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- Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Цветы
Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Цветы
План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме "The World of Flowers and plants. "
Тема : "Мир цветов и растений".
Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений.
Цели и задачи:
Развивающие: развивать способности к распределению внимания, коммуникабельности, умению выражать своё отношение к темам затрагиваемым на уроке, развивать способности к словесному выражению услышанного и к самостоятельному труду.
Учебные: Формирование и развитие навыков и умений всех видов речевой деятельности: активизация лексики, аудирование незнакомого текста, обсуждение проблемы по данной теме в монологических и диалогических высказываниях, тренировка навыков письма, расширение словарного запаса.
Воспитательные: Воспитание чувства ответственности и любви к окружающей среде, развитие познавательной активности, воспитание культуры общения.
Оснащение урока: учебник английского языка для V класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка (авторы О. В. Афанасьева, И. Н. Верещагина); плакаты и картинки по теме "Животный и растительный мир"; тексты для чтения; таблички для игры; презентация по теме "Harmony of Nature",магнитофон с звуковым заданием.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент
Good morning, my dear friends. Glad to see You.
Who is absent today? (What is the matter with her...)
Thank you. Tell me what season is it now? What is the weather like today?
What comes after winter? What comes before winter?
How many seasons are there in a year?
What is your favourite season?
Thank you.
So today we have an unusual lesson- we shall play, speak, do various types of work.
I want to start our lesson with a riddle. If you solve it, you will know what we are going to speak about. Listen to me and think, please.
II. Определение темы урока учащимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока
Tell me, please, my dear friend:
What has petals, leaves and stem?
Its smell is so sweet! You can give it as a gift!
T: So can you guess what the theme of our lesson is? P:
T: Yes, right you are. After revising some lexical and grammar
material you will be able to speak about flowers and plants of each
season an about your favourite flowers.
. So the theme of our lesson is ""The World of Flowers and plants. ""
We'll speak about flowers and animals because flowers and animals are the part of nature. Слайд 1(тема)
How do you understand the word "nature"?
P1: Nature is everything that surrounds us. It is air, water and land.
P2: I think the word 'nature' means seas, forests, rivers, oceans and mountains.
And what about a man?
P3: A man is also a part of nature.
What does nature give us?
P4: Nature gives us food, water, air clothes and other things that we need for our life.
I agree with you.
III. Phonetic Drill. CЛАЙД 2
Look at the blackboard and read the words please:(учитель открывает слова первого столбика)
- Read the words, please.
- Read the names of the flowers.
- read the nouns.
-read the adjectives.
-read the word that can be a noun and a verb. Give the 3 forms of this verb (smell-smelt-smelt)purple
To climb
A daffodil
A honeysuckle
A daisy
A snowdrop
A poppy
A primrose
A Lily
A chrysanthemum
An emblem
Now match the words with their meanings (слайд)
III. Речевая разминка.
And now I'd like to check your competence in the vocabulary. You should do the next task. You have the cards with definitions on your tables. Try to guess the words after definitions (they are from your active vocabulary) and write down them in your cards. Please, begin to work. You have only 3 minutes.
It's high time to finish your work. Please, put your pens aside. Read the definitions and tell us what it is.
1. Mass of flowers on a bush or a tree. (blossom).
2. A large white or yellow flower. It grows in the water. (water lily).
3. The red colour and the blue colour together. (purple).
4. This flower is a plant that has long leaves and yellow or white flowers. (daffodil)
5The earliest spring flower. (snowdrop)
6. This flower is a symbol of peace in England (poppy)
7. To go up by using both the hands and the feet. (climb)
8. This plant is a climbing plant that has many small, sweet-smelling flowers. (honeysuckle)
9. The national flower of Japan. This lovely flower can be red , white ,yellow and purple. (chrysanthemum)
10. That which is noticed by the means of the nose. (smell)
Well done! Give me your cards. We'll speak about the results next day.
Odd words: climb, a rose, play, a lilac, jump, a water-lily, a pink., dandelion.
an oak, maple, monkey, a willow, a birch, a ball.
to smell, an apple, to pick, to water, a cat, to plant, to pour,
nice, pleasant, purple,
IV. Grammar Drill:
Answer my questions;
Look at the pictures and answer my questions. Look at the first picture
1) What season is it now?
2) What is the girl doing?
3) What flowers are they. What colour are they?
What tense did you use to answer to my questions? (Present Cont. Tense).
(Who can tell us how we form this tense) Слайд 3
Well done, pupils. We have revised Present Continuous Tense
V. Физкультминутка
Now I see you are tired, let's have a rest. Let's do some exercises, Stand up, please.(приблизим себя к природе)
Imagine that we are going to the forest...(все шагают), Look left ( )look right, Look up(what can you see)
look the sun is shining (помашите ему), now you see a butterfly try to catch it. (what colour is your butterfly), you see a lot of different flowers -pick them up and tell us what flowers you are collecting.... Look around.(whom do you see)
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.
VI. Развитие навыков аудирования по теме «12 цветов года»
T: Now let's work in groups.
We already know different flowers and their names. Now I want you to remember the names of twelve flowers of the year. Now listen to me- I will describe different flowers. Try to guess what flower it is and put them into the vase.(Я читаю вопросы для каждой команды разные., они заполняют вазу и потом должны рассказать и суммировать свои ответы)вазы белая-зима, желтая-осень, зеленая- лето, весна----
Is it clear? Let's begin.
VI. Обобщение и систематизация знаний
Now summerise your knowledge and tell us all you know about your season.
T: Well done, thank you. It was a very good job.
IV. Обобщение и систематизация знаний.
T.: And now I offer you to build a special chart. Let's create it all together. I will help you, asking questions. Let's begin!
All of you have tables on your desks. Find them, please. We are going to fulfill this table with information. All of you also have small cards with words. You don't need to write anything in the table. You are to paste in these cards into the write place in the table and pictures of flowers into the last column. Is it clear? Ok, let's start.
T.: First of all, answer my questions.
Water lily
Morning glory
1. How many seasons are there? Name them. (find cards with the names of seasons and paste them in the table)
2. Can you name three winter months?
3. What are spring months?
4. And what about summer months? Who can name them?
5. Now name three autumn months, please?
T.: Well done, good job! I'm sure, that all of you remember that every month has its flower. And our task now is to name flowers for each month and to paste in a picture of it. I will give you hints.
1. Now, look at the screen. You can see the description of the flower. Can you read it, Asya, please? So, can you guess what flower is it? Write you are, it is the primrose. Look how nice it is. Let's find cards with this flower and paste them in our table. Be very attentive, you need to put it in the right pace.
Very good. Now look at the screen again and read the description of the flower, Dima. Can you guess what it is? Of course, right you are, it is the snowdrop. Look how tender it is! Find snowdrops and paste them in the tables. Well done, pupils!
And here is one more task for you. Read the description, Inna, please. Can you guess the plant? Well, it is the holly. Look how interesting it is! Find cards with the holly on it and paste them in the right place. Excellent!
Winter flowers are in the table already. Please, name them and months for these flowers. (The holly is for December, the snowdrop is for January, the primrose is for February). Good, thank you.
Let's continue our work. Look at the screen. You can see the name of one of the spring flowers. But all letters in the word are mixed. You are to make up the name of this flower. These pictures can help you. So, it is daffodil, very good. Please, answer my questions.
When does this flower appear? (early in spring)
What colour is these flower? (white or yellow)
What smell does it have? (sweet pleasant smell)
Very good, find daffodils on your desks and paste them in the tables.
Have a look at the screen again. One more riddle for you. Make up name of the May's flower. Use these letters; pictures can help you. Who is ready? Name the flower, please. Of course, it is hawthorn. Answer my questions about this flower:
Where does this flower grow? (on a small tree)
What colour are its blossoms? (pink, white or red)
What does this plant also have? (small hard fruit which looks like a little apple)
Well done. Find hawthorns on your desks and paste them in the right place.
Now, one more spring flower. Make up its name from the letters on the screen. Right you are, it is daisy. Look how fresh and nice it is.
The month for this flower is … (April)
Where can you see these flowers? (You can see these flowers everywhere in the fields, gardens and even roadsides)
What colour are they?
Now find and paste in pictures of daisies into your tables.
And now be ready to name spring months and flowers for these months.
Very good, thank you. Next task has appeared on the screen. You can see two columns. There are names of three summer flowers on the screen. You are to match two columns. If you do it right you will give right names of the flowers.
Well, honeysuckle is June' flower. It is a tender flower, than can only grow in subtropical zone. Its leaves are oval, 1-10 cm long. It has sweet smell and most flowers grow in clusters of two. Berries of these flowers are red, blue or black. Most of them are poisonous. You can't eat them. Find pictures of honeysuckle and paste them in.
Now water lily. Who can tell us about this flower? Please, Alina.
It is July's flower. You can often see these flowers on the waters of the quiet lake. Frogs like to use their large green leaves as platforms. They may be yellow, white, pink, blue or even purple.
Very good, Alina. Thank you. Take pictures of water lily and paste them in the right place.
One more summer flower is poppy. Tell us about these flowers.
These flowers are bright red, orange, purple or yellow. They look like cups. They often grow wild in mountains. This flower is a symbol of peace in England.
Thank you, it was interesting. Now paste in poppy in your table.
Now name summer months and flowers for these months.
Well done. Thanks. So we have only one season left, and it is autumn. On the screen you can see description of one of the autumn flowers. You should read the description and choose the right name for it. Now, Sasha, go to the blackboard and read the text.
It is one of the oldest known flowers. It has been grown in Japan for nearly two thousand years and it is its national flower and emblem. This lovely flower can be white, yellow, purple or pink. They appear from late August to December. It is the flower for November.
Very good, now choose the name of the flower. (Morning glory, Chrysanthemum, Hop) Of course it is Chrysanthemum. Well done. Paste in pictures of this flower in the right place.
One more description is on the screen. Go to the blackboard and read it.
It is a climbing plant with blue or purple blossoms. Its green leaves look like small green hearts. It opens early in the morning but when the hot sun appears in the sky it closes. The blossoms are like bells. It has a sweet smell and can grow wild. It is September's flower.
Good of you. Can you guess what flower it is? Choose the name. (Morning glory, Chrysanthemum, Hop). It is morning glory, right you are. Find this flower and paste it in the table.
Well, we've got only one flower left. Read the description please, Ann.
It is October's flower. It is a climbing plant which often decorates country houses in England. It is used to produce medicines, herbal teas and soft drinks. (Morning glory, Chrysanthemum, Hop) Right, it is hop. Paste in the last flower, that is left on your desks.
T.: Ok, very good. Now our table is ready. You all have a very useful and informative table.
Well, pupils. We have spoken much about flowers and do you think flowers are in danger? (people pick up flowers when they go to the forests or woods. People don't take care of flowers. People forget that flowers are a part of nature and they take flowers to their homes. Sometimes people leave fires in the fields and forests and those fires destroy plants and flowers).
- I see you understand the problem well. And what can you suggest to take care of flowers.
стр 206
Слайд стр 206
V. Контроль усвоения пройденного материала, обсуждение допущенных ошибок и их коррекция.
Now, using this table, you can easily speak about 12 flowers of the year. Try to tell us about them. Use your table and plan on the screen.
There are ___ __________ in the year. They are: __________, ___________, ____________, ____________. Each season has ____ _________, and every month has its flower.I want to tell you about (winter, spring, summer, autumn). There are three _________months. They are: __________, ___________, ___________. And there are also three _________ flowers. __________ is the flower for ___________. ___________is the flower for __________. And the flower for ___________ is ____________.
Well done. It was very good. Thank you.
VII. Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия).
T.: You all worked great today. I'm very pleased with your work. And now, at the end of our lesson, I want you to make a conclusion and to make up only one sentence about today's lesson and about new things you have learnt. You may use word combinations from charts on the screen.
T.: Very good, thank you. Our lesson is over. See you tomorrow.
T.: Now please find a card with a crossword and let's try solve it together.
Vertically:3. It is a climbing plant with blue or purple blossoms. The flower for September (morning_glory)
6. It is one of the earliest spring flowers. The flower for February (primrose)
8. It is a climbing plant which often decorates country houses. The flower for October (hop)
9.You can see these flowers everywhere in the fields, gardens and even roadsides. The flower for April (daisy)
10. It is one of the oldest known flowers.
It's a national flower and emblem of Japan
1. It is as white as snow and appears in forests and gardens when there is still snow there. (snowdrop)
2. This flower grows on a small tree and it's blossoms are pink, white or red. The flower for May (hawthorn)
4. People who love themselves very much and think that they are the most beautiful in the world are called so. (daffodil)
5. You can often see these flowers on the waters of the quiet lake. (water_lily)
6. These flowers are bright red, orange, purple or yellow. They look like cups. August flower (poppy)
7. It is an evergreen. It's flowers produce red berries for the Christmas season. (holly)