• Учителю
  • План конспект урока по ангнлийскому языку 'My working day' (5 класс)

План конспект урока по ангнлийскому языку 'My working day' (5 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

Theme of the lesson : My working day.

"Early to bed and early to rise

makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise!"

(на доске число и тема написаны, закрыты)

1. Org.moment (1 min)

T: Good morning , children! Welcome, I'm glad to see you. (раздаю им цветы ) Stand in front of the board, please. My name is Bairta Kimovna.

I am your teacher of English today.

How are you ?

Today we shall have a very interesting magic lesson.

Let's listen to song.(музыка Bumba).

2. Relax.(1 min)

T: Look at each other, smile and wish everybody a good day.

(Учащиеся желают доброго дня)

I wish you fine day and good work today!

T: take your seats please.

(показываю на картину)

3. Phonetic drills. (4 min)

T: look at the picture. This country is Bumba. 2015 year is the year of epos "DJANGAR". Now we'll talk about a magic country "Bumba". The khan of this country is Djangr. And his brave heroes are strong Savr, brave Hongr, nice Mingiyan and others.

T:-What were they? How do you think?

P-s: they were brave,strong,clever.

They go to the sports.

They ride a horse.

T: Very well.

T: Do you want to be such as brave,strong,clever as those heroes?

P-s:Yes, we do.

T: What must we do for it?

P-s: we must….

T: Do you get up early?

- Do you go jogging?

-What do you do in the morning?

- What do you do in the afternoon?

- What do you do in the evening?

And about what shall we talk today?

P-s: about MY DAY.

4. Smartboard (2 min)

T: Very good! Now, please, look at the smartboard. Is it right? Go to the blackboard and match the pictures with phrases. Show us the right actions.

Read it please. You know it well.

(слайд- дети сопоставляют. Читают.)

5. «Strong, brave, clever" (5 min)

T: All right. Very good!

My friends, and now let's do the next task:

(раздаю детям листы с заданиями )

1. Read and fill the words into the text.

2. Read the underlined letters.

3. Then you will know your group's name. Read it.

(3 min.)

His face, up, bed, breakfast, riding a horse, books.

  1. Djangar gets…. at 7 o clock in the morning.

  2. He washes ……………..every day.

  3. He has ……at 7:30 and meet with his heroes

  4. Djangar likes …………………in the afternoon.

  5. He goes to …….at 9:30 in the evening.

  6. They read …….in the evening. ( strong)

His face,up,bed,breakfast,riding a horse,books.

  1. He has ……at 7:30 and meet with his heroes

  2. Djangar likes …………………in the afternoon

  3. He goes to …….at 9:30 in the evening

  4. He washes ……………..every day.

  5. Djangar gets…. at 7 o clock in the morning

  6. They read …….in the evening. ( brave)

His face,up,bed,breakfast,riding a horse,books.

  1. Djangar gets…. at 7 o clock in the morning.

  2. Djangar likes …………………in the afternoon

  3. He washes ……………..every day.

  4. He goes to …….at 9:30 in the evening.

  5. He has ……at 7:30 and meet with his heroes

  6. They read …….in the evening. (clever)

T: Ok. Time is over. Are you ready?read the words please.

Now your team's names are" strong"," brave" and "clever"!!!

Now You will be as strong as Savr ,as clever as Djangar, as brave as Hongr.

6. Dinamic pouse (2 min). -Физминутка

You are tired. So, let's have a rest!

(дети танцуют под музыку).

  1. practice grammar (5 мин)

Т: Now we shall practice our grammar (3 мин)

(повторить грамматику с уч.)

(индивидуальная работа с карточками)

Put the words in the right order.

1. get / I / in / up /the / morning .

2. I / do / not / computer /play / games /every /day.

3. We / the / do / on / shopping /Sundays.

4. you / Do / tennis /play?

5. Does/ go jogging/ morning/ in/ the/ Sanal?

(Самопроверка. Ответы на доске)

T: Who has got 5?

T: Who has got 4?

T: Who has got 3?

8. Game (3 min).

T: Ok, two pupils from each team come here and stand in a circle.

I'll speak to you in Kalmyk and you must translate a word in English.

And other pupils can help.

Игра (Дети становятся в круг. Я бросаю мяч и спрашиваю слова на

калмыцком языке. А дети должны ответить на английском.

Например :

oрун - in the morning

Босх - get up

Oрун хотан идх- have breakfast

Морн деер йовх- Ride a horse

Футбол наадх- play football

Теннис наадх - play tennis

Кичялян кех- do the homework

Унтх- go to bed

9.Work in groups (5 минут).

T: And now, let's work with cards.

T: Now children take the papers and do the exercise, please.

You must glue the pictures with phrases.

Be attentive one of the sentences is odd.

(Учитель раздает задания по группам-команды «сильные, умные, смелые». Дети должны собрать план дня. Затем один из команды выходит и клеит плакат под соответствующим названием времени суток).

T: - Fine. Very well. Now read it please.

- Who is ready to tell about the whole day?


T: - Now look at the Bumba and think what have we done today to be as strong, brave, clever as the heroes of epos???(указать на картину)

P: We have done a plan of day!

10. Home task (1 min).

T: Sit down. Your homework is to make a project about your day.

11. Reflex ( 1 min).

T: -How do you think how have you worked today?

T: - Did you worked good?

P: (дети отвечают)

T: -If you worked well put the tulips in vase.

(На доске появляется солнышко, тюльпаны, мелодия)

-Thank you for your work! Your work was good!!!

I wish you to be healthy, clever, strong, brave and successful.

Поставить оценки ученикам.

T: Stand up

Raise your hand

Wave your hand

And say good bye!!!

Начало 11:35

1. Org.moment (1 min)

2. Relax.(1 min)

3. Phonetic drills. (4 min)

4. Smartboard (2 min)

5. «Strong, brave, clever" (5 min)

6. Dinamic pouse (2 min).

7. practice grammar (5 мин) 11:50

8. Game (3 min).

9. Work in groups «Project» (5 минут).

10. Home task (1 min).

11. Reflex ( 1 min).

Окончание 12:05

Put the words in the right order.

1. get / I / in / up /the / morning .


2. I / do / not / computer /play / games /every /day.


3. We / the / do / on / shopping /Sundays.


4. you / Do / tennis /play?


5. Does/ go jogging/ morning/ in/ the/ Sanal?


When do you ( do )….?



get up

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening

clean my teeth and wash

my hands and face

read books

do my homework

go jogging

watch TV

go to school

have breakfast

have lunch

have dinner

go to bed

go home

T: Let's help him. Children, tell me how can we bring him up?

(На доске He must get up early)

T: And what else must he do?

P1 He must go jogging in the morning.

P2 He must have breakfast in the morning.

P3 He must go to school.

P4 He must do morning exercises.

P5 He must run very fast.

P6 He must ride a horse in the afternoon.(Пословица по теме)

T: So what about shall we talk today???

P: About my day.( открываю тему на доске)


T: Very good you are right. So today we shall talk about our day.

IV Revising lexical material and PS (грамматическая справка)

T: now chidren answer my questioons

T: What do you do in the morning? - P1

T: What do you do in the afternoon? - P1

T: What do you do in the evening? - P1

T: What does your mum do in the morning?

(На доске висит картина калмыцкой степи у детей имеются по два тюльпана - красный, желтый. Каждый ребенок выходит и прикрепляет один из тюльпанов на картинку)

1. Read and fill the words into the text.

2. Read the underlined letters.

3. Then you will know your group's name. Read it.

(вставьте слова в пропуски и прочитайте слово из выделенных букв)

His face, up, bed, breakfast, riding a horse, books.

  1. Djangar gets…. at 7 o clock in the morning.

  2. He has ……at 7:30 and meet with his heroes.

  3. He washes ……………..every day.

  4. Djangar likes …………………in the afternoon.

  5. He goes to …….at 9:30 in the evening.

  6. They read …….in the evening.

1. Read and fill the words into the text.

2. Read the underlined letters.

3. Then you will know your group's name. Read it.

(вставьте слова в пропуски и прочитайте слово из выделенных букв)

His face, up, bed, breakfast, riding a horse, books.

  1. He has ……at 7:30 and meet with his heroes.

  2. Djangar likes …………………in the afternoon.

  3. He goes to …….at 9:30 in the evening.

  4. He washes ……………..every day.

  5. Djangar gets…. at 7 o clock in the morning.

1. Read and fill the words into the text.

2. Read the underlined letters.

3. Then you will know your group's name. Read it.

(вставьте слова в пропуски и прочитайте слово из выделенных букв)

His face, up, bed, breakfast, riding a horse, books.

  1. Djangar gets…. at 7 o clock in the morning.

  2. Djangar likes …………………in the afternoon.

  3. He washes ……………..every day.

  4. He goes to …….at 9:30 in the evening.

  5. He has ……at 7:30 and meet with his heroes

  6. They read …….in the evening.

1. Read and fill the words into the text.

2. Read the underlined letters.

3. Then you will know your group's name. Read it.

His face, up, bed, breakfast, riding a horse, books.

  1. Djangar gets …. at 7 o clock in the morning.

  2. He has ……at 7:30 and meet with his heroes.

  3. He washes ……………..every day.

  4. Djangar likes …………………in the afternoon.

  5. He goes to …….at 9:30 in the evening.

  6. They read …….in the evening.


Тема урока - My day (Мой рабочий день)

Хан Джангр и его богарыри - Какие они?

Ответ- they were brave, strong, clever. (Эльдар)

  • they go in for sports.(Мальчик)

  • they ride a horse/(Девочка)

Вопрос- Мы хотим быть похожими на богатырей?Что мы должны делать для этого?

We MUST( мы должны)

-go jogging in the morning (Эльдар)

-have breakfast in the morning( кто-то)

-go to school

-do morning exercises

-run very fast

-ride a horse in the afternoon

Вопрос- О чем мы с вами будем говорить сегодня?

Ответ-My day (Мой рабочий день)( Эльдар)

I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning.

I wash my face and hands.

I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.

I go jogging and do my morning exercises.

I go to bed.

I have lunch at school.

I do my homework in the afternoon.

I ride a horse after my lessons at school.

I like to play sports.

I get up in the morning.

I have dinner in the evening.

I like to read books before go to bed.

I usually watch TV in the evening.

I go to bed at 9:30 in the evening.

I have breakfast.


-go jogging in the morning

-have breakfast in the morning

-go to school

-do morning exercises

-run very fast

-ride a horse in the afternoon


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