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  • конспект урока по английскому языку 11 класс

конспект урока по английскому языку 11 класс

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Краткое описание:                             План урока по теме « Проблемы городской жизни». 11 класс.                                        (УМК Английский язык в фокусе п/р Афанасьевой О.В, Дули Дж,                                  Михеевой И.В, Оби Б, Эванс В.)Цель урока:   совершен
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План урока по теме « Проблемы городской жизни». 11 класс.

(УМК Английский язык в фокусе п/р Афанасьевой О.В, Дули Дж,

Михеевой И.В, Оби Б, Эванс В.)

Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Задачи урока.

Воспитательные: воспитывать бережное отношение к окружающей среде,

развивать познавательный интерес к предмету.

Образовательные: развитие навыков монологической речи, семантизация лексических единиц в речи и письме.

Развивающие: закрепить умения наблюдать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать новый материал, а также умение слушать собеседников и поддерживать дискуссию на иностранном языке.

Topic: urban life problems

Lesson plan.


Warm up activity:

Divide students in pairs and distribute a few pictures to each pair. The students have to identify the problems described on the pictures and decide which of them is the most and the least serious.

As students speak about the problems, the teacher writes them on the board.

Pictures may illustrate problems of: air pollution, litter in the street, heavy traffic, graffiti. Street hawkers, stray animals, beggars, overcrowded public transport. (this activity takes 5 minutes)


Task 1. Complete the sentences by highlighting the problems under discussion. (5 minutes)

  1. It drives me crazy when …

  2. It's getting on me when …

  3. It's really irritating when …

  4. It really annoys me when …

  5. …. makes me angry

after the task is completed the teacher discusses and checks students' sentences.

Task 2. (OPTIONAL THEREFORE NOT OBLIGATORY) Unfortunately in many cases people don't mind having the problems mentioned. What excuses do they usually make? Students are to complete the sentences using their own ideas (it can be pair-work) (7 minutes)

Example: Dog's mess in the park does not really bother me, I just don't walk in the parks.

  1. it is normal to have cars on the pavements because …

  2. overcrowded public transport is not a big deal for me because …

  3. I often see people leaving rubbish in metro cars and it's okay …

  4. I've heard heavy traffic causes greenhouse effect, it's absurd because …

  5. I did not that lack of parks was a problem, I don't care because …

after the task is completed the teacher discusses and checks students' ideas.

Video. (15- 17 minutes) this is a three-step task.

1. Before demonstrating a video the teacher tells a short introductory story. He/ she writes down the key words and phrases.

"A friend of mine lives in Quebec. He lives and works in a big city. He is extremely annoyed by the urban problems. He is also very concerned about ecology and keeping the planet clean. In order to take some action he decided to join a special community. This community unites people who are ready tackle urban problems. They take different measures to raise awareness among young and old citizens in their city. The purpose of their work is to encourage people take care about our planet and find solutions to existing problems. My friends likes this community and what they do, he wanted to share their experience, so he sent this video clip."

Key words and phrases:

To raise awareness - повышать осведомленность / информированность

To be concerned about - заботиться / беспокоиться о чем-то

To take action - предпринимать действия

Measures - меры

To tackle a problem - браться за решение проблемы

To find a solution - найти решение

To encourage - воодушевлять, поощрять

2. After the text is presented the teacher distributes the same text to the students. The students are to complete the text by translating the words following the key words.

Example of the blank:

'A friend of mine lives in Quebec. He lives and works in a big city. He is extremely annoyed by the _____________(городские проблемы). He is also very concerned about ecology and ___________ (содержание) the planet clean. __________ (для того чтобы) take some action he decided to join a special community. This community unites people who are ready tackle urban problems. They take _________ (различные) measures to raise awareness among young and old __________ (граждане) in their city. The _________ (цель) of their work is to encourage people __________ (заботиться о) our planet and find solutions to __________ (существующие) problems. My friends like this community and what they do, he wanted to share their experience, so he sent this video clip.'

N.B.This task should be done and checked quickly, afterwards the students and the teacher watch the video.

3. After watching the video the students write their opinions (1 student writes 1 sentence) about it using some of key words and phrases.

Example: I really enjoyed the video, I think it can help tackle the problems more effectively.



After writing tasks are completed and discussed each student gets a card with a question (the question might be given in Russian for translation) related to the topic of problems of urban life. The aim of the task is to carry out a survey in the class. Each student has to put his/her question to the rest of the class, to this end it is necessary to make a list of students and put down every answer. After the interview is finished each student summarizes their data in writing and the presents his/her results orally. (12 - minutes)

Example: my question was: Do you drop litter in the street if there is no litterbin nearby? 9 people said 'yes'. 13 people said 'no'.

Possible questions:

  1. Do you think there is enough green spaces in your neighborhood?

  2. Do you see many stray animals in your neighborhood?

  3. Do you think graffiti make our city beautiful?

  4. Do you think there is enough litterbins in your neighborhood?

  5. If you dropped litter accidentally do you pick it up or do you leave it unnoticed?


Hometask. Work in pairs. Make up your own dialogues on the theme.

Pictures for the warm-up exercise.

Heavy traffic

Lack of green spaces


Stray animals

Cars on pavements


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