americans taught people to …
Children put on … on Thanksgiving Day and have … with jokes and …
On … children go from door to door and say …
Thanksgiving Day is a family holiday, people usually eat a …. and a ……
On … everyone can see a lot of … in the streets when it's dark. They are cut out of a …
During the festive dinner on … people eat … and …
T:Great! Well-done job, friends. So, these are the most popular American holidays which are loved by children. I hope now you will be celebrating them with your friends, too.
VI. Rounding off
-Setting the homework for the next lesson
T: Now, children, will you open your day books and write down your homework for the next lesson (for Wednesday). Ex. 3-4, p. 101. (T →Сl)
V. The end of the lesson
T: Well, thank you for your work, boys and girls. You were so active, clever and friendly today. Stand up, please Clap your hands, please, (all together after the teacher)
Your right hand high!
Wave your hand and say 'Good-bye!' (in chorus)
Good-bye, dear friends. Thanks a lot once again.