- Учителю
- План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме ' мне нравиться жить в своём родном городе'
План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме ' мне нравиться жить в своём родном городе'
ПЛАН - КОНСПЕКТ ОТКТЫТОГО УРОКА ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ В IV КЛАССЕ ПО ТЕМЕ: « Мне нравиться жить в моём родном городе» (по УМК В.П. Кузовлев, Э. Ш. Перегудова, О.В. Стрельникова, О.В. Дуванова ФГОС для 4 класса)
Тип урока: урок первичного введения и закрепления лексических единиц по теме « Город».
Методы: наглядный, коммуникативный, иллюстративный, практический.
Цель урока: формирование лексических навыков чтения, аудирования и говорения.
Задачи урока:
Развитие умения читать и аудировать с полным пониманием.
Развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Совершенствование произносительных навыков, навыков чтения по транскрипции, по правилам чтения.
Развитие коммуникативных умений в монологической речи.
Совершенствование речевой активности.
Развитие внимания, памяти, мышления, воображения, творческих способностей.
Развитие умения использовать речевой образец в качестве опоры для построения собственного высказывания.
Формирование умения работать классом и самостоятельно.
Формирование отношения сотрудничества, партнёрства.
Воспитание уважения к людям, ценить место, где ты живёшь.
Развитие языковых способностей к догадке по аналогии с родным языком и контексту.
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент:
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. How are you today?
Объяснение целей урока
Teacher: The theme of today's lesson is "I like living in my hometown". We are going to learn new words, read the text, listen to the text, answer the teacher's questions ; you will speak about some places of interest in Moscow, you will feel happy.
II Фонетическая зарядка ( Phonetic Drills).
Celebrate the Earth with me,
The oceans, meadows, mountains, trees.
I'll celebrate the earth with you,
The flowers, people, creatures, too.
Let's celebrate the Earth together,
New green grass, exciting weather.
Celebrate the Earth with me,
Let's share delight in all we see.
III Речевая зарядка
Teacher: a) By the way, is it difficult to feel happy?
Pupil 1: It's easy. We should smile but not quarrel. We shouldn't give one another nick-names.
Pupil 2: To be happy we must help other people. We mustn't hurt the younger ones.
Pupil 3: I am happy when I live in my hometown, have a lot of friends and when I love the people around me and enjoy life.
Teacher: b) Right you are. I fully agree with you. What magic words help you feel happy?
Pupils: Love. Peace. Mercy. Respect. Tolerance. Friendship. Beauty.
Teacher: What magic phrases help you feel happy?
P1: Don't sneak on others.
P2: Feel friendly.
P3: Smile: things could be worse.
P4: Be fair.
P5: Don't worry. Live simply.
P6: The more love you give away, the more you are left with.
Teacher: These words are really magic and wonderful. But I like your sentence " I am happy when I live in my hometown" best of all. We should learn to be kind, tolerant, generous, friendly, joyful, polite, live with people around us.
IV. Формирование лексических навыков говорения.
Презентация новых лексических единиц по теме «Город».
А) Teacher: open your books at page 20, exercise1(1):
Look through the new and known words.
Look at the map. What is there in Andy's town
Listen to the tape-recorder and repeat the words after the announcer
P1: There is a museum in Andy's town. It's number 1.
P2: There is a park in Andy's town. It's number 2.
P3: There is a funfair in Andy's town. It's number 3.
P4: There is a bus stop in Andy's town. It's number 4.
P5: There is a zoo in Andy's town. It's number5.
P6: There is a library in Andy's town. It's number 6.
P7: There is a theatre in Andy's town. It's number 7.
P8: There is a hospital in Andy's town. It's number 8.
P9: There is a swimming pool in Andy's town. It's number 9.
P10: There is a pet shop in Andy's town. It's number 10.
P11: There is a cinema in Andy's town. It's number 11.
P12: There is a pizza restaurant in Andy's town. It's number 12.
P13: There is a supermarket in Andy's town. It's number 13.
P14: There is a café in Andy's town. It's number 14.
P15: There is a school in Andy's town. It's number 15.
P16: There is a playground in Andy's town. It's number 16.
P17: There is a toy shop in Andy's town. It's number 17.
P18: There is a shopping centre in Andy's town. It's number 18.
P19: There is a bus station in Andy's town. It's number 19.
Автоматизация употребления в речи ЛЕ.
А) Teacher: Let's read the text Exercise1(2), page 21
B) Find out only the sentences which describe Andy's attitude to his town.
Pupils: I live in a small friendly town. И т.д.
C) Answer my questions to the text.
Does Andy like visiting the funfair?
What is Sparky like?
What are the people in Andy's town like?
D) Answer the final question " Why does Andy like living in his town".
Pupils: There is a beautiful park with a very nice funfair and a zoo in Andy's town. Andy likes visiting the funfair with his friends. Sparky likes visiting the funfair too.
V) Let' relax.
VI) Игра "Snowball"
P1: There is a museum in Andy's town.
P2: There is a museum and a park in Andy's town.
P3: There is a museum, a park and a funfair in Andy's town.
P4: There is a museum, a park, a funfair and a bus stop in Andy's town.
P5: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop and a zoo in Andy's town.
P6: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo and a library in Andy's town.
P7: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library and a theatre in Andy's town.
P8: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre and a hospital in Andy's town.
P9: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital and a swimming pool in Andy's town.
P10: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool and a pet shop in Andy's town.
P11: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop and a cinema in Andy's town.
P12: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop, a cinema and a pizza restaurant in Andy's town.
P13: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop, a cinema, a pizza restaurant and a supermarket in Andy's town.
P14: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop, a cinema, a pizza restaurant, a supermarket and a school in Andy's town.
P15: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop, a cinema, a pizza restaurant, a supermarket, a school and a playground in Andy's town.
P16: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop, a cinema, a pizza restaurant, a supermarket, a school, a playground and a toy shop in Andy's town.
P17: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop, a cinema, a pizza restaurant, a supermarket, a school, a playground, a toy shop and a shopping centre in Andy's town.
P18: There is a museum, a park, a funfair, a bus stop, a zoo, a library, a theatre, a hospital, a swimming pool, a pet shop, a cinema, a pizza restaurant, a supermarket, a school, a playground, a toy shop, a shopping centre and a bus station in Andy's town. - the winner.
VII) Развитие навыков аудирования.
Teacher: Exercise3(1), page 22.
Look at the pictures with places of interest of some cities. You should guess the names of the cities. ( учимся правильно произносить слова: The British Museum, Hyde Park, London Zoo, The Smithsonian, Rock Creek Park, The National Zoo).
Listen to Emma's story. What city does she live in?- Аудиозапись
Dear Andy,
I live in a beautiful and very big city. There are a lot of interesting places in it. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas and museum in my city. I like going to the British Museum. It is large and very interesting.
There are many parks in my city. My favourite park is Hyde Park. I like riding a horse and going on rides there. I like visiting London Zoo. I think it is the biggest zoo in the world. There are a lot of animals and birds there.
There are many shops and shopping centres where you can buy many things. There are a lot of cafes and restaurants where you can have a meal.
London is a wonderful place. I love where I live.
All the best,
Ключи: Emma lives in London. She likes visiting the British Museum. Her favourite places are Hyde Park and London Zoo.
Listen to Sam's story about Washington and complete his letter to Andy.( Аудиозапись ).
Dear Andy,
I want to tell you about the city I live in. It is the biggest city in the world. There are a lot of interesting places in it. There are a lot of ________,________,__________,_________ in Washington. Visit the Smithsonian! This_____is very big and interesting. A lot of people visit it every year.
There are many_________,________and_________in my city. You can buy many things there. Washington has got a lot of_____,and________. You can have a meal there.
There are many beautiful_____ in Washington. I like spending time with my friends in Rock Creek Park.
I like visiting the National__________. It is a very big_________. . There are many animals and birds there. Washington is a fantastic place!
All the best,
( написать на доске пропущенные слова): 1) museum, 2) libraries, 3) theatres, 4) cinemas,5) shops,6) supermarkets,7) shopping centres,8) cafes,9) restaurants, 10)parks, 11)zoo,12) zoo.
VIII. Домашнее задание ( объясняю): Your homework for tomorrow will be Exercise3(3), page 23
Look at the pictures and tell Andy about Moscow, use the table with phrases.
IX. Рефлексия.
Teacher: Our lesson is over I'm very pleased and satisfied with your answers. You worked hard and creative. Let's sum everything up. What have we done at our lesson?
We have said good words to one another.
We have learnt new words
We have read the text.
We have listened to the text and answered the teacher's questions.
We have played the game " Snowball"
IX. Подведение итогов урока.
Teacher: The more kind words you say to one another, the more light there will be in the world and in our classroom. We must learn to be kind, merciful, tolerant, generous and polite. You know a lot of compliments. Say good words to one another.
P1: I wish you to be kind and clever.
P2: I wish you to be helpful.
P3: I wish you to be hardworking
P4: I wish you to defend the younger ones.
P5: I wish you to be brave and honest.
P6: I wish you to do good and fight evil.
P7: I wish you to be generous and polite.
P8: I wish you not to be rude, angry and hostile.
Цель: активизация изученного материала в монологической и диалогической речи.
Формировать лексические навыки по теме - проблеме.
Совершенствовать навыки говорения по теме - проблеме.
Совершенствовать навыки общения по теме - проблеме.
Развивать умения иноязычного общения.
Знакомить с жанрами музыки.
Расширять знания о музыкальной культуре.
Расширять музыкальный кругозор.
Развивать языковую догадку.
Развивать способности к выражению эмоционального состояния.
Развивать способности давать оценку фактам музыкальной культуры.
Развивать способности выражать эстетические мнения.
Развивать фантазию и воображение.
Воспитывать уважение к музыкальным вкусам.
Воспитывать вкус к серьёзной музыке.
Воспитывать чувства сопричастности к мировой музыкальной культуре.
Воспитывать потребности в приобщении к оперному искусству.
Воспитывать культуру корректной дискуссии.
Тип урока: комбинированный урок.
Формы работы учащихся: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая.
На уроке используются элементы: технологии проблемного обучения; технологии развития критического мышления.
Оборудование на уроке: мультимедийный проектор, экран, компьютер, магнитная доска.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
1. Приветствие.
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. Feeling friendly you are welcome. We will have a wonderful time together. How are you today? You look beautiful, you look marvelous!
2. Объяснение целей урока.
Teacher: Today we shall speak about how you prefer to spend your free time. I want to focus your attention on music, because music is the main young people's hobby. Life is music every day and night. Famous people know much about music and these quotations are for you. Read them: " If music be the food of love, play on" ( William Shakespeare); " Music is the universal language of the world"( H. Longfellow).
3.Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: You are going to hear a song by the winner of " Eurovision - 2006" Dima Bilan called " Never let you go". Read the words of the song and put one of the words or phrases in the list into each gap. There are more words than gaps!
( приложение 2)
Kiss, rain, look, go, smile, pain, flesh, song, love, baby, bone, heart, dancing, stone, words, beautiful, champagne, days, blood, game, music, girl.
Heavy clouds, no…( rain)
And every move causes…( pain)
Ready…( kiss), but no…( love)
I feel I'm torn in half
Ardent…( look), but no heat
It's not you really need
…(Baby), now it has happened with us
We are…( dancing) on broken glass
Can't stand no more.
Never, never let me…(go)
You are the I'm searching for
Flesh of my…( flesh), bone of my…( bone)
Love's carving it in the…( stone)
Never, never let you go
Return the…( days) we had before
Soul of my soul,…( blood) of my blood
Love's carving it in my…( heart)
Gentle…( words), no aim
It seems we're playing a…( game)
Easy…(smile), but no fun
Sweet…( music) for no one
Close embrace, but no more
Cold…( Champagne) we forgot to pour
Baby now it happened with us
We are dancing on broken glass
Can't stand no more.
II. Речевая зарядка.
A) Teacher: Agree or disagree with me,use everyday phrases.
What is music for people? This is really a very difficult question to answer.
P1: I fully agree with you. This is really a very difficult question to answer. It goes without saying that music is an important part of our life. Each man's life begins with the mother's lullaby which calms him down and introduces him to the beauty of the world.
Teacher: Since this first introduction man's life is ever surrounded by musical sounds and melodies.
P2: Quite so. Sure. As for me when I was small I sang simple folk songs, and songs of children in the kindergarten. Since four I began to sing popular songs together with the pop-stars, pretending in front of the mirror that I'm on the stage, with a hairbrush instead of a microphone. Later I started a music school where I learnt to play classical music on the piano. Now I'm interested in rock music.
Teacher: I think that music is just a couple of cool cassettes and a Walkman in the pocket.
P3: That's a fine how do you do. Old wives' tales. I can't agree with you. It's not a couple cool cassettes and a Walkman in the pocket, the latest hi-fi at home or a ticket to the groovy concert of a famous pop singer. Music is varied, because it reflects different human emotions. If we ask several people what kind of music they like, all of them will give different answers. Tastes differ. But the world of music is boundless and everybody can find there something that satisfies his tastes and demands.
Teacher: All people will agree that our world will not be dull without music.
P4: Just on the contrary. All people will agree that our world will be dull without music. We enjoy music because it influences our mood and imagination, reflects our inner state and character, arouses deep emotions and makes us think. It helps us to remove from tiredness and tension or find new strength, get new energy and optimism.
Teacher: I think that not all kinds of music are popular with public.
P5: You can't be serious. I think that all kinds of music are popular with public: classical and pop music, folk music and jazz, operas, musicals, orchestral performances, rock and roll, heavy metal, rap, hard rock. Music festivals gather large audience.
Teacher: Rock music, or, rather rock-and-roll, appeared in the 80s.
P6: Far from it. Of course, not. I am sorry I think you are absolutely wrong. Can we clear it up? Rock-n-roll appeared in the late 1950s because many jazzmen and bluesmen were not satisfied with the style of music of that time- it was too soft and tidy. The new generation wanted something more energetic and powerful. So, the musicians started looking for new ideas.
Teacher: The first rock music is connected with the names of David Bowie, Elton John, Rod Steward.
P7: Absolutely. That's true. Besides the first rock music is connected with the names of Elvis Presly, Chuck Berry, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, the Doors. They were innovators, but although their music was beautiful and even sophisticated, it still was like present-day pop music.
III. Результаты анкетирования.
Teacher: Music is a part of our life. We can hear it everywhere: in the parks, in the street, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in cars, at discos, concerts. A lot of people enjoy music. I agree that music is the universal language of the world. Let me introduce our class correspondent. He interviewed some people from our school. Analyze the results of our interviews.( приложение 1).
Pupil: We interviewed people of different ages. Our questions were: Do you like music? What is your favourite sort of music? Our results: people of all age like music. The first group is schoolchildren at the age from7 to 9: 1- pop music: 2- classical music; the second group is pupils at the age from 10 to 13: 2- rock, 2- pop, 3 -metal, 4- classical; the third group is young people at the age from 14 to 17: 1- rock, 2- pop, 3-rap; our parents: 1- country,2- pop,3- classical and bard; our teachers: 1-pop,2-classical,3- bard and country.
B) Teacher: Now I want you to do some grammar exercises. Take the first card and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word or a proper tense of a verb that fits in the space in the same line.
Card 1: The 70s (be)(were) a time of revolution in rock music. Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath told the world about the ( begin)( beginning) of a new era of hard rock. Music became…( much)( more) sophisticated, the themes were…( accompany)( accompanied) by brilliant…( pass)( passages) on the keyboards, the flute and wind instruments. These…( music)( musicians) tried to combine rock and classical music together and…(they)(their) trend was named art-rock or symphorock.This music was not for the masses, it was too difficult and it never was as…( popularity)( popular) as hard rock.
Card 2: use the verbs in the right grammar tenses ( live, find, be, enter, leave, have, cover, travel, learn, decide, die, make, marry, disappear, understand, do, look, rush, love, capture, free).
The Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom… in the basement of the Paris Opera House. People who… the basement couldn't… the way out. Who…he? A ghost, a living being, a monster? Only Christine… that the Phantom…an unhappy man who…born so ugly that he…to cover his face with a mask. He…around the world and…many things, he…many fascinating stories and legends and he…a great singer. At last the Phantom…on kidnapping Christine and…her…him. When Christine…Raoul…who…it: it…the Phantom…that Christine…love him. He…Christine and Raoul. They…Paris forever and…alone in a quite place. The Phantom…in the basement of the Opera House alone and lonely.
IV. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
Teacher: I shall read you the text. Listen to me attentively, be ready to do the test and retell the text like a snowball.
She's 13 and she's already earned 15 million pounds. What has Charlotte Church got that other teenagers haven't? At 13 Charlotte is like any other normal schoolgirl. She likes pizza, parties and laughing with her friends. But she is different from them in one important way. She has an extraordinary voice and is the latest discovery of the music industry. It may come as a surprise that she sings songs from opera and the works of classical composers rather than pop music. Her first album " Voice of an Angel", was a big success and she is the youngest solo artist to enter the Top US album chat.whenever she performs, she's electrifying. Charlotte is everybody's record producer's dream. Not only has she a remarkable voice but she is also photogenic and has an interesting personality. Charlotte is the only child of the working class parents from a suburb of Cardiff in South Wales and they are proud of their daughter. Her father works for a security firm and her mother gave up her job working for the local council to accompany her daughter on tour. This mean she's not worried about her when she is abroad.
It was a lucky chance that made Charlotte famous. She had tried to get singing parts in theatre musicals and had almost given up hope, when she appeared on a talent show on television. An executive from Sony music saw her, was excited by her voice and offered her a contract. In the following two years she became famous.
At weekends and during her school holidays, her schedule is very busy. Sometimes she gets tired of the lifestyle and misses her friends but not often. Next week she is travelling to Japan to try to conquer the important Japanese market. One day she hopes she'll sing the lead role in Puccini's opera " Madame Butterfly".
In the history of show business, there are many examples of young people with talent in music, film or on the stage who haven't lived up to their early promise. But when you hear Charlotte sing, you get the feeling her name will soon be known to every serious music lover in the world.
Mark the correct continuation of the sentence.
1 One important way in which Charlotte is different from her friends is
a) her interesting personality
b) her photogenic appearance
c) her extraordinary voice.
2 It may come as a surprise that Charlotte sings
Works of classical composers
The lead role in Puccini's opera
Pop music
3 Charlotte's mother gave up her job because
They have a lot of money now
She wants to accompany her daughter on tour
She wants to travel to Japan
4. Next week Charlotte is
Going to Japan
Singing in Puccini's opera
Taking part in a theatre musical
5. Charlotte became famous after
Singing parts in theatre musicals
Singing songs from opera
Appearing on a talent show on television.
V. Физкульминутка.
Teacher: It's time to relax. Let's sing the song by the Beatles " Yestarday"
VI Совершенствование навыков говорения.
Teacher: Let's continue our conversation about music in the form of discussion. Help me please. Don't be passive, be active, argue with me, express your points of view.
Teacher: Many people can't understand classical music. For them the music of " Nut cracker" is dull. What about you?
P1: Let me think. I find this music the closest to my soul. Most of the people of my age would think I'm a bit mad to love Strauss, Mozart, Back, Verdi, Grieg, Chopin in place of Eminem or Taty. My friend often says: " It's much easier and fun to be with the crowd". Yes, may be, I would agree with her. But why must I be like somebody else and not somebody else be like me.
P2 I fully agree and I want to add. In my opinion classical music is relaxing. As many psychologists say: " Bach helps to cope with nervousness; Vivaldi is excellent to be listened to by a pregnant woman because it makes her feel calm and satisfied.
Teacher: I think that classical music has not been living for centures. I wonder what you think about it.
P3: Strange, rather strange. Certainly not. OK. Disco is a sort of seasonal music, but classical music has been living for centures. It's not true that I hate all modern music. I have a couple of pop or rock songs that I like, but I think all this music can't be called great. And I can't believe it will be needed 200-300 years later.
P4: I thought about it many times. I know what you mean. My thoughts may seem a bit old-fashioned,
But is it not wonderful to come home after a busy day, make a cup of tea, plunge into a soft armchair, and listen to a piece of Vivaldi's " Four Seasons". Yes, we live in a cruel world, very different from the world which surrounded Vivaldi, but why can't we come into contact with that atmosphere?
P5: I want to object. I can't agree with you. I find classical music to be dull. But I enjoy modern remakes of classics. For example, I like the way Vanessa Mae plays.
VII. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: You homework for today's lesson was to make up projects about your favourite musicians, singers, groups.
( учащиеся представляют свои проекты)
Pupil 1: I invite you to watch my presentation and to learn more about Andrew Lloyd Webber and his musical video film.( приложение 3)
Pupil 1
The life of Christine Daae, a soloist of the Paris opera House, was a mystery. Her beautiful voice appealed to the hearts and minds of people. But there was something strange in her: sometimes she disappeared from the House or she acted as she was led by an unknown force. Strange things happened at the Opera House but the company knew whose fault it was: the Phantom of the Opera. Christine loved Raoul de Chagny but she understood t prevented Christine from hat they had no future because a French aristocrat couldn't marry a girl whose parents had been humble people. But Raoul believed that his love for Christine could break the prejudices. He learned that not only prejudices prevented Christine from dating him: a ghost who lived in the basement of the opera House and loved her was her musical teacher. This Phantom had great power over her and guarded her carefully.
Pupil 2:
This group was formed at the end of the 50th. John, Paul, George, Ringo were amazing and talented boys who made a unique contribution to music and it made a revolution in pop history. The boys composed songs for the youth. Their songs seemed more musical and more exciting than others. The Beatles showed professionalism and made impressive figures on the stage. Their songs and unusual sense of humour drew the people's attention. Girls loved the Beatles and the young men tried to look like them. Newspapers, television focused on the group and made it famous. A hysteria that was called " Beatlomania" swept Britain and soon afterwards, America. The group broke up more than 30 years ago. But their songs will live forever. ( приложение 4)
Pupil 3:
Tchaikovsky is one of the most famous Russian composers. His name is known all over the world. He was born May7, 1840 in Votkinsk, Vyatka region in the family of an engineer. His father was 45 and his mother was 26 when he was born. All his life Tchaikovsky adored his mother and two younger brothers Modest and Anatoly, who were twins. They understood each other and had very close relations. Tchaikovsky started to play the piano and compose music when he was very young. But he worked for a time as a clerk in the Ministry of Justice, though music was his true passion. In his early twenties he completely turned to a life of music. Tchaikovsky was one of the charter students of the St. Petersburg Conservatory which Rubinstein founded. At twenty-six he became one of the first professors at the Moscow Conservatory. As it often noted, Tchaikovsky was Russian first professional composer. And as a composer, Tchaikovsky was distinguished by versatility of his talent- the ability to compose everything from operas and symphonies to chamber music and liturgical music. By any measure, Tchaikovsky has worked very impressively: 6 symphonies, 10 concerts and pieces for solo instruments, over 20 orchestral works, 9 operas, 3 ballets, over dozen pieces composed for special occasions. The classical Russian ballet has its beginning in Tchaikovsky's works. The ballets " The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Swan Lake" are the most popular works in the golden treasure of our musical theatres. Unlike most composers Tchaikovsky was able to enjoy some of his fame while still alive, travelling in Russia, Europe, the USA in his later years to conduct his works. For example, he participated in opening of the Carnegie Hall in 1891. The last year of his life he was elected the Honorable doctor of the Cambridge University. Tchaikovsky died at the age og 55 in 1893 in St. Petersburg. He is an outstanding composer. The future generations will enjoy and love his music as much as we do. ( приложение)
Pupil 4:
Per Gessle and Marie Fredrikson first met in Hallstad in Sweden in 1970 when Marie was playing the electric piano with a band called Strul. The group wasn't making a lot of money so she was also working in a hospital as a nurse, teaching music and working as a gardener. Per was spending his time weighing mushrooms, singing folk songs to sick people in hospitals and teaching in a school. Later, in the 1980s stars, you can even see their pictures on SwedishPer was performing in a group called Golden Times and Marie was a solo singer. They were both very successful and lots of people bought their records and went to their concerts. Per left his group and began to sing with Marie. An American student took a CD of their music home to Minneapolis and told his local radio station, " You must play this record!" The song was called The Look. After a few weeks, DJs all over America were playing the song. It wasn't long before The Look was number one in the American pop charts. Now they are very famous everywhere, but in Sweden they are of course superstars, you can even see their pictures on Swedish postage stamps.( учащиеся просматривают видеоролик из фильма « Красотка» под музыку группы Roxette)( приложение 6)
Pupil 5:
Elvis Presley was known as the King of rock 'n' roll. He was born in Mississippi in 1935. At the age of 13, Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. There Elvis recorded his first song in 1954. He sold millions of records, served in the Army, moved to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films. Elvis brought together the musical sounds of the blacks in America and of country people. His songs started a new period in American music. Elvis was the most popular performer of his day. At the news of his death in 1977, thousands of people gathered outside his home Memphis. Elvis's songs are still popular today. People love to imitate him. There is even an Elvis Presley impersonation Society. Elvis impersonators dress up like Elvis and sing on stage. Some of them actually wish they were Elvis!( учащиеся исполняют песню " Love me tender"( приложение 7).
VIII. Домашнее задание.
Teacher: For your next homework I'll give you the task, imagine that you want to interview your favourite singer. What questions would you ask him ( her). Try to clear up what the advantages and disadvantages of fame are.
IX. Оценки и комментарии.
Teacher: Our lesson is over. You showed good knowledge in English and in music. Thank you very much. Good bye.
II.Результаты опроса общественного мнения.