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- Розробка заняття для учнів 8 класу на тему 'Зовнішність та особистість мого товариша' з презентацією
Розробка заняття для учнів 8 класу на тему 'Зовнішність та особистість мого товариша' з презентацією
Розробка занять для учнів 8 класу на тему:
«Зовнішність та особистість мого товариша»
Інтерактив на уроках англійської мови
Основною метою навчання іноземній мові є формування та розвиток комунікативної культури учнів, навчання практичному оволодінню іноземною мовою. Для досягнення даної мети вчитель має створити сприятливі умови для кожного учня, вибрати такі методи навчання, які б дозволили усім без винятку виявити свою активність та творчість.
Подані розробки занять орієнтовані на розвиток комунікативної компетенції, усіх видів мовленнєвих навичок. Інтерактивні методи, використані на уроках, зробили їх цікавими, захоплюючими, нетрадиційними та комунікативно спрямованими.
Розробка заняття у 8 класі
My Friend's Appearance and Personality
Suggested level - A2+pre-intermediate
to improve pupils' listening and speaking skills;
to develop the ability to think logically and teach them to describe a person;
to generalize and expand students' knowledge on the topic;
to teach the students to respect the other people.
Interactive activities: team work, "brain-storming"
Equipment: presentation, the photos of the children, the word box with cards
T: Good morning, my dear friends! How are you? I see that some of you are in bad and dismal mood. You have the «smiley faces» on your desks. Which of them do you associate with your mood? Show please. I want you to be in good mood.
I know one wonderful recipe to make it better. Smile looking to each other and wave your hands. Great! And another recipe is to listen to the song «My Bonnie». The girls will represent it.
The students sing the song.
Warming - up
T: Violetta, tell us the main idea of the song.
S: I think, the main idea of this song is relationship between loving people.
T: The author of the song has a lover, a friend whom he appreciates, doesn't he?
S: Yes, he does.
T: Today we are going to speak about our friends: their appearance and personality.(slide1) Let's begin with lexical material.
Main Part
Team work. We are to divide into two groups and sort out the adjectives given on the slide 2-3 into the columns with the names of physical features they can usually describe. One student from each team goes to the blackboard and writes these adjectives for 3 minutes. The winner will be the team that will write more words. (slide 2-3)
Underweight Hazel Thinning Large Blond Strong
Overweight Plump Turned- up
Weak Red Curly
Generous Slender Grey Slim Dark Chestnut
Pointed Straight Stout Short Long Mean
Square Fat Wavy
Crooker Blue Skinny
Large Dark
Turned- up
The winner is this team. (The teacher rewards the team).
Fill this table in with your own features.
(The students do the task with calm music).
T: Well done.
And this time divide the words giving on the blackboard into three types usually refer to men only, women only or people of both gender (5 minutes for this task). Mark the types with such signs.(slide 4)
Beard (m) Good-looking(b) Moustache(m) Shapely (w) Beautiful (w) Suntanned (b) Bald (m) Pretty (w) Muscular (m) Charming(w) Handsome (m) Ugly (b) Gorgeous (b)
(The students do the task with calm music).
T: Right! To cheer you up, we will do some physical exercises:
Put your fingers on your head!
One, two, three.
Put your fingers on your eyes,
On your nose,
Then bend down and touch your toes!
Stand up! Stand still!
Hands on your chest!
Hands on your hips!
Hands on your knees!
And then your legs, please!
Hop on your right foot!
Hop on your left foot!
Hop on your right foot!
Hop on your left foot!
And turn around! Sit down!
T: Go on!
How do you usually respond to people's appearance when you see them for the first time? This test will help us to find out it. Do the test please (slide 5-7).
When you meet someone for the first time, what usually attracts your attention first?
Their eyes.
Their face
Their hairdo.
Their legs.
Their clothes
What variant do you prefer?
2. Which of the following characteristics will make you think most positively about someone?
They are well-mannered.
They are well-dressed.
They are strong.
They look interesting.
Your idea?
3. Think of the two people you find very attractive. What is the most physically attractive thing about them?
The expression of their eyes.
Their smile.
The way they behave.
The way they speak.
What is your point of view?
(The students do «The first sight test»).
According to your answers we can comment our conclusion as «Never judge by appearance». We should look upon a person as a personality. And now again team work for two groups.
I take out from the «Word Box» the cards with adjectives describing personal qualities. Repeat after me the words and try to recollect them.
1. Thorough 6. Neat and tidy
2. Reliable 7. Committed
3. Confident 8. Efficient
4. Hard-working 9. Capable
5. Punctual 10. Relaxed
(The students repeat the words after the teacher).
T: Now I give these cards to Team one. The participants of Team two read the definitions from the slide (slide 8) for Team one. Team one, match and show the adjectives describing personal qualities with their definitions.
Well-organized and business like;
Not lazy;
Looking smart, dressed carefully;
Calm, not tense;
A person you can trust;
Normally on time;
Careful about details;
Sure of oneself;
Believing in something;
Able to do something.
g, 2-e, 3-h, 4-b, 5-f, 6-c, 7-I, 8-a, 9-j, 10-d
(The students work in teams).
Good job!
T: As you observed we are in our small photo studio. You can see the stand with the photos of your friends. You know them very well. Let's fix your cards under the appropriate photo. Discuss in your group and make up your minds.
T: This time exchange the task. Repeat after me the words from the «Word Box».
1. Boring 7. Punctual
2. Hard-working 8. Offensive
3. Stupid 9. Ambitious
4. Idealistic 10. Obstinate
5. Active 11. Brave
6. Generous 12. Kind-hearted
I give these cards to Team two. The participants of Team one, please read the antonyms from the slide (slide 9) for Team two. Team two, match and show the following adjectives.
a) Greedy g) Docile
b) Agreeable h) Exciting
c) Indifferent i) Passive
d) Cowardly j) Lazy
e) Ill-natured k) Pragmatic
f) Clever/smart/intelligent l) Careless/Unreliable
1-h, 2-j, 3-f, 4-k, 5-i, 6-a, 7-l, 8-b, 9-c, 10-g, 11-d, 12-e.
Now, fix your cards under the appropriate photos.
T: Listen to the text which is an essay of an English schoolgirl describing her friend.
About My Friend
Janet is my best friend; we go to school together. We have been friends for five years already, since she came to our school. Some people say that we look alike but I do not think so. Janet has blue eyes and fair hair, while my eyes are brown and I am dark-haired. She has a beautiful mouth with full lips. Janet is quite tall and has a beautiful slim figure. My friend is very smart and looks really attractive.
Janet likes studying languages and is thinking of learning them at the university to be able to work later for a travel agency. Janet loves being with crowds of people and makes friends easily. She loves going to parties and there she immediately becomes the center of attention. Janet is good at games.
Janet is reliable; she always cheers me up when I am depressed because she has a wonderful sense of humor. She is an intelligent and hard-working person, but she does not get good marks at school because she does not study enough. I admire her because she is so bright and energetic.
T: Tell us about your friends following guided story and we will try to recognize them from your describing in our photo studio.
Pay attention to the slide (slide 10).
Guided Story
Name, relation, age
Special features
Personal qualities
T: Your stories were objective and we recognized your friends. I am sure your friendship is true. To have a real friend follow such rules. (slide 11)
What other rules would you add?
The interacting exercise "brain-storming".
How to be a real friend
Be realistic
Set some standards
Be yourself
Enjoy it
Don't demand too much
Be a good listener
Never betray
T: Thanks for your fruitful work. I can say you worked really hard showing me your skills and abilities. I am really proud of you. Your creative work will be to select proverbs and sayings about friendship and to make up the page in your language portfolio.
Our lesson is over. I think you are cheered up with our activity. Show with your "smiley faces" how you feel.
Розробка заняття у 8 класі
My Friend's Hobby
Suggested level - A2+pre-intermediate
to have students' practice in evaluation of speaking tasks;
to train vocabulary on the topic;
to incorporate teamwork;
to develop students' logical way of thinking.
Interactive activities: team work
Equipment: presentation, cards
T: Good morning, my dear friends! It is nice to see you. Are you determined,
inspired and enthusiastic enough to start our lesson? I am sure you are.
Warming - up
T: Before I start I'd like to make compliment to all: you look wonderful today!
Let us sing the song.
I like the way that I,
I like the way that I look,
I like my nose and my face.
I take them with me to every place.
I like the way that I,
I like the way that I look,
Don't get me wrong, I am not perfect,
Faults I've got are a few,
But I'll never let them stop me
From doing what I want to do!
I like the way that I am,
And all other feelings can scram.
I like the way that I,
I like the way that I look,
You can't judge a book by its cover,
We're all a one of a kind.
There's beauty in all of us,
You just got to look and you'll find.
I like myself, I like me.
There's no one that I'd rather be.
I like the way that I,
I like the way that I look.
T: Why did we start our lesson with this song?
S: I think we started our lesson in such a way because last time we described friend's appearance and personality.
T: You are right. Your creative work was to select proverbs and sayings about friendship, appearance and personality. Let us do the task. Complete the following proverbs by choosing the ending:
Never judge a) open all the doors
A friend in need b) by appearance
Honesty c) is a friend indeed
Good clothes. d) that makes the gentleman
Clothes do e) speak louder than words
It is not the gay coat. f) not make a man
Appearances g) is the best policy
Actions h) are deceitful
The way to have a friend is i) who has many friends
A friend to all is. j) slower in changing
He has no friend k) to be one
Be slow in choosing a friend, l) a friend to none
Never judge by appearance.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Honesty is the best policy.
Good clothes open all the doors.
Clothes do not make a man.
It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.
Appearances are deceitful.
Actions speak louder than words.
The way to have a friend is to be one.
A friend to all is a friend to none.
He has no friend who has many friends.
Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.
T: We can add one more proverb into this list: "Every man has his hobby horse".
It will be the motto of today's lesson.(slide1)
Main Part
T: Before we start working with this work I want you to listen to the rhyme:(slide2)
Everybody has a hobby,
And we've got a common one.
English does attract us
More than stamps or actors.
And it is s great fun!
There are more than one thousand hobbies in the world. A hobby is something you like to do when you have free time. You can choose a hobby according to your character and taste. Tastes differ.
Look at the slides and remember the names of different pastimes:
doing sport (slide3)
watching TV(slide4)
reading (slide5)
collecting things(slide6)
gardening (slide7)
travelling (slide8)
playing games (slide9)
cooking (slide10)
fishing (slide14)
playing musical instruments(slide15)
Pair work
The world of people's interests is very rich and varied. But I'd like to know what you prefer to do when you have free time? We will do the exercise " Microphone" and find out what different activities our classmates, our friends enjoy. Use following questions:
Do you have hobby?
What is your hobby?
Do you listen to the music alone or in company?
Do you play games indoors or out of doors?
Do you need any equipment?
Do you like reading? Is it interesting or boring?
Can you play musical instruments? Is it easy or difficult?
Is fishing your hobby? Is it fun?
What is your favourite pastime?
Do you prefer shopping?
Do you collect anything?(toys, shoe laces, umbrellas, dishes)
Is your hobby important?
Your hobby entertains you, doesn't it?
According to your hobby survey we discovered that your friends enjoy such activities as travelling, sport, listening to music, watching the films and reading.
Team work. T: Let's divide into the teams.
Each team receives the envelopes with" mind maps". Using these mind maps compose your stories about your friends' hobby. Discuss in your teams and be ready to tell us these stories.
means of travelling be fond of travelling go sightseeing
visit some places of interest choose a nice place on the sea shore
advantages/ disadvantages journey/ voyage comfortable/ pleasant
interesting by train/ by bus/ by air/ on foot favourite way of traveling
enjoy delightful places get a full view of landscape
"A sound mind in a sound body".
swimming athletics tennis volleyball basketball team game
gymnasium/sport clubs keep fit
go in sport prefer kind of sport
take place in sport competitions show the best results do morning exercises to be healthy/ wealthy/strong/ vigorous/active
never use cigarettes, alcohol, drugs
" Music is the universal language of mankind"(Henry Longfellow)
have an ear for music enjoy listening to music
a favourite song, group, composer be fond of singing songs
play any musical instrument feel the beauty with your heart
help to work, design, create folk/ classical/pop/rap/ jazz music
evoke deep feelings source of inspiration and delight
watching the films
" Film is a life itself, from which the spots of dullness are removed"
documentary/ serial/cartoon/ feature film/ melodrama/ tragedy/ adventure/comedy/ drama/ thriller/ horror film/ detective film
enjoy performance invite friends see the film learn a lot of things
relax your impression (deep, lasting) favourite actor/ actress movie stars
happiness show the life have a good time
different experience from watching TV
"Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life" (Mortimer J.Adler)
buy the books improve wonderful source of knowledge historical novel/ poetry/ fairy tale/ adventure story/science fiction/detective story
study a school subject different experience from reading
give information bookworm borrow use the library get the news from
T: Now we are trying to describe our friends' hobby.
4. Summing - up.
T: Your friends enjoy different activities. Tastes really differ. But… You never know what you can do till you try. Choose a hobby and enjoy it. And let us know about it next lesson: make up your portfolio page "M y hobby".
I'd like to say that you worked hard and learnt to express your opinions. You were active and attentive. Thanks a lot. Express your ideas about the lesson with " The English Flower"(slide17)
Possible ideas: