• Учителю
  • Відкритий урок з англійської мови у 2 класі за темою: 'Моя оселя'

Відкритий урок з англійської мови у 2 класі за темою: 'Моя оселя'

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предварительный просмотр материала

Урок англійської мови у 2-му класі

за темою « My House. My Flat »

(Гаврилова О.В., ХСШ № 156, Харків)



  • проконтролювати ступінь засвоєння знань за темою « Мій дім »;

  • формувати навички аудіювання та читання у учнів;

  • читати текст з розумінням основного змісту;

  • удосконалювати навички вживання структур there is / there are в усному мовленні на рівні:

а) фрази;

б) розповіді


  • поглибити знання учнів про свій будинок (квартиру);

  • сформувати уявлення учнів про таке граматичне явище як прийменники

(on, under, in, by)


  • розвивати мовну здогадку;

  • розвивати естетичне сприймання дійсності;

  • розвивати пізнавальний інтерес у дітей та логічне мислення


  • формувати почуття гордості за свою родину, свій будинок;

  • прищеплювати любов до праці в учнях;

  • формувати критичне ставлення до вчинків людей


  • малюнки із зображенням меблів та різних типів кімнат;

  • картки із лексичними одиницями та структурами;

  • магнітофонні записи пісні, тексту для аудіювання;

  • іграшка (крольча);

  • підручник «Welcome 1» видавництва «Express Publishing»

Тип уроку:

Урок розвитку навичок аудіювання та говоріння.

Procedure of the Lesson

І. The beginning of the lesson

  1. Greeting and aim.

Teacher. Good morning, everyone!

I'm glad to see you.

Today's topic is «My House».

Сьогодні ми з вами допоможемо хлопчику Тому вірно розташувати меблі в його кімнатах, спробуємо розшукати кроляча. А також будемо багато грати, рухатись, співати та танцювати.

We are going to revise a lot of words on the topic «My house», read, play, chant (make an orchestra). Be active, attentive and you'll get good marks.

  1. Warming - up:

You can see 3 facеs on your desks. How do you feel?

Choose one of the faces and show me your mood, please.

(Each Student has 3 cards with faces on his / her desk)

Students show the appropriate card to the Teacher.

Teacher. What do you like doing?

What is fun for you?

There is a table on the board.

a) first Students make their It's fun

own versions (for example: ☺

write, read, act, talk etc);

b) Teacher sticks the help cards; yalp ecnad gnis evom

c) Students guess the words and the

Teacher replaces the cards. play dance sing move

Teacher. I see you like doing and you can do a lot of activities.

Let's start our work with phonetic drills:

[ W ]

  1. Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? 3 times


  1. Wendy's wardrobe is white.

  1. When and where

What and why

Where's he?

Where's she?

Where are you?

Where are we?

  1. The Main Part of the Lesson

    1. Teacher: As you know we are going to speak about your houses

My House

inlivg moor tahborom rmooebd ckithne

Teacher: Look at the board and guess which rooms are there in the house?

Students guess the words and the teacher replace the cards

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

living room bathroom bedroom kitchen

  1. Teacher gives the cards with the words to the Students

(one card is for one Student )

Teacher: Read the word and stick the words under the appropriate room.

Students stand up by turn and stick the words (labels), naming the word before.

living room bathroom bedroom kitchen

sofa bath door cupboard

vase door window chair

armchair clock table

desk lamp door

door picture window

window cooker




Teacher: And now close your eyes, please.

(Teacher replaces some cards in the wrong place).

Teacher: What's different? What's wrong?

Students put the cards into the right order.

  1. Teacher: You know the lexis well and I suppose you can do the next task easily

Read the text and fill in the words

Hi! I'm Tom and this is my bedroom. There is a big ____________

in my bedroom. It's _______ . Blue is my favorite colour! There is a

__________ and a __________ . The table is black and the chair is

________ . There is a nice ____________ on the table.

It's ___________ . Look at my ____________ , Pinky!

He's on the bed. Ha, ha! He's very funny!

Teacher: And now let's listen to the tape and read this text together. Try to show the text with the help of your hands.

Students listen to the text and read it after the tape and show it.

Teacher: You see how funny this task is! But I want to know how you understood the text.

Please, answer my questions:

  1. What's Tom's favourite colour?

  2. What colour is the table?

  3. What colour is the chair?

  4. Where is Pinky?

  5. What's your favourite colour?

  1. Teacher. Good for you! I think you're tired a bit. Let's do our morning exercises:

Morning Exercises:

Pick up, put down,

Stand up, turn round,

Clap left, clap right,

Clap up, clap down,

Look left, look right,

Look up, look down,

Sit down,

Touch something brown.

Point to the teacher,

Point to the door,

Look at the window,

Look at the floor,

Stand on your left leg,

Stand on your right,

Now sit down,

And touch something white.

  1. Teacher: Bravo! You are wonderful! And now let's listen to the tape. Look at the picture of the room. We are going to listen and draw the lines from the items to the appropriate place. But at first, let's revise the prepositions of place.


On the board:

In on under by

Teacher shows the pictures, Students label them.

Students listen and draw lines to show where each object or animal is.

  1. Put the glass on the table.

  2. Put the cat in the armchair.

  3. Put the dog under the table.

  4. Put the ball on the chair.

Teacher practices the following structures with Students.

Teacher: Where's the glass?

Students: the glass is on the table.

Then Students practice these structures in pairs.

  1. Teacher: Well done! I knew you could do it.

And now it's time to relax and take a pause.

Relaxation pause

Please, put your hands on the desks and sit comfortable. Положіть руки на парти та сядьте зручно, будь ласка.

Close your eyes. Calm down. Заплющить очі, заспокойтесь.

Relax your body. Relax your mind. Розслабтесь...

Breathe slowly in, breathe out then. Повільно вдохніть, видохніть.

Now you can see some beautiful pictures. Зараз, ви можете побачити яскраві малюнки.

You are sleeping, you are dreaming. Ми всі спимо та бачимо сни.

Imagine that you are a butterfly.Уявіть собі, що ви метелики.

You are in the beautiful garden. Ви знаходитесь у мальовничому садочку.

Everything is blowing. Все - квітне.

You can fly anywhere you want. Ви можете летіти куди завгодно.

You are happy and quiet. Ви - щасливі та спокійні.

The world is beautiful. Світ - красивий.

There are a lot of nice flowers in the garden; the grass is green and soft. В садочку багато красивих квітів, трава - зелена та м'якенька.

You are in an excellent mood. Ви - в чудовому настрої.

Everything is all right. Все -гаразд.

Let's rest a bit. Давайте трошки відпочинемо.

It's time to return home. Але час повертатись додому.

You are boys and girls now.Зараз ви - хлопчики та дівчатка.

Now you are going to wake up.Зараз ви просинаєтесь…

One…two…three, wake up, please. Просинайтесь, будь ласка.

You feel rested. Ви почуваєте себе відпочилим.

I suppose you are going to continue our work.

  1. Teacher: And now I think it's time to play.

But at first, look at the pictures and answer my question: Where's Masid?

Teacher shows the pictures of the genie Masid.

Students make the sentences:

He's in the cupboard.

He's on the sofa.

He's under the table.

He's in the bath. etc

Teacher: And your task now is to find the rabbit.( Teacher shows the toy rabbit to the students). This is my little friend, Rabbit Pinky. Right now I'm going to hide it in one of these rooms and you have to find it.

There are the pictures of different rooms on the board (living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen).

Students look at the pictures and identify the rooms.

Teacher chooses a student and asks him/her to choose one of the four pictures and think of a place to hide the rabbit somewhere in this room.

Students ask questions until they find where the rabbit is.

Student 1: Where's my rabbit ?

Student 2: Is it in the bedroom?

Student 1: No, it isn't.

Student 3: Is it in the living room?

Student 1: Yes, it is.

Student 4: Is it on the table? etc.

  1. Teacher: I knew you could do it. I'm proud of you! You had a lot of fun during the game, but could you answer my questions:

Do you like singing?

Do you like dancing?

Do you like making a noise?

If yes, let's make an orchestra.

The first group will play on the drums (stamp their feet).

The second group will clap their hands.

The third group will snap their fingers.

The fourth group will dance.

We all will sing and move at the same time.

The Teddy Bear Song !

Where, oh where,

Is my teddy bear?

Is he in the living room?

Is he in the pink bathroom?

Where, or where?

Is my teddy bear?

In the kitchen, on the chair,

In my favourite blue armchair?

Where are you,

My little Ted?

Here you are,

Under my bed!

Teacher: You are Spectacular. Outstanding performance!

  1. Summary

Home task

Teacher: Your home task is to write a project about your bedroom. Draw the picture of your bedroom and describe it. Use Tom's story as an example for your projects.

Teacher: Well done, children. You have worked very hard today.

I thank you for your work, your marks…

But before we finish our work, I want to return to the table from the beginning of the lesson. Давайте згадаємо нашу табличку, над якою ми працювали на початку уроку. Скажіть, будь ласка, ми грали сьогодні з вами? Танцювали? Співали? Рухались? Ось, ми робили все те, що вам подобається.

It's fun

play dance sing move

Teacher: And now show me the face of your mood.

Students show on the faces to the teacher.

Teacher: Excellent! You brighten my day!

But it's time to say good-bye for now.

Our lesson is over.


living room




inlivg moor





Is it … ?

is are

що ? де ?

in on

by TV




















It's fun









[ W ]

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why?





When and where

What and why

Where's he?

Where's she?

Where are you?

Where are we?


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