- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка с использованием веб-квеста по теме «Hello…Is anyone out of there?» в 11 классе
Конспект урока английского языка с использованием веб-квеста по теме «Hello…Is anyone out of there?» в 11 классе
Конспект урока английского языка с использованием веб-квеста по теме «Hello…Is anyone out of there?» в 11 классе
(Учебное по английскому языку 11 класс)
V.Evans, Dooley, B.Obee, O.Afanasyeva, I.Miheeva « Spotlight»)
Автор: Воротина Лилия Александровна ( )
Место работы: Бюджетное образовательное учреждение « Вохтожская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2,( БОУ « Вохтожская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2)
Номинация: 3. Урок (занятие) с использованием электронных образовательных ресурсов
Предмет: английский язык, раздел 6, «Communication»
Субъекты образовательного процесса, ступень обучения: обучающиеся (11 класс)
Цели и задачи:
Цель занятия :
- Развитие и совершенствование навыков иноязычной компетенции по теме «Исследования космоса».
Задачи :
-Расширить кругозор учащихся посредством знакомства их с различными источниками информации.
-Формировать осознанное отношение к уровню развития современных технологий.
Данное занятие рассчитано на 2 часа, поэтому желательно, чтобы уроки были поставлены парой. Обучающихся необходимо постараться распределить так, чтобы в группе были и «сильные» и «слабые» ученики. Таким образом, все созданные группы будут находиться в равных условиях, это также создаст условия для определенной мотивации - справиться с заданием лучше остальных. Занятия проходят в компьютерном классе с выходом в Интернет.
Ссылка на веб-квест
Основная часть описания
Цель занятия:
- Развитие и совершенствование навыков иноязычной компетенции по теме «Исследования космоса».
-Расширить кругозор учащихся посредством знакомства их с различными источниками информации.
-Формировать осознанное отношение к уровню развития современных технологий.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент. Целеполагание.
The teacher: Good morning , my dear students. I am glad to see you again. Today we are going to learn a lot of information about space researches. The theme of our lesson is «Hello…Is anyone out of there? ». Listen to the song and say what it is about. (The students listen to the song "Hello...Is anyone Out there?" and answer the teacher's question)
The teacher: Let's try to describe an alien (his appearance, voice, behavior…)
The students: In my opinion, an alien can….
I expect an alien to… I imagine that…
(The students give their opinion and describe an alien)
2. Изучение нового материала ( Работа с веб-квестом)
The teacher: Now you'll get the following reference .
There you will find the task and instruction for your work. At home you have already read the text «Hello…Is anyone out of there? » and you will need its information during this lesson. I want you to be very attentive and tolerant to each other, respect your classmates opinions.
(The students start working with the web-quest. They use the reference in the Internet)
Содержание веб-квеста
Do aliens exist? There is a very simple answer to this question: "We don't know, but it's possible» No evidence for life has yet been found on any other planet except Earth. However, this does not eliminate the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing on planets we have never been to. Many scientists take part in high-tech hunt for aliens. You will get acquainted with one of them and learn interesting things about space technology.
The task
You have to do the following task:
Study carefully the given resources
Divide into little groups (5-6 students)
Using the information from the internet and the text of your student's book, discuss and prepare a talk about searching the aliens.
Write a group description of the day that you finally made contact with aliens
Study the following resources
Now answer some questions about SETI
1. What is SETI?
2. When did the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence programme begin?
3. What are their searches based on?
4. What were the most famous experiments held by SETI to search for intelligent extraterrestrial life?
5. Name the most famous scientists who took part in that programme?
6. When and where did the first SETI conference take place?
7. Did Russian scientists also take a strong interest in SETI?
8. What have you learnt about the WOW! signal?
9. What does the SETI@home allow you to do?
Listen, then, read the text in your student's book, p.102-103. Do exercise 3A.
«Hello...Is anyone out there? »
( MP3)
Work in groups, use all the information and make up a 2-minute talk about searching for aliens. The following plan will help you.
1. The beginning of the programme
2. The most famous experiments
3. Problems of the SETI programme
4. How can everyone take part in it.
Don't forget to show your papers to the teacher!
Imagine you are a scientist working for the SETI programme and finally the day of successful contact with aliens came. Think of main ideas of your story: how, where and when it happened, what you saw, heard and felt.
Use your imagination and write your group story about this day. Respect different points of your classmates.
Don't forget to show your papers to the teacher!
Divide the tasks and make presentations or videos to see the results of your work. The can include different pictures and photos to prove your ideas. Send them to the teacher
Тема: Our presentations (videos)
Roles and responsibilities
Plays no role and assumes no or few of the responsibilities assigned to him or her- 2
Plays a limited role and assumes some of the responsibilities assigned to him or her -3
Plays his or her role well and assumes most of the responsibilities assigned to him or her -4
Plays his or her role to perfection and assumes all responsibilities assigned to him or her-5
Rarely takes part in group discussions, shares very few ideas and does not respect others' opinions 2
Occasionally takes part in group discussions, shares some ideas and respects others' opinions to a limited degree -3
Takes an active part in group discussions, shares ideas most of the time, and respects others' opinions -4
Takes the initiative in group discussions, shares ideas and encourages others to do the same, respects others' opinion-5
Time management and focus on task
Wastes his or her time and focuses very little on the task - 2
Does not make good use of time and is often distracted from the task - 3
Manages time well and generally focuses on the task - 4
Manages time very efficiently and focuses on the task - 5
Your Presentation (PowerPoint or Video )
The presentation has little information. There are some mistakes.-2
The presentation has necessary information. There are some mistakes.-3
The presentation has necessary information. There are no mistakes. -4
The presentation has all the necessary information with examples. It has no
mistakes. -5
The presentation isn't logically organized. It has no plan -2
The presentation has a plan but isn't logically organized. -3
The presentation is logically organized and has a plan -4
The presentation is well organized and has a detailed plan -5
3. Заключительный этап урока. Итоги урока
Teacher: Have you learnt a lot during the lesson today? Are you satisfied with your work? What did you like /dislike?
(Students answer the teacher's questions and express their opinion about the lesson.)
Teacher: Your homework will be to continue the work with the web-quest and be ready to show your results. Our lesson is over. We'll meet soon. Good bye.
Применение данного веб - квеста в учебном процессе
Веб - квест «Hello…Is anyone out of there?» был создан и применялся на уроке английского языка в 11 классе в 2012 году. В подтверждение использования ресурса на занятии к описанию работы прилагается одна из презентаций, созданных старшеклассниками, и фотографии, сделанные на уроке.
Библиографическое описание документов
О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс «Spotlight 11: Student's Book / Английский язык. 11 класс», -Express Publishing, Просвещение,2009
О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс «Spotlight 11: Teacher's Book / Английский язык. 11 класс», -Express Publishing, Просвещение,2009
Spotlight 11. Class CD. Аудиодиск для работы в классе, -Express Publishing, Просвещение,2009