- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме «Школы Великобритании»
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме «Школы Великобритании»
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе с использованием новых методов обучения
Автор: учитель английского языка Староузюмской СОШ Атнинского муниципального района Республики Татарстан Назмиева Гульгена Данилевна
Дата: , 2014
Тема: Schools in Great Britain. (обучение поисковому чтению.)
образовательные: обучать учащихся чтению с извлечением из текста определенной информации, кратко передать информацию прочитанного текста;
развивающая: развивать умение выражать свое отношение к прочитанному;
воспитательные: способствовать формированию интереса к системам образования в англоязычных странах.
Языковой материал: лексика по теме «Школьное образование», The Passive Voice, The Active Voice.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Оснащение урока:
- тематические картинки по теме;
- карточки для работы с лексикой;
- видеофрагмент к уроку, компьютер, экран;
- карточки с заданиями;
- учебно-методический комплекс М. З. Биболетовой, Н. Н.Трубаневой «Enjoy English» для 7 класса общеобразовательной школы.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
- Good morning children. I'm glad to see you. How are you?
Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? What is the weather like today? (ответы дежурного)
- Today we shall learn the new information about different schools in Great Britain and find out what is common in them.
II. Речевая зарядка.
- At first, let's remember and speak about our school life. Listen to me and answer my questions.
1) What is school for you? (It is my second home.)
2) What can you say about school? (School is a place where I can spend my time useful.)
3) At what age do Russian pupils start school? (Russian pupils star school at the age of 6.)
4) How many days a week do you go to school? (We go to school 6 days a week.)
5) How many lessons do you have every day? (We have 6 or 5 lessons every day.)
6) What subjects do you study this year? (I study the same subjects with the last year and Physics is my new subject this year.)
7) What is your favorite subject? (My favorite subjects are Russian and Mathematics.)
8) What school activities do you attend after lessons? (I like to do sports or play chess with my friends after lessons.)
III. Введение лексики по теме «Schools in Great Britain».
- Today we shall learn some new words on the topic «Schools in Great Britain». Let's read, translate and write down the new words to our vocabularies.
На доске слова: 1) to attend a school - посещать
2) to consist of -состоять
3)a reception class - приемный класс
4)Junior school - младшая школа
5)to last - длиться, продолжаться
6)to accept - принимать
7)neighbouring - соседние
8)to differ from - отличаться
IV. Первичное закрепление введенной лексики.
- All children like to play games. Now I want you to divide into three teams. Each team will have the cards with the words. You must put the words in the logical order. You have … minutes. Please, begin.
Слова на карточках:
Compulsory/быть образованным
to be educated/посещать школу
to attend a school/состоять
to consist of/приемный класс
a reception class/младшая школа
Junior school/длиться, продолжаться
to last/принимать
to accept/соседние
to differ from/посещать уроки
to attend classes/бесплатное образование
free education/частная школа
a private school/государственная школа
a state school/высшее образование
higher education/среднее образование
secondary school/школьная форма
school uniform/обязательный
V. Активизация лексики. Чтение и нахождение информации по тексту.
- I wonder if you know about the system of school education and different types of schools in the UK. You must answer some questions on your papers. Work in pairs, please. You have … minutes.
You know that British school education is one of the most prestigious all over the world. British children start school at the age of 5. But before school they usually visit nursery school. Nursery school is not compulsory. Those who don't want to visit it stay at home. So pupils begin to attend school at 5. It is a primary school. Primary school lasts for 6 years. Primary school is usually a small school. It consists of a reception class or infant school (which lasts 1 year) and junior school (where pupils spend 5 years). At the age of 11-12 pupils move to a new school, usually comprehensive that accepts all the children from 3 or 4 neighboring junior schools. At this school they spend 5 years.
All British schools are divided into two types: state schools and private schools. State schools differ from private schools. State schools are free. Pupils don't pay money for their education. There is no school uniform in state schools. The discipline in state schools is not very strong. The quality of education in state schools is not so high. State schools are schools where boys and girl study together.
Private schools are very expensive. Parents whose children attend private schools must pay a lot of money for their children. Pupils in private schools have to wear school uniform. They wear dark suits, white or grey shirts, ties, skits or trousers. The discipline in private schools is very strict. High quality of education is typical of private schools. Private schools are usually single-sex. Most private schools are for boys in Great Britain. They are very famous all over the world. Some of them are: ETON, HARROW, RUGBY, WINCHESTER.
Вопросы на листочках:
At what age do British pupils start school?
What school do they visit before?
What can you say about primary school?
What school do pupils begin to attend at the age of 11-12?
What schools are called free?
What schools are very expensive?
In what school is there no school uniform?
In what school do pupils have to wear school uniform?
What can you say about the discipline in private and state schools?
Do boys and girls study together at these schools?
What are the private schools called?
What private schools can you name?
Your time is up. Now, please, answer the questions.
VI. Развитие навыков говорения, грамматических навыков.Corners.
- Here on the wall you can see two types of schools - private and state. Now I want you to choose your own corner - will it be a private school or state school. Now, please, discuss with your partners why do you prefer this type of school. You have … minutes.
- Your time is up. So,…… why do your partner choose this school? (some students). Thank you, take your seats.
VII. Аудирование. Просмотр видеофрагмента. Zoom in.
Let's continuo. I will show you the video about a school and I have some questions for you. At first you have to guess what type of school it was and you have to name this school. (видео 1 - около 30 секунд)
Who can answer, what type of school it was? Can you name this school?
(Strathallan private school. They have their own emblem and students wear school uniform.)
Thank you. Let's continuo. The second question is why do students choose Strathallan? Please, be attentive. (видео 2- около 15 секунд)
(They always choose Strathallan because of their teachers and headmasters are lovely. Students have a lot of friends here and all of them are very kind.)
- Strathallan school is also a place where international students gather. Now you can see a student from Russia, Moscow. And I want you to know what does she say. (She says that it's a good experience to go to Strathallan even if you don't really know English. She says that it will be a big step in the future.)
- Thank you for attention and for your answers.
VIII. Развитие навыков аудирования, говорения. Mix-Pair-Share.
- Now, students, we will do Mix-Pair-Share. When I turn on the music you must mix. When the music is over you must find your partner. Then I'll ask you some questions and you discuss it with your partner and so on. Let's begin. (включаем музыку, перемешиваются, музыка останавливается, каждый находит пару.)
- Would you like to study in private school?
-Think a little.
- The tallest partner begins. You have 20 seconds.
- Time is out. Change partners.
- Time is out. ….., tell me please, Would your partner like to study in private school?
….., Would you like to study in private school?
Thank you. Let's continuo. Students, mix please. (включаем музыку, перемешиваются, музыка останавливается, каждый находит пару.)
- Would you like to study in state school?
-Think a little.
- The smallest partner begins. You have 20 seconds.
- Time is out. Change partners.
- Time is out. ….., tell me please, Would your partner like to study in state school? What about you?
- Who like to study in state school?
Thank you. Let's continuo. Students, mix please. (включаем музыку, перемешиваются, музыка останавливается, каждый находит пару.)
- How do you think, which of these schools is the best, private school or state school?
-Think a little.
- The tallest partner begins. You have 20 seconds.
- Time is out. Change partners.
- Time is out. ….., tell me please your partners opinion, which of these schools is the best, private school or state school?
- How do you think, which of these schools is the best, private school or state school?
- Who can guess, which of these schools is the best for my opinion?
Thank you very much, take your seats.
IX. Подведение итогов.
- Today you have worked hardly and very attentively, you have got a lot of new information about British schools, you have been able to discuss and say your own opinion. I'll give you good marks.
Домашнее задание.
Your homework is 1) to write an essay "An ideal school"
2)to prepare a presentation "Schools in Russia and Great Britain".
Our lesson is over. Thank you, see you later, good-bye.
II. Речевая зарядка.
- At first, let's remember and speak about our school life. Listen to me and answer my questions.
1) What is school for you? (It is my second home.)
2) What can you say about school? (School is a place where I can spend my time useful.)
3) At what age do Russian pupils start school? (Russian pupils star school at the age of 6.)
4) How many days a week do you go to school? (We go to school 6 days a week.)
5) How many lessons do you have every day? (We have 6 or 5 lessons every day.)
6) What subjects do you study this year? (I study the same subjects with the last year and Physics is my new subject this year.)
7) What is your favorite subject? (My favorite subjects are Russian and Mathematics.)
8) What school activities do you attend after lessons? (I like to do sports or play chess with my friends after lessons.)
Приложение 2
Слова на карточках:
Compulsory/быть образованным
to be educated/посещать школу
to attend a school/состоять
to consist of/приемный класс
a reception class/младшая школа
Junior school/длиться, продолжаться
to last/принимать
to accept/соседние
to differ from/посещать уроки
to attend classes/бесплатное образование
free education/частная школа
a private school/государственная школа
a state school/высшее образование
higher education/среднее образование
secondary school/школьная форма
school uniform/обязательный
Приложение 3
- Who can answer, what type of school it was? Can you name this school?
(Strathallan private school. They have their own emblem and students wear school uniform.)
- Thank you. Let's continuo. The second question is why do students choose Strathallan? Please, be attentive. (видео 2- около 15 секунд)
(They always choose Strathallan because of their teachers and headmasters are lovely. Students have a lot of friends here and all of them are very kind.)
- Strathallan school is also a place where international students gather. Now you can see a student from Russia, Moscow. And I want you to know what does she say. (She says that it's a good experience to go to Strathallan even if you don't really know English. She says that it will be a big step in the future.)
Приложение 4
You know that British school education is one of the most prestigious all over the world. British children start school at the age of 5. But before school they usually visit nursery school. Nursery school is not compulsory. Those who don't want to visit it stay at home. So pupils begin to attend school at 5. It is a primary school. Primary school lasts for 6 years. Primary school is usually a small school. It consists of a reception class or infant school (which lasts 1 year) and junior school (where pupils spend 5 years). At the age of 11-12 pupils move to a new school, usually comprehensive that accepts all the children from 3 or 4 neighboring junior schools. At this school they spend 5 years.
All British schools are divided into two types: state schools and private schools. State schools differ from private schools. State schools are free. Pupils don't pay money for their education. There is no school uniform in state schools. The discipline in state schools is not very strong. The quality of education in state schools is not so high. State schools are schools where boys and girl study together.
Private schools are very expensive. Parents whose children attend private schools must pay a lot of money for their children. Pupils in private schools have to wear school uniform. They wear dark suits, white or grey shirts, ties, skits or trousers. The discipline in private schools is very strict. High quality of education is typical of private schools. Private schools are usually single-sex. Most private schools are for boys in Great Britain. They are very famous all over the world. Some of them are: ETON, HARROW, RUGBY, WINCHESTER.
Вопросы на листочках:
At what age do British pupils start school?
What school do they visit before?
What can you say about primary school?
What school do pupils begin to attend at the age of 11-12?
What schools are called free?
What schools are very expensive?
In what school is there no school uniform?
In what school do pupils have to wear school uniform?
What can you say about the discipline in private and state schools?
Do boys and girls study together at these schools?
What are the private schools called?
What private schools can you name?