- Учителю
- Разработка урока в 3 классе на тему 'Еда. Здоровое питание'
Разработка урока в 3 классе на тему 'Еда. Здоровое питание'
Урок №________ Дата__________
Тема. Еда. Здоровое питание.
Цели урока: Повторить и активизировать лексику темы «Еда»; формировать навыки правильного употребления лексики и грамматических структур There is\There are; повторить правила употребление артиклей a\an\some. Выучить правила употребления структур some\any. Учить понимать и анализировать прочитанное.
Развивать языковые и речевые навыки и умения учащихся; продолжать развивать умения чтения по транскрипции и целого текста. Работать над развитием монологической и диалогической речи учащихся. Развивать внимание и речевую догадку.
Воспитывать правильное отношение к питанию, желание вести здоровый образ жизни; воспитывать интерес к культуре других стран.
Оборудование: ноутбук для презентации лексического материала, тематические карточки, текст для чтения, кроссворд, аудиоматериал.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Ход урока
І. Подготовка к восприятию иноязычной речи.
Организационный момент.
- Hello! Nice to meet you! How are you?
- What season is it now? What is the weather like today? What day is it today?
3. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу. Warming up.
I like Sunday best,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday less,
Thursday, Friday is not bad,
Saturday is better yet.
But I like Sunday best.
4.Сообщение темы урока.
ІІ. Основная часть урока
Повторение лексического материала по теме "Fruits and Vegetables" .
Презентация Flash-talking cards.(4 мин.)
Повторение лексики по тематическим карточкам "Food and Drinks".
Грамматический материал. Употребление артиклей a\an\some. Работа с карточками.
Т.: Pupils look at the pictures and write "a/an/some":
1 . . . . butter
2 . . . . apple
3 . . . . egg
4 . . . . biscuit
5 . . . . milk
6 . . . . orange
7. . . . bread
8. . . . plum
9. . . . mushroom
10. . . . coke
11. . . . pizza
12. . . . tea
Введение нового грамматического материала.
Объяснение правил употребления some\any, How much\ How many?.
Закрепление грамматического материала.
Прежде, чем мы приступим к следующим заданиям, давайте запишем в наши словарики такие слова.
health [helθ] здоровье
item [ˈaɪtəm] элемент, в данном случае товар, продукт
Учитель выбирает 1 уч-ся из класса, который выбирает 5 продуктов для холодильника и закрепляет их. Остальные уч-ся имея список продуктов задают вопросы: - Is there any yogurt? Yes, there is some yogurt\ No, there isn't any yogurt.
Look on these food items. Is this healthy food? Let's choose only healthy food.
Дети с учителем из списка продуктов выбирают только здоровую пищу и закрепляют ее на изображении холодильника.
Физкультминутка. Physical Activity.
Hands up!
Chili-chi, chili-chili-chi!
Hands down!
Chili-chi, chili-chili-chi!
Turn around!
Chili-chi, chili-chili-chi!
Touch the ground!
Chili-chi, chili-chili-chi!
Come on, (name someone from your class)
Don't be afraid!
Show us how you
Boom the wave!
(Repeat it with different kids and movements)
Let's practice the sounds
Look at the screen and repeat after me
- [u:] - school, pool, soup, juice.
- [i:] - tea, please, meal.
- [ɔ] - corn, or, four, salt
- [e] - egg, lemon, bread.
Презентация текста для чтения.
1) Беседа с учащимися
Т.: Do you drink milk for breakfast? Do you prefer coffee or tea?
2) Этап чтения.
T.: Read the text and find the food-words there.
People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
From plants(растения) we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows(растут) on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a fruit drink!
What about tea?
Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Where does our food come from?
Some people grow their food, but usually(обычно) we buy it.
Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb(пословица): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables! Drink milk and juice! They've got a lot of vitamins ['vitәminz].
Do you eat the right food?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день оберегает от врачей
- Запишите пословицу в свои тетради
- Have you find the food-words in the text? Write five of them on the black board.
3) Проверка понимания текста.
3. Тематический кроссворд. Работа в парах.
Т.: Ps solve a crossword puzzle "Food"
Вкуснотища! … very good!
Пищу называют ...food .
Для шарика, для друга,
Припас я сахар … sugar.
Масло нужно всем ребятам.
Масло по-английски … butter.
Так и лезет ко мне в рот
Этот вкусный бутерброд.
Сверху … butter
Снизу … bread
Приходите на обед.
Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз.
Конфетки по-английски - … sweets.
Я все варенье это съем.
Варенье по-английски - … jam.
Без соли борщ не лезет в рот.
Соль по-английски просто … salt.
Это вовсе не каприз
Сыр мы называем - … cheese.
Молоко я пить привык
Молоко иначе - … milk.
Мясо жарится, шкварчит
Мясо по-английски - … meat.
Ведро воды вы принесете?
Вода, водичка будет - … water.
Пирожки, налетай!
Пирожок иначе - … pie.
Морковку ешь, в ней каротин!
Да, carrot есть, а где же «ин»?
Рыбу ловишь - не шумишь,
Рыба по-английски - … fish.
Слива тут и слива там -
Слива по-английски … plum.
Узнала я впервые,
Что груша это … pear.
Виноград мы съели весь,
Виноград иначе … grapes.
Арбуз предпочитаю сливам:
Арбуз иначе - … water-melon.
Клубнику ты скорей бери!
Люблю клубнику - … strawberry .
Полез на дерево мой брат.
Орехи рвет. Орешек - … nut.
Винни-Пуха нет ли с вами?
А то спрячу мед свой … honey.
Свинину заготовлю впрок,
Свинина по-английски … pork.
Треску ужасно любит кот,
Треску мы называем … cod.
Ну не лезет мне в карман
С изюмом булка, то есть … bun.
ІІІ. Заключительная часть урока
Проектная работа. Project "My Favourite Menu".
Pupils think what they would like to have on breakfast, lunch and dinner. Работа на карточках.
Read the text and find the food-words there.
People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
From plants(растения) we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows(растут) on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a fruit drink!
What about tea?
Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Where does our food come from?
Some people grow their food, but usually(обычно) we buy it.
Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb(пословица): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables! Drink milk and juice! They've got a lot of vitamins ['vitәminz].
Do you eat the right food?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день оберегает от врачей
Read the text and find the food-words there.
People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
From plants(растения) we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows(растут) on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a fruit drink!
What about tea?
Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Where does our food come from?
Some people grow their food, but usually(обычно) we buy it.
Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb(пословица): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables! Drink milk and juice! They've got a lot of vitamins ['vitәminz].
Do you eat the right food?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день оберегает от врачей
Read the text and find the food-words there.
People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
From plants(растения) we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows(растут) on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a fruit drink!
What about tea?
Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Where does our food come from?
Some people grow their food, but usually(обычно) we buy it.
Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb(пословица): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables! Drink milk and juice! They've got a lot of vitamins ['vitәminz].
Do you eat the right food?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день оберегает от врачей
Read the text and find the food-words there.
People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
From plants(растения) we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows(растут) on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a fruit drink!
What about tea?
Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Where does our food come from?
Some people grow their food, but usually(обычно) we buy it.
Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb(пословица): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables! Drink milk and juice! They've got a lot of vitamins ['vitәminz].
Do you eat the right food?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день оберегает от врачей
Read the text and find the food-words there.
People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
From plants(растения) we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows(растут) on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a fruit drink!
What about tea?
Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Where does our food come from?
Some people grow their food, but usually(обычно) we buy it.
Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb(пословица): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables! Drink milk and juice! They've got a lot of vitamins ['vitәminz].
Do you eat the right food?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день оберегает от врачей
Read the text and find the food-words there.
People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
From plants(растения) we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows(растут) on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a fruit drink!
What about tea?
Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Where does our food come from?
Some people grow their food, but usually(обычно) we buy it.
Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb(пословица): An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables! Drink milk and juice! They've got a lot of vitamins ['vitәminz].
Do you eat the right food?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день оберегает от врачей
1 . . . . butter
2 . . . . apple
3 . . . . egg
4 . . . . biscuit
5 . . . . milk
6 . . . . orange
7. . . . bread
8. . . . plum
9. . . . mushroom
10. . . . coke
11. . . . pizza
12. . . . tea
1 . . . . butter
2 . . . . apple
3 . . . . egg
4 . . . . biscuit
5 . . . . milk
6 . . . . orange
7. . . . bread
8. . . . plum
9. . . . mushroom
10. . . . coke
11. . . . pizza
12. . . . tea
1 . . . . butter
2 . . . . apple
3 . . . . egg
4 . . . . biscuit
5 . . . . milk
6 . . . . orange
7. . . . bread
8. . . . plum
9. . . . mushroom
10. . . . coke
11. . . . pizza
12. . . . tea
1 . . . . butter
2 . . . . apple
3 . . . . egg
4 . . . . biscuit
5 . . . . milk
6 . . . . orange
7. . . . bread
8. . . . plum
9. . . . mushroom
10. . . . coke
11. . . . pizza
12. . . . tea
1 . . . . butter
2 . . . . apple
3 . . . . egg
4 . . . . biscuit
5 . . . . milk
6 . . . . orange
7. . . . bread
8. . . . plum
9. . . . mushroom
10. . . . coke
11. . . . pizza
12. . . . tea
1 . . . . butter
2 . . . . apple
3 . . . . egg
4 . . . . biscuit
5 . . . . milk
6 . . . . orange
7. . . . bread
8. . . . plum
9. . . . mushroom
10. . . . coke
11. . . . pizza
12. . . . tea