- Учителю
- Развёрнутый план урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме: «Sport is Fun».
Развёрнутый план урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме: «Sport is Fun».
Развёрнутый план урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме: «Sport is Fun».
Уважаемые коллеги! Данный урок является уроком - контролем знаний лексики по теме «Sport is Fun» (подраздел темы «Keeping Fit»). Данный урок может быть использован при контроле навыков монологической и диалогической речи, беседе P1 -> P2 -> P3.
Тема - «Keeping Fit»
Цель урока - развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи. (частичный контроль)
Задачи урока:
- Развивающие: развивать способность восприятия иностранной речи на слух, логического изложения содержания высказывания, умения формулировать вывод из услышанного и прочитанного, умения обменяться мнениями с партнёром по вопросу о необходимости поддерживать спортивную форму, нарисовать плакат о необходимости соблюдать здоровый образ жизни, способности к самостоятельному труду, аргументировать своё мнение, делать выводы.
- Учебные: развитие навыков и умений всех видов речевой деятельности:
1.Чтение с извлечением полезной информации (подготовка репортажа:"Why is it necessary to keep fit?")
2. Аудирование (прослушивание стихотворения и репортажа)
3. Говорение (рассуждение по теме подраздела:"Vitamins. Fruit and vegetables we eat")
4. Письмо (при подведении итогов урока составление правил на тему:"What should I do to keep fit?")
- Воспитательные: формирование у учащихся «полезных привычек» в повседневной жизни; указать на актуальность занятия спортом.
- Оснащение урока: постеры, рисунки, лозунги, плакаты, стихотворение для речевой разминки, девиз урока.
Тип урока - урок систематизации знаний, развитие устойчивых навыков говорения.
Деятельность учителя и учащихся:
1.Орг. момент. (1 мин.)
- Good morning boys and girls! I'm so glad to see you today. Sit down, please! Today we are going to speak and discuss a very interesting theme: "How do teens try to keep fit. Good and bad habits in our life". Today adults, children and teenagers try to do the best to be healthy, strong but they have got different problems in everyday life. Let's try to discuss these difficult questions.
- Good morning. Let's begin our lesson.
Основная часть
2.1 Речевая разминка. (3 мин.) Активная лексика урока написана на доске: nouns (swimming pool, athlete, court), adverbs (hard/hardly; near/nearly), expressions (do sports, keep fit, watch sports, feel fine/well/ill/bad).
Активизация лексики в речи
Teacher: Now your classmate will recite a very funny, but rather serious poem. Listen very attentively and then we'll discuss it.
Pupil: (рассказывает стихотворение наизусть; картинка и рисунки по стиху на доске).
Robin the Bobbin
Robin the Bobbin the big-bellied Ben,
He ate more meat than fourscore men;
He ate a cow, he ate a calf,
He ate a butcher and a half,
He ate a church, he ate a steeple,
He ate a priest and all the people!
A cow and a calf,
An ox and a half,
A church and a steeple,
And all good people,
And yet he complained
that his stomach wasn't full.
Techer: Thank you, Kate. You may sit down. Pupils, do you know Russian translation of this poem?
Pupil: Of course, I do. There are two translations, they were made by Marshak and by Chuckovskiy. As for me, I like the last translation best of all.
Teacher: If you can, recite the poem in Russian, please.
Pupil: Барабек
Робин Бобин Барабек
Скушал сорок человек,
И корову, и быка,
И кривого мясника,
И телегу, и дугу,
И метлу, и кочергу,
Скушал церковь, скушал дом,
И кузницу с кузнецом,
А потом и говорит:
«У меня живот болит!»
Teacher: Thanks. And now answer my questions:
1.Did Robin the Bobbin keep fit?
Pupils: No, he did not. He ate to much: a cow, a calf, fourscore men, a butcher, a church, a steeple, a priest.
Techer: What should he eat?
Pupils: Fruit and vegetables. (перечисляют какие)
Teacher: Give him an advice, please.
Pupils: Try to keep fit, do sports and you'll be healthy, slim and strong.
2.2 Показ репортажа (контроль домашнего задания) (20 - 25 мин.) К доске выходят три человека.
Teacher: I strongly believe that you understand how important is to keep fit. What should teen do to be athletic? Why is it so important? (Троим учащимся были даны слова и словосочетания для составления диалога - разговора по теме урока. Остальные учащиеся, слушая, обдумывают вопросы. Происходит обсуждение. P1 - correspondent; P2 - Anna, P3 - Mark.)
Correspondent (C): Hi, I'm a correspondent of Youth sports magazine. May I ask you a few questions?
Anna (A): Yes, certainly.
Mark (M): OK.
C: Do you think it's important to keep fit for a teenager?
A: Yes, I do. Girls care about how they look. When I feel that I'm getting out of shape I stop eating chocolate, sweets and fast food.
M: I can't live without Coke, chips and cheeseburgers. It's easier for me to do sports twice a week than to diet.
C: What sports do you prefer?
M: I prefer sports, which I can do any season. So I go to a sports center at school. It helps me to look cool and athletic. Sometimes I play football with my friends or go swimming.
A: Most girls in our school do aerobics. It helps us to relax and get rid of stress. When I don't have time to do my fitness class, I go jogging in the park.
Pupils 2: (suggested questions)
-What are the most popular sports among teens?
- Where can teens go to do sports?
- Why do teens sometimes get out of shape?
- How much time does it take you to do sports?
- What about your friends? How do they keep fit?
Pupils 1: (suggested answers)
-I think that are swimming, football, volleyball.
- Teens can do sports where they want. I mean gym, court, sports ground, stadium.
- They eat too many sweets, fast food and do not do sports.
- It takes me 2 hours a day.
- My friends also try to keep fit. They do sports and try not to eat fast food.
2.3 Обобщение по теме урока (5 - 7 мин.) Используется ex. 36 p. 109 (учебник)
Techer: And now tell me what should we eat to be healthy and strong?
Pupils: We should eat food full of vitamins, more fruit and vegetables.
Techer: Name vitamins you know and tell where we can find them.
Pupils: Vitamin A (green vegetables, milk, eggs). Vitamin B1 (meat, bread). Vitamin C (oranges, onions, cabbages, green pepper). Vitamin D (eggs). Vitamin E (wheat, nuts). Vitamins B6 and K (beans, milk, tomatoes).
Techer: What for should people eat all these vegetables and fruit?
Pupils: Vitamins make people healthy, optimistic and strong.
Teacher: But we must remember a very good rule: "I eat to live, but I don't live to eat."
3. Заключительный этап урока:
3.1 Составление правил по теме урока: "What should I do to keep fit?" Let's make the code of a healthy man. ( 3 - 5 мин.)
Pupils: (suggested answers)
-Do sports every day
- Never eat too much sweets, try not to drink Coke
- Spent more time outdoors
- Eat fruit and vegetables
- Go cycling every evening in spring and summer
- Do morning exercises
- Take shower in the morning and in the evening
- Drink vitamins
3.2 Подведение итогов. (1 мин.)
Teacher: Summing up everything that has been said we must say: that is better to be athletic and strong. What else can you mention?
Pupils: (suggested answer)
Use our rules and everything will be OK with health.
3.3 Объяснение домашнего задания. (1 мин.)
Teacher: Try to prove the proverb: "Health is above wealth". (write 5 - 7 sentences and retell them)
3.4 Выставление оценок. (1 - 2 мин.)
Учитель объективно и аргументированно выставляет оценки за урок, учитывая работу каждого ученика: стих, репортаж, вопросы, ответы, выводы, правила, объяснения.
Teacher: Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. You may go. Good buy!