- Учителю
- План конспект урока по английскому языку 'Школьные годы'
План конспект урока по английскому языку 'Школьные годы'
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа с.Лельвиж»
Кукморского муниципального района Республики Татарстан
Школьные годы
Урок разработала и провела
Кадирова Л.М.,
учитель английского языка
II квалификационной категории
2015 год
урока английского языка
Учитель: Кадирова Л.М
УМК: Enjoy English-7, 2007 год.Авторы - Биболетова М. З., Трубанева Н.Н.
Вид урока: комбинированный
Тема урока: «Школьные годы»
Цели урока: 1.Практические: вспомнить необходимую лексику по теме «Школа»
- введение и активизация лексических единиц по теме - --- ------формирование навыка выражения своего мнение о школе
2. Развивающие
- расширение кругозора учащихся;
- развитие языковой догадки;
- развитие интереса к языку.
3. Воспитательные
- развитие у учащихся чувства гордости за свою школу
-развитие толерантности к одноклассникам и уважения к учителям
- снятие языкового барьера.
оснащение урока:
- классная доска;
- интерактивная доска;
- аудиозапись;
- раздаточный материал.
Ход урока.
1Организационный момент.
1. Приветствие.
- Good morning, my dear friends! How are you today? Are you OK?
- Let's begin our lesson. At first greet your face partners, then your shoulder partners, our guests and me. - I'm glad to see you. Sit down.
2. Совместное целеполагание.
СЛАЙД 1. Let's start with the poem. Will you translate it. Thank you.
What are we going to do today?
Yes, you are right. We are going speak about our school.
2. Совершенствование лексических навыков. Стадия «Вызов»
We also will speak about school life, school rules and school traditions.
1) What do you associate the word "school" with?
Учащиеся получают задание подобрать слова, связанные с темой, к каждой букве слова "SCHOOL"
1 - существительные
2- глаголы
3 - прилагательные
Now, let's start! СЛАЙД 3.
2) Make up sentences using the words from your card.
-Sasha would you like to read your words and sentences? etc
Excellent, thank you!
3. Совершенствование навыков чтения.
- I am a teacher, and who are you? You are pupils, aren't you? You go to school now; your parents went to school when they were children. Some people like the school, others don't. But people of different ages always have something to say about school.
Now I want you to work in groups. Each group is given a short text, in which some grown-up people and schoolchildren are sharing their opinions about school. Which of these opinions belong to grown-up people and children? How did you guess? Share your opinion in your group.
Mike: I don't like school very much. I have some problems with maths. I'm always nervous when we have a test. I would like not to have any tests. Besides I hate homework. I think that everything is boring at school. School is a waste of time (бесполезная трата времени). I can get information from books, TV and my computer! But I can't do without my friends. I am glad I see them every day at school.
Mary: our school is not the best, but I like it. It's big and new. Everything is good. I am good at a lot of subjects. My parents are happy that I get excellent and good marks. So am I. I've got three favourite subjects. They are Science, IT and History. Most of my teachers are nice, some are strict but fair.
Jane: I went to the local school, it was an all girls' school, and we had to wear a uniform. That uniform! I really hated it! We had to wear one of those…you know…little hats. Ooh! We didn't mix much with (общались с) children from other schools. Oh, and I am also sorry that we never did things like cookery or needlework (вышивание).
William: School? I lived in the country and I went to the little village school. We were all together- boys and girls of all ages. It was like one big, happy family. I never had any exams. My school days were very happy. The teaching was very good and there were lots of after-school activities. I played in the school orchestra. That was very interesting! I am not sorry that I went to my little village school.
4. Физкультминутка.
5. Развитие навыка устной речи.
СЛАЙД 5,6,7,8.
- Now let's continue our work .I would like you to stand up, move your chairs. Let's mix! Stand in pairs. Give five each other .Look at the question on the screen. Think it over and start discussing in pairs.
-What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it? СЛАЙД 5
- And can you imagine a school without teachers? Of course we can't. There are many teachers in our school. They are men and women, young and old, experienced and just the beginners. They are different. What do you think your teachers should have? What kind of teachers would you like to have? СЛАЙД 6
-So what is a school for you? СЛАЙД 7
- Do you like school? Why? Complete the sentence please.СЛАЙД 8
-Thank you very much! You make me happy! And now you will try to make up rules for teachers, for students and for parents. (3 groups)
-making rules in groups.
6. Рефлексия.
Teacher: Your next task will be to make "Sinquan"
1.Составление синквейна по теме «Школа».
Схема синквейна:
Название (обычно существительное)
Описание темы (обычно два прилагательных)
Описание действия в рамках этой темы (обычно три глагола)
Фраза из четырех слово, показывающая отношение к теме.
Одно слово - повторение сути - синоним или чувство.
Пример синквейна
School! School.
Cool, bright! State, private.
Study, remember, write! Learn, participate, attend.
A place to develop your mind. A place where children learn.
Knowledge. Education.
Teacher: So, boys and girls, what have we done today? СЛАЙД 9
Have you read the texts? ---- Yes, we have.
Have we spoken about teachers and students? -----Yes, we have.
Have we expressed our opinion of school? -----Yes, we have.
So, our tasks are fulfilled.
Thank you for your work.
Write down your home task- ex. 7 p. 92 from your textbook.
7. Итоги урока. Oценки.
I want to finish our lesson with the words of Henry Ford, one of the famous American people.
СЛАЙД 10. Чтение и перевод слов Генри Форда: Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
-Thank you for your work. Your marks are…
8.Билет на выход. Exit ticket.
- Take two cards. On the first write down your wishes to me. On the second write a question or a problem you would like to discuss in the next lesson.