- Учителю
- Конспект урока +презентация +видео по английскому языку на тему 'Clothes'
Конспект урока +презентация +видео по английскому языку на тему 'Clothes'
Theme : Clothes
Class: 5
1)активизировать изученную лексику по теме «Одежда»;
2)научить учащихся использовать названия предметов одежды во фразах «I am wearing» в монологической речи и в работе с микротекстами;
3)научить составлять ситуативный диалог с лексикой по теме «В магазине» ;
4)совершенствовать навыки чтения ,письма, прослушивания, звукопроизносительные навыки
-развивать память, логику, творческое воображение
-прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент
Good morning, good morning we say in the morning
Good afternoon , good afternoon we say in the afternoon
Good evening , good evening we say in the evening
To fellow and friends we say -Hello!Hi!
We know how to greet each other in different ways. Now let' s speak a little bit.
-Who is on duty today?
-How many pupils are there in the classroom?
-Who isn't here today?
-What date is it today?
-What day of the week is it today?
Thank you very much! Sit down, please!
Look at the pictures and speak about the weather today.Is it sunny\ cold\rainy?
-Great!Are you ready to work?
2.Подведение к теме и целям урока
-To get know our topic for today I suggest you to make a puzzle.Each pair has the pieces of the puzzle. Your task is to join all the parts correctly and you will have pictures.
What pictures do you have? What is our theme?-Right. Clothes.Write down the date and the theme.
We' ll speak how to wear in different seasons and how to communicate at the shop.
3.Phonetic exercise
Firstly, work at your pronunciation. Take phonetic cards, listen to me, repeat and show the common sound of words.
-jeans, jacket, jam What is the sound? What is the odd word here?
-shorts, shoes,sugar
-blouse, trousers, mouse
-socks, skirt, sun
4.Повторение изученной лексики
Match the clothes with the pictures. Make it individually and then we will check.
You have the evaluation table. Look at the criteria and put the mark.
5. Закрепление темы
-Now we should speak about the seasons and suitable clothes. I 'll give you the picture. You should write the clothes , its colour and the appropriate season.
На доске предложения ,проверяем, у кого совпало ставим плюсы.
-Yesterday I got one video-message for you. Your task is to listen to the video carefully and try to understand for the first time, for the second fill in the gaps.
1)Hello!My name is I am from England.I am eleven years old.I am wearing black trousers, white shirt and black shoes.
2)Hello, pupils ! My name is. I am from Indonesia.I am wearing white shirt, red skirt and red tie.
3) Good morning! My name is I am from Mexico.I am wearing green uniform. What are you wearing?
-заполнить пропуски
-проверить, прочитать,перевести
-каждый ответит .что одевает в школе
It is high time to have a rest a little bit. Stand up and move!
7. Работа с диалогом
Now you should go to the shop and buy some clothes. Look at the blackboard. There is a dialogue between the customer and the shop- assistant. Listen to me and repeat after me.
The shop assistant: Good morning!Can I help you?
The customer : Hello! I 'd like a brown shirt.
The shop assistant: What size do you wear?
The customer :M
The shop assistant: Do you like it?
The customer: Yes, I like it. \ No, I don' like it. How much does it cost?
The shop assistant :It is 50 $
The customer:Thank you!
Change the underlined words and make your own dialogue.
- каждая пара составляет по образцу, читает.другие пары слушают и исправляют потом ошибки.
Today you have worked very well . Now it is high time to analyse your work. Your have three stickers. Pink is for five, green is for good , four and blue is for three. Stick your marks to the blackboard.
9. Конец урока
The lesson is over. Stand up!Good bye!