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  • Открытый Урок для 5 класса Between the Sun and the Earth

Открытый Урок для 5 класса Between the Sun and the Earth

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Тема: Home Reading Lesson "Between the Sun and the Earth".


  1. Практическая - развитие навыка чтения, развитие навыка устной речи.

  2. Воспитательная - воспитание личностных качеств, обеспечивающих успешность исполнительской и творческой деятельности (внимательности, добросовестности, активности, трудолюбия и самостоятельности).

  3. Образовательная - контроль степени усвоения знаний, полученных на предыдущих уроках.

  4. Развивающая - развитие умения внимательно читать, доказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения, толерантно относиться к мнению другого, развитие памяти, расширение кругозора.


  1. активизация познавательной деятельности учащихся

  2. расширение словарного запаса по заданной теме

  3. совершенствовать навыки говорения

  4. развивать умение работать в группах

  5. развивать коммуникативную компетенцию

Планируемые результаты:

  1. Развитие общекультурных умений собирать, систематизировать обрабатывать различные виды культуроведческой информации, интерпретировать и использовать ее при решении коммуникативно-познавательных задач;

  2. Развитие исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией;

  3. Развитие смыслового чтения, включая умения употреблять тему, прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку / по ключевым словам, выделять основную мысль, главные факты, опуская второстепенные, устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов;

  4. Умение кратко высказываться о фактах и событиях, используя такие коммуникативные типы речи как описание, повествование и сообщение;

Оборудование: доска, книга для чтения (Reader), тетради, карточки.




2) Этап проверки ЗУН

Good afternoon. I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

Let's also train our construction used to, ok?

Thank you very much. You may take your seat. Let's train our construction again.

1) What did you use to eat

-1- I'm on duty today. What is the date today?

- Today is the 2nd of December.

-1- What day of the week is it today?

- Today is Friday.

-1- What is the weather like today?

- The weather is good. It's a little bit cold, but the sun is shining, it's not raining. The sky is blue.

-1- What can we do in such weather?

- We can go for a walk or stay at home and read books or play computer games.

-1- Did you use to eat fish when you were a little child?

- Yes, I used to eat it very much.

- No, I didn't use to eat fish, because I didn't like it.

-1- Who is absent today?

- All are present.

1)-2- I used to eat mashed fruit.

the 2nd of December,


3-5 мин.

10 мин.







when you were a child, before going to school?

2) Did you use to drink a lot of milk?

3) What did you use to do in summer?

Good. We used to read a lot of texts about different countries, their customs and traditions. But now we are going to read a text, about our planet. What is the title of the text?

You are right. I'm sure that you have mentioned that this text has a lot of our new words. Let's revise them. We'll start with the pronunciation. After me, please.

Sphere, foggy, the Earth, guess, count, regular, temperature, continent, curious.

Well done. Now I have cards

-3- I used to eat porridge, but now I don't like it at all.

2)-4- Yes, I used to drink a lot of milk.

-5- No, I didn't use to drink it, because I hate it!

3)-2- I used to ride bicycle and play with my friends out-of doors.

-7- I used to play volley-ball and go hiking.

- The title is Between the Sun and the Earth.

If we have time:

4) What did you use to do in the kindergarten?

3) Этап совершен-

ствования навыка чтения.

4) Этап закрепле -

ния мате -


5) Этап


рования о

домашнем задании.

for you. On each card there are two words, two new words. You are to make up a little situation (if you can) or just two sentences with them/ You have 4 minutes and then we will check.

(Я каждому даю карточку с двумя новыми словами, давая право выбора.)

Well done. Now we are ready to start reading our text.

(Читаем и переводим текст).

We also have a task after the text. Let's do it. We are to put sentences in a logical order. Is the task clear for you? Good. You may begin. You have 5 minutes and we'll check it.

Wonderful. Now everything is correct. We have revised the information from the text and

now you will have another task. I'll divide you into two groups. The first is to tell us about things that people used to think about the Earth in the past. The second group is to tell us about people's knowledge about the Earth now.

Please, write down your key-sentences and key-words on these sheets of paper. And then choose somebody from your group to tell your information. Now you may begin. You have 5 minutes.

Well done! Now we know everything about the Sun and the Earth. And also the lesson is practically over. We have just two minutes.

Your homework for Monday is exercise 30 on page 95 (wr.) and also Grammar Test B in your books "Test by test", page 54.

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

1) People used to know little about the Earth in the past.

2) Early people believed the Sun traveled around the Earth.

3) The Sun neither rises nor sets. It's the Earth that is moving.

4) The Earth turns from the West to the East.

5) The Earth never stays the same.

6) It takes the Earth a bit more than 365 days to make one turn around the Sun.

1) People were very curious, believed in Gods, no one knew why the Sun rose or set, some believed that the Sun traveled around the Earth every 24 hours, didn't know why there were changes in temperature.

2) The Sun neither rises, nor sets, it's the Earth, that is moving, the Earth is a sphere, it turns from the West to the East, never stays the same, the Earth moves around the Sun.

Group №1

Group №2

Ex. 30 p. 95

Gr. Test B p. 54 (TbT).

12-15 мин.

15 мин.

1-2 мин.

New words: curious, explore, an explorer, exploration, set, rise, continue, separate, nation, national, nationality.

If we have some time left, I'll give cards with new words, in which letters are mixed. Pupils are to find them and to write the right variant.



2) Put the letters into the correct order.

curious, explore, an explorer, exploration, set, rise, continue, separate, nation, national, nationality.

Список литературы.

  1. Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.. Английский язык, Книга для чтения, 5 класс. - М. Просвещение. 20011 г.

  2. Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.. Английский язык, 5 класс, Часть 1. - М. Просвещение. 2015 г.

  3. Чесова Н.Н.</<font size="4"> Test by test V Тесты 5 кл. Сборник тестов по англ. Яз. - М. Менеджер. 2013 г


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