- Учителю
- Методическая разработка по английскому языку The story of St Patricks Day
Методическая разработка по английскому языку The story of St Patricks Day
The story of St Patrick's Day
Began so long ago
The lyrics in this song
Will tell you
All you need to know
The seventeenth of March
Is when this joyous holiday
Is celebrated happily
With colorful parades
Dee Lai Dee Dai Dee
Dai Dee Dai Dee
Lai Dee Dai Dee Dai
Patrick was only sixteen when
The pirates captured him
They sold him to slavery
And took him to Ireland
He kept the faith
And made his escape
When he was twenty-two
And made it back to Britain
'Twas the only home he knew
Patrick had a vision
To return to Ireland
And vowed to teach Christianity
Until the bitter end
Legend says that Patrick used
The shamrock to explain
That the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Are all and one the same
On this day the Irish dress
In many shades of green
And some are feeling lucky
With the leprechauns they've seen
It's music and fun for everyone
We'll party and we'll play
Come one, come all
Come join along
On this St. Paddy's Day!
The story of St Patrick's Day
Began so long ago
The lyrics in this song
Will tell you
All you need to know
The seventeenth of March
Is when this joyous holiday
Is celebrated happily
With colorful parades
Dee Lai Dee Dai Dee
Dai Dee Dai Dee
Lai Dee Dai Dee Dai
Patrick was only sixteen when
The pirates captured him
They sold him to slavery
And took him to Ireland
He kept the faith
And made his escape
When he was twenty-two
And made it back to Britain
'Twas the only home he knew
Patrick had a vision
To return to Ireland
And vowed to teach Christianity
Until the bitter end
Legend says that Patrick used
The shamrock to explain
That the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Are all and one the same
On this day the Irish dress
In many shades of green
And some are feeling lucky
With the leprechauns they've seen
It's music and fun for everyone
We'll party and we'll play
Come one, come all
Come join along
On this St. Paddy's Day!
Слова по теме: День святого Патрика (звук и транскрипция)
Ireland [ˈaɪələnd] - Ирландия
Patrick [ˈpætrɪk] - Патрик (мужское имя); Saint Patrick -
христианский святой, покровитель Ирландии; St. Patrick's Day - День
святого Патрика (отмечается 17 марта в Ирландии, а также в странах,
где живут выходцы из Ирландии)
harp [hɑːp] - арфа (символ Ирландии)
bagpipe [ˈbæɡˌpaɪp] - волынка
limerick ['lɪm(ə)rɪk] - лимерик, шуточное стихотворение из пяти
строк (совпадает с названием ирландского города Лимерик)
shillelagh [ʃɪ'leɪlə] - дубинка
clover ['kləuvə] - клевер
shamrock ['ʃæmrɔk] - трилистник (символ Ирландии)
leprechaun</<font color="#434343"> ['leprəkɔːn] -
лепрекон, эльф, по поверью, будучи пойманным, раскрывает место, где
спрятан клад (в ирландском фольклоре)
Other words
Republic of Ireland - Ирландская Республика; Irish - ирландский;
Dublin - Дублин, столица Ирландии; Emerald Isle - Изумрудный остров
(поэтическое название Ирландии); Celtic - кельтский; Paddy - Падди,
Пэдди, уменьш. от Patrick; шутливое прозвище ирландца
March - март; legend - легенда; tradition - традиция; Christianity
- христианство;parade - парад; emerald green - изумрудно-зелёный;
rainbow - радуга; pot of gold - горшок золота; wish - желать,
хотеть; find - находить, встречать; coins - монеты; snake - змея;
good luck - счастливый случай, удача; walking stick - трость;
trifolium - бот. трилистник