- Учителю
- Конспект открытого урока по теме You are only a teenager once
Конспект открытого урока по теме You are only a teenager once
Demonstrative Lesson
You Are Only a Teenager Once
The Ninth Form
Svetlana Ryzhkova
Тема урока:You Are Only a Teenager Once.
Цели: развитие неподготовленной монологической речи на основе фоновых знаний по теме и прочитанного текста,развивать способности к обобщению,логичности и доказательности.
Задачи: преодоление коммуникативного и эмоционального барьера при говорении на английском языке,формирование навыков и умений составления монологического высказывания.
Тип урока:комбинированный.
Материально-техническое обеспечение: раздаточный материал, презентация, электронный словарь.
Ход урока
1 Организационный момент.
Good morning ,boys and girls. I am very glad to see you.Today we are having a demonstrative lesson.The theme of the lesson will be clear ,if you watch a cartoon.
(идет ролик-презентация о подростках)
2 Фонетическая зарядка.
То speak about teenagers we need a lot of special words
3 Лексическая зарядка
Use these words and say, how we сan call people who….(см. Упр 49 стр 156).
Make up your own sentences, using these words.
4 Teenager life consists of different spheres. Have a look at your worksheets and find the most important ones
School, Leisure time, Sports, Friends, Family and so on.(работа в парах)
Explain your choice
School.(описание 1кадра)
Teachers, subjects, behavior (описание второго кадра)
Future career.
Have a look at your worksheet. Here you can see traits of character. Make up three sentences using these words about your future profession.
Open your books (exercise 9, page 123)
Read the text and answer the only question: How do people prefer to have friends? Why do some friends become closer to you than your parents?
Family (кадр презентации с прилагательными).
Tolerant, Flexible, Patient, Tidy, Polite, Willing, Dependent, Fair, Supportive
Say their antonyms and explain why your parents often misundersatand you.
To sum up our today's talk I would like you to do the task.
Match the parts of the sentences and read the wise pieces of advice.
If you have a problem…
If smb makes you take alcohol, drugs…
If your friend has unlucky love…
If your parents don't understand you…
If you are a victim of bullying…
Pluck up your courage to say, "No!"
Try to have a talk with them explaining what you want.
Talk to someone you can trust.
Tell about it to your friend, parents, ask for advice.
Try to entertain him/her, be close to him/her and talk with him/her about this situation.
Home task: make an article for a school newspaper "I am a teenager".
5 Marks.
6 Рефлексия.
Underline in your worksheet what you can do at the end of the lesson.