- Учителю
- Открытый урок «Волшебные сказки»
Открытый урок «Волшебные сказки»
План - конспект
открытого урока
по английскому языку
в 4 классе «Г» МОУ Гимназия №4
Тема урока «Волшебные сказки»
Грамматическая тема «Future Simple Tense»
Учитель: Бумбак Е.Э.
Дата проведения 19.05.14.
Тип урока: Урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.
Цель урока: закрепление полученных лексических и грамматических навыков по теме «Goldilocks», отработка умений и навыков по их применению.
Образовательная задача: закрепить пройденный грамматический материал, а именно, употребление будущего времени Future Simple , продолжать формировать у учащихся навыки общения в рамках речевой ситуации «Волшебные сказки».
Развивающая задача: развивать у учащихся навыки монологической и диалогической речи и умение систематизировать полученные знания по данной теме.
Воспитательная задача: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к английскому языку, уважение к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе и слушать друг друга.
Технологии: коммуникативная, ИКТ, игровая.
Методы: словесные, практические, наглядные.
Средства обучения: учебник, презентация, раздаточный материал, магнитофон.
Формы организации: фронтальная, групповая.
I. Приветствие, сообщение темы урока.
-Good morning, dear guests. Good morning, boys and girls.
Our theme today is «Fairy tales». We'll review the words on this theme and do some exercises with Future Simple Tense. Now let's start.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Let's do some phonetic exercises. Please, repeat after me:
/ɔ/Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Tom Tit Tot, Johnny-cake,
/ei/ Mermaid, Brave Tin Soldier, The Magic Porridge Pot,
/ʌ/Ugly Duckling, Jack the Buttermilk, Alice in Wonderland,
/i/ Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs,
/ju:/Beauty and the Beast.
III. Лексическая зарядка.
We have read different combinations of words. You need to guess who are they? Let's try to remember these heroes.
Supposed answers: Goldilocks and the Three Bears- Златовласка и три медведя
Tom Tit Tot- Том Тит Тот, Johnny-cake- Пирожок Джонни, Mermaid- Русалочка, Brave Tin Soldier- Храбрый Оловянный Солдатик, The Magic Porridge Pot- Волшебный горшок с кашей, Ugly Duckling- Гадкий утёнок,
Jack the Buttermilk- Пахта Джек, Alice in Wonderland- Алиса в стране чудес, Cinderella- Золушка, Little Red Riding Hood- Красная Шапочка, The Three Little Pigs- Три поросёнка, Beauty and the Beast- Красавица и чудовище.
IV. Работа с текстом.
Let's read a text about Goldilocks and the Three Bears at page 130-131.After reading you will do exercises at page 132. Now I need three pupils: Baby, Narrator and Goldilocks. Who would like to read? Ok, let's start.
Baby: Who's this? Who's this in my nice bed?
Narrator: Then Goldie lifts her sleepy head!
Goldilocks: Oh no!
Narrator: She says…
Goldilocks: I'm very sorry! But please don't cry! Please don't worry! Come to my house, Come with me! We can eat some cakes. And drink some tea!
Narrator: So Goldilocks and her three new friends are very happy in the End!
Ex.1.You need to work in groups. Find information from text who says these words?
Come with me! ( Goldilocks)
Who's this? Who's this?( Baby Bear)
Then Goldie lifts her sleepy head.( Narrator)
I'm very sorry.( Goldilocks)
Ex.2. Now you work in pairs. You need to complete an invitation, which Goldilocks have written to The Three Bears.
To the … …,
Please come to my … . We can eat some… and … some tea!
Supposed answers:
Three Bears
V. Физ. минутка.
Are you tired? Then let's do the exercises. Stand up, please. You'll see a video and you need to repeat movements after the heroes of Madagascar.
VI. Развитие навыков аудирования и коммуникативных навыков.
Now I'll show you a video. It's an English fairy tale. And you need to look carefully and to remember words of appearance.
Also I'll show you a Russian fairy tale. Now you need to find the difference between the heroes and their appearance. You'll have a list of adjectives with their help you'll easily describe characters.
List of adjectives:
Small, big, funny, blond hair, brown fur, blue eyes, brown eyes, small nose, big nose, white small teeth, big sharp teeth, fat, slim, round face, oval face, tall, short, kind, angry, silly, beautiful.
VII. Развитие грамматических навыков.
Look here there are ten sentences. You need to open your exercise books and write down the date. Then read all the sentences and complete their with the right grammatical form. I remind you that this is the Future Simple Tense. Who will do the first one, put your hand up and you'll come to the blackboard and write it down.
Goldilocks… to the Bears' House.
She … eat the baby's porridge.
The bears … go the forest.
Mother Bear … Cook some tasty porridge.
Father Bear … burn itself.
The porridge …. be too hot.
Baby Bear … cry.
Goldilocks… sleep upstairs.
The Bears … be angry and upset.
Goldilocks … invite the Three Bears to her house.
Supposed answers:
1. will
2. will
3. will
4. will
5. will
6. will
7. will
8. will
9. will
10. will
VIII. Диагностика результатов.
Now I'll give you papers. I have a little test for you. Choose the right variant. Work on your own, please. You have 5 min.
Goldilocks is a … girl
a) little b) big c) old
She has … eyes.
a) brown b) blue c) blue
Mother tells her: don't go to…
a) park b)school c)forest
In the wood there live …. Bears.
a) one b) three c) two
Goldilocks … go the forest.
a) will b) won't c) is
… the bears come back to the house?
a) Can b) Will c) Are
She will … three Bears to her house.
a) put b) bring c) invite
Supposed answers:
1. little
2. blue
3. forest
4. three
5. will
6. Will
7. invite
IX. Обобщение. Рефлексия.
You have worked very good today. Let's remember what do you like most?
What was the most difficult tusk for you? What have you learnt new? Do you like our lesson, if you do so please put green cards up, if you don't like the lesson please put red cards up. Ok, your marks for the lesson are... Now write down your home task.... Thank you very much. The lesson is over. Good buy.