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  • Разработка урока для 9 класса на тему 'The world of jobs '

Разработка урока для 9 класса на тему 'The world of jobs '

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Тема: "Choosing a Career: The World of Jobs".

I. Организационный момент. Сообщение целей и задач урока

Teacher: Today we're going to talk about the world of professions. You will do some lexical exercises to improve your speech. At the end of our lesson I will help you to choose the profession suitable for you. It will help you to write a composition "My future profession".

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: Let's do a phonetic drill first. Look at the blackboard and read the proverb. How do you understand it?

Little strokes fell great oaks. - Терпение и труд все перетрут.

III. Мозговая атака.

What professions do you know?

journalist, bricklayer, accountant, physicist, sports instructor, interpreter, architect, manager, pharmacist, physician, announcer, receptionist, cashier, conductor, interior decorator, programmer, fashion designer.

IV. Активизация использования лексики. Игра "Угадай профессию"

Форма работы - фронтальная.

Teacher: Now it's time for a guessing-game "What profession is it?"

Introduction Exercises

Exercise 1. Here are some professions: journalist, bricklayer, accountant, physicist, sports instructor, interpreter, architect, manager, pharmacist, physician, announcer, receptionist, cashier, conductor, interior decorator, programmer, fashion designer.

Учитель описывает профессии, используя слова на доске.

Listen to the definitions of professions, try to guess and name them.

1. someone who can count well and keeps the money records of a business
2. someone who makes walls with bricks
3. someone who designs clothes
4. someone who writes computer programs
5. someone who stands in front of the group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing
6. someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop
7. someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel
8. (Am.) a doctor
9. someone who changes spoken words from one language to another
10. someone whose job is to design buildings
11. someone whose job is to manage a company
12. someone who studies or works in physics

Затем учащиеся сами дают описание профессий.

Exercise 2. Give your definition of professions:

Teacher, tailor, driver, musician, singer, photographer, shop-assistant, potter

V. Reading.

Tell me please what the most important things in a job?

We are going to read a text.Teacher: Your home task was to write a dialogue "My future profession." I'd like you to read some examples of your dialogues.

VI. Отработка и закрепление лексики по теме

Актуализация приемов дифференциации существительных (названий профессий) и прилагательных (характеристики) в письменной и устной речи.

Teacher: Now, it's time to do our lexical exercises. Please, take your papers.

Exercise 1. Look at the screen.

Professions can be: prestigious, not prestigious, up-to-date, out-of-date, well-paid, low-paid, rare and widespread.

Look at the pictures of rare and out-of-date professions. They are: weaver, potter, tailor, animal trainer, conductor, and bricklayer.

VIII. Развитие навыков аудирования по теме

Teacher: Now you will listen to these people. Write down their professions.

Форма работы - индивидуальная.

IX. Развитие навыков чтения. Работа с текстом.

Teacher: Are people always asking you what you want to be when you leave school? You know how difficult it is to choose a profession. Your traits and abilities are very important here. Try our special chart to help you discover which is the job for you.
Work in pairs asking questions and giving answers while you will get a symbol. After that I'll give you the answers. Find your symbol and read the answers, then write them down into your exercise books and tell us about yourselves. Use the plan on the blackboard.

Форма работы - парная.

X. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок

Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учащихся.

Teacher: Let's sum up. Today you have found out what kind of person you are and what profession is suitable for you. I hope this questionnaire will help you to make the right choice. At home please write a short essay (15 sentences) "My future profession".


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