- Учителю
- Урок по теме Здоровье, 11 класс
Урок по теме Здоровье, 11 класс
Конспект урока английского языка по теме «Здоровье»
(11 класс, «Spotlight»).
1. Закрепить лексический материал по теме;
2. Воспитать толерантность и взаимоуважение;
3. Развить креативное мышление и языковую догадку;
4. Построить диалог по теме, используя слова по теме;
5. совершенствовать навыки использования каузативных глаголов have, get, make
5. Правильно сформулировать обоснованное монологическое высказывание.
1. Развивать речевые навыки.
2. Совершенствовать навыки аудирования.
3. Совершенствовать диалогическую речь.
4. Обучать чтению с извлечением основной информации.
5. Совершенствовать словообразование.
6. Тренировать память.
</ Презентация, раздаточный материал(с текстом и грамматическими упражнениями), аудиозапись.
Ход урока.
1.Орг. момент.
Приветствие, беседа с дежурным
2.Актуализция знаний
Работа с пословицами.
- Let's read the proverbs, explain what they mean and try to find the Russian equivalent for each. What proverb do you personally agree with ? (слайд 2)
1.Good health is above wealth.
2.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
4.A sound mind in a sound body.
- very good work so, let's find key word out of all these proverbs.(health)
You are right!
At our todays lesson we'll speak about Health, it's protection and health problems.
We'll have a lot of discussion and dialogues, and also you'll improve your listening skills. (слайд 3)
3.Подача нового материала
Составление рифмованного стихотворения (слайд 4)
- Let's create 5-senses poem.
You have the structure of 5-senses poem in your cards. You'll have
3 minutes to create a poem.
Health is…
• It smells like …
• It tastes like …
• It sounds like …
• It looks like …
• It makes me feel …
Let's check.
Работа с текстом
Перед началом работы с текстом ученикам предлагается выполнить
упражнение на сопоставление.
Match the words.(слайд 5)
Проверка задания (слайд 6)
Работа с текстом (слайд 7)
Класс делится на группы для выполнения задания. Учитель отводит определённое время для выполнения упражнений по тексту. Каждая команда отвечает по-очереди. Подводятся итоги.
Good Health Is Above Wealth
There is a good proverb in English:» Good health is above wealth».
Health was valued greatly in all times and in all countries.
The ancients said: «A sound mind in a sound body». Therefore we
must live a (health) life. A healthy way of life consists of
physical exercises, good plain food, absence of bad habits, such as
(smokе) and (drink). Our town life today gives us little
opportunities for (physic) exercises and motion. We have running
water and central heating in our flats, we like to sit in a
comfortable armchair and watch TV on our days off. We often forget
that fresh air and exer¬cises are good for the health.
We eat much meat and sugar, but not much fruit and vegetables. The
problem of food is very important for the healthy way of life. We
may again remember another English proverb: «An apple a day keeps
the doctor away». Doctors always advise us to eat more veg¬etables
and fruit, because there are very many vitamins in them.
Everybody who has bad habits must try to give them up, if he
doesn't want to fall ill. Besides, it is not very (use) to sit up
late at night before a TV-set and sleep till noon the next day. And
another English proverb says: «Early to bed, early to rise makes
the man healthy, wealthy and wise».
A person is healthy when he is free of illness. But if you are ill
or have sharp pain you have to go to the doctor immediately. He
will listen to your lungs. Then the doctor will take your blood
pressure and feel your pulse. If you have a bad cold, а high
temperature and hacking cough, when you have a sore throat, it will
be difficult for you to swallow and to breathe.
Perhaps the doctor will ask you to buy the medicine and to stay in
bed for some days. If the doctor (prescribe) a medicine for you,
you should take it (regular). You will drink warm milk if you have
a (run) nose. You will recover (early) if you stay in bed.
People all over the world are fond of sport and games. Sport makes
people healthy and swimming-pools, skating rinks, football
In general, our people are fond of sport and games, but many of
them watch football, hockey and basketball on TV, lying on a
comfortable sofa.
If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or
Sport, healthy food and absence of bad habits help us to live a
healthy life. It can help us to relax and to keep fit, to make new
friends and to plan our life, to develop our mind and body and to
be strong.
Текстовый этап.
- Read the text silently and open the brackets.
Read the sentences with words in bold.
Answer the question «What is the main idea of the text"?
Фонетическая разминка (проводится разминка для глаз, проговаривается скороговорка и т.д.)
Послетекстовый этап.
- Name the main rules how to be healthy and strong.
( - get up early and go to bed early;
- take regular exercises;
- take a cold shower every day;
- eat healthy food and never smoke;
- wash the hands before you eat and clean your teeth twice a day,
Подача грамматического материала (слайд 8 )
Учитель вместе с учениками разбирают правила употребления каузативных глаголов. Выполняются упражнения из Workbook
Включается аудиозапись «У доктора», учащиеся заполняют формуName
Doctor' s advice
Ролевая игра (составление диалога)
Ребята делятся на группы по 3-4 человека, в каждой группе есть врач и пациенты.
Каждый пациент имеет карточку. Перед диалогом необходимо написать свое имя, заболевание в индивидуальную карточку, после диалога - советы доктора.
Каждый диалог длится не более 2,3 минут.
- You would like to visit a doctor because you have health problem. You need the doctor 's advice.
(работа в группах)
4. Подведение итогов урока
Was the lesson interesting or not ? Why?
What was the most interesting for you ?
5. Заключительный этап урока.
Домашнее задание: упр. 1,2 стр. 28 (Р.Т.).
Выставление отметок. Подведение итогов урока.