- Учителю
- Поурочный план по ангийскому языку. 7 класс
Поурочный план по ангийскому языку. 7 класс
Form: 7
Lesson №23
The theme of the lesson: Eating in Britain
The aims of the lesson:
1) To have a talk about food and eating in Britain, Comparing eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan.
2) To present the grammar material "Countable and Uncountable Nouns"
3) To develop pupils' talking to their partners.
The aids of the lesson:, grammar table
Development of the lesson.
Beginning. Greeting. - Hello, children! Sit down. Register calling.
Who is on duty today? (I'm on duty today).
Who is absent?
What date is it today? (It's 24 of November)
What day is it today? (It's Monday)
Thank you, Sit down..
Warm up. Act 1.Let's read the phonetic drill "The black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat" repeat it after me for many times.
-Write down today's date, the theme of the lesson, and the phonetic drill.
Act 2. Checking up the home task .It was to learn by heart the song
"An apple pie".
An apple pie,
When it looks nice,
Would make
One long
To have a slice;
But if the taste
Should prove so, too,
I fear one slice
Would scarcely do.
So, to prevent
My asking twice,
Pray, Mamma,
Cut a large slice!
-Let's check up your home task.
- Are you ready?
-Have you learned it?
Let's begin.
Follow up. Act 1. The new words of the lesson
onion - лук, пияз
tomatoes - помидоры, қызанақтар
fork - вилка, шанышқы
plate - тарелка, тәрелке
bowl - чаша, тегеш
bean - горох, бұрыш
spoon - ложка, қасық
Repeat these words after me.
Grammar reference.
Существительные в английском языке обозначают вещества, понятия, названия предметов, людей, животных и растений. Они бывают исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми.
Неисчисляемые существительные (Uncountable nouns)
Существительное является неисчисляемым, если невозможно рассматривать его, как один из нескольких раздельных предметов, а только как некая единая идея или вещество, например "music" (музыка), "butter" (масло), "water" (вода), "advice" (совет). Эти существительные иногда называют "массовыми" (mass) существительными.
Some meat
There is some meat
on the table.
Some milk
There is some milk
in the glass.
То есть, из всего сказанного - неисчисляемые существительные невозможно подсчитать.
Исчисляемые существительные (Countable nouns)
Существительное является исчисляемым, если можно рассматривать его, как одно из нескольких раздельных предметов, то есть исчисляемые существительные могут быть фактически посчитаны: shirt(s), book(s) и т.п.
A pear two pears
Exercise 1. p. 65. To read the dialogue. At first I'll read the dialogue, then you'll do it.
Exercise 2. p. 65. To complete the chart.
Other food
Act 2.
Exercise 4. p. 66 to read and write uncountable (U) or (C) near these words.
Cars C, Water U, Air U, bottles C, Apples C, Bread U, tea U, dollars C, money U, peas C, lemons C, sugar U, salt U, eggs C, toys C, milk U, sandwiches C, ham U, cheese U, coffee U.
Exercise 12. p. 68 To read the text about British food.
Exercise 17. p. 69 To read the text at p.70. To complete the diagram.
Eating In Kazakhstan.
Drinks: shubat, kymyz, airan, bacon, milk, tea
Traditional food: baursak, kazy, kurt, beshbarmak
IY. Round off. Act 1.
The home task is to read the dialogue. Ex. 1. p.65. about fruit.
Act. 2. Marks and Comments.
Act 3. Saying good bye.