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- Тема урока: Неличные формы глагола. Gerund
Тема урока: Неличные формы глагола. Gerund
</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Тема урока: Неличные формы глагола. Gerund
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
- Good morning. Today we shall go on speaking about Gerund. First we'll practice the use of different forms and functions of the gerund, then I'll introduce a new structure be used to doing and then we'll practice doing lots of exercises to drill it by watching a video, enjoying pictures, matching and commenting.
2. Речевая зарядка
1. а). First of all, look at the screen. Here you can see a list of proverbs with participles and gerunds. We've just learnt Participles and I think you'll be able to distinguish proverbs with participles and gerunds. Read the proverb, without translating into Russian, comment on the use of the -ing form: whether it is a participle or gerund. (slide 1)
- Seeing is believing
- A rolling stone gathers no moss
- The appetite comes with eating
- By doing nothing we learn to do ill
- Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him.
- A clean hand wants no washing
- Better die standing than live kneeling
- You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
b). (slide 2)Here is a list of the same proverbs with gerund. Please, read them, translate into Russian and say in what functions they are used.
c) In the next slide (slide 3) you can see 2 columns with the beginnings and endings. You are to match the beginnings with endings.
g) (slide 4)This time you can see only the endings of the proverbs. Try to recall the whole proverb. Let's check.
2. The last proverb, if you remember, was about friendship "Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him". I think, this proverb is a bright illustration of the picture I'm going to show you just now.
Look at the photo of young people of different ethnic groups. The task is to describe the person I'll show using gerund in the function of an object. While describing you can use the following verbs to (dis)like, to enjoy, to hate, don't mind, to prefer, to dream of, to succeed in, to look forward to.
Look at the screen and speak about this young boy/girl.
3. Введение и закрепление грамматической структуры be used to doing smth
а)Today I'd like to introduce a structure "be used to doing smth", which is widely used in oral and written speech. It is translated into Russian as «быть привыкшим к чему-то» и означает то, что мы говорим о чем-то совершенно для нас не новом и не необычном, а привычном. Например: He is used to living alone. - Он привык жить один. После фразы used to может употребляться не только герундий, но и имя существительное. He is used to such weather.
Кроме выражения be used to doing smth, существует еще один вариант get used to doing smth. Смысл тот же - речь идет о привыкании к чему-либо. Только в первом случае все уже свершилось, мы или привыкли или нет, но нам это все давно знакомо. А второй случай показывает сам процесс привыкания к чему-либо, делая акцент на том, что именно сейчас человек и пытается освоить то, что для него ново или необычно
Now look at this picture taken in Great Britain, which is famous for its left-sided traffic. For foreigners it's a great problem. Imagine the following situation: a man from Russia came to Great Britain 3 years ago.
At first he wasn't used to driving on the left.
Then he got used to driving on the left.
Now it's not a problem. He is used to driving on the left.
b) Let's do some exercise to make the structure clear to you.
Explain: e.g. I want to return home.
- I'm not used to travelling for such a long time.
1.This country is too cold for me.
2.Don't wake me up at 6.
3.I find him difficult to live with.
4. Don't take spicy food for me.
5.We slept not very well in Japan.
6.She always insists on going to the country.
7. I can't drink this tea.
8. Elephants don't like zoos.
c) The next part of our lesson will be devoted to grammar in painting. I want to get you acquainted with the works of a famous American painter Norman Rockwell, whose pictures I consider funny and very talented. After doing this exercise, I hope, you'll recognize his pictures. Here is his self-portrait. The first picture is called "Spring Tonic". You are to use the structure 'be used to doing" while describing the picture.
I think, you enjoyed watching the pictures of Norman Rockwell as I did.
d) The last task: watching a videofilm. In this short video you'll listen to a story told by a girl from Tatarstan, our district who went to Canada to get higher education. She'll speak about the first days of her stay there. Listen to her story and be ready to speak about the things she wasn't used to doing, got used to doing and is used to doing now.
In the film she touched such spheres of life abroad, as "Food", "Culture", 'Living alone', "Shopping", "Language'
Watch the film once again and be ready to comment these notes.
Please, comment on these notes.
4. Завершающая часть урока.
1. Find proverbs with gerund
2. Write mini-composition "My first days at college", using the structure be used to doing
Questions :
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
What will you never stop doing?
What do you sometimes put off doing?
What is something you promised your mother to do?
What would you like to learn to do?
Have you ever forgotten to do something important?
What are thinking about doing next summer?
What are you good at doing?
What topics are you interested in reading about?
What do you hate doing?
What is something you can't wait to do?
When and where is the last place you went sightseeing?