Урок на тему: 'Gerund' (10 класс)

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Тақырыбы: «Gerund»

10 «а» сынып

Өткізген: Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Кунедилова Салтанат Асановна

Жезқазған-2009 ж.

Lesson theme: " Gerund"

Date: 19.10.09

Grade: 10 "a"

Materials of the lesson: active board, cards, pictures

Objectives: The students will be able to

  1. identify Gerund in the sentences

  2. use Gerund in different situations

  3. learn how not to confuse Gerund with other Grammar structures

Procedure of the lesson

I. Introduction (Greeting, Homework)

II. Warm up (Drew's activity)

III. Presentation:

Gerund : Ving

A Gerund is the -ing form of a verb used as a noun.

Герундий -это неличная форма глагола, соединяющая в себе свойства существительного и глагола. В этом отношении герундий сходен с инфинитивом, но отличается от него тем, что передает оттенок процесса действия. В русском и казахском языках нет формы глагола, соответствующей английскому герундию.


1) Walking is good exercise. - walking = a gerund, used as the subject of the sentence. (Герундий)

2) Bob and Ann are playing tennis.- playing= a present participle, used in the Present Continuous Tense. (Осы созылыңқы шақ)

3) I heard some surprising news. - surprising = a present participle, used as an adjective. (Сын есім)

So, let's explain gerunds. Look at the following sentences. Which words are the nouns?

Alaska is fun.

English is difficult.

That is ice cream.

Which words are the nouns? You chose these words because you know that you need nouns in those places. The red lines below show you where nouns are required.

______ is fun.

______ is difficult.

That is ______.

You can put any noun on these red lines (as long as it makes logical sense). What if you want to say an action is fun or difficult? That is when you need a gerund. If you want to use an action word in a place that requires a noun, you can usually use a verb with an -ing ending. For example,

Fishing is fun.

Hiking is difficult.

That is ballet dancing.

In these sentences, fishing, hiking, and dancing look like verbs, but they are not verbs. They are nouns. When a noun looks like a verb with -ing, it is called a gerund.

Even (those verbs that almost never have -ing) can be turned into gerunds. A native speaker of English would NEVER say I am believing you. However, a native speaker could say

Believing in God is important.

Believing, here, is a gerund. It is NOT a verb. Believing in God is a gerund phrase.

Gerunds act just like nouns. Gerunds can be followed by possessive pronouns (my, his, her, our, their, its). They can also be followed by a possessives.

My cooking is famous in my hometown.

Jake's driving scares me.

Common verbs that are followed only by Gerund:

To enjoy наслаждаться to excuse извинять

to avoid избегать to mind возражать,

to deny отрицать to put off откладывать

to delay откладывать to postpone откладывать

to give up бросать to need нуждаться в


The criminals denied to steal anything


The criminals denied stealing anything.

IV. Practice:

My friend gave up smoking. My friend gave up to smoke

Task: Complete the sentences using these words: play, answer, clean

1)We enjoy … football. 2) He avoided … my question. 3)This room needs ….

Quiz time

Directions: Read the sentences. Make a gerund or gerund phrase from the first sentence. Put that gerund in the second sentence. The gerund replaces the it, this, that, these, and those in the second sentence. The first one has been done for you.


You should brush your teeth twice daily. This is what all dentists recommend.

Gerund or gerund phrase: brushing your teeth

Brushing your teeth twice daily is what all dentists recommend.

  1. People cry. That can make your whole face red.

2. You have to take the TOEFL. It is the only way to get into that college.

3. I watch airplanes take off. It is very relaxing.

V. Production:

Write down three things you like doing, three things you hate doing, two things you avoid doing. When you finish , discuss with your classmates.


hate V ing


VI. Assessments

VII. Homework: page 200 ex.3


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