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  • Сценарий проведения внеклассной работы

Сценарий проведения внеклассной работы

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предварительный просмотр материала

</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">День первый, 15 декабря

Утренник «Winter comes!» для учащихся 5-6 классов

Цель внеклассного мероприятия: мотивация обучения обучающихся среднего звена английскому языку, закрепление умения говорить о зверях и животных, понимания обращенной речи в игровой форме.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Today we shall speak about season winter and play as we are animals. Are you ready? Let's begin. There are 4 seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. What season is it now? (Winter) This is the coldest season, isn't it? (Yes, it is). Do you like winter? (Yes, I do). Why do you like winter? (I like to ski and play snowballs).

Children of the 5th Form have learned the poems about winter, listen to them.

P1: This is the season

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year tree!

P2: How quietly the snow

Is falling on the ground

It's falling on the ground

It's falling on the country-side

And softly on the town.

P3 : The snow is falling

The wind is blowing

The grownd is white

All day and night.

P4: Little snowflakes, come and play

I have nothing to do today

Come on, sisters, back we go

To where the Earth is white with snow.

P5: I am running on my skates,

White and silver are the lakes,

I am quick as quick can be,

Try to catch me. One, two, three!

Children: We will make a snowman

Big and round,

Big and round,

Big and round,

We will put the snowman

On the ground,

On the ground,

On the ground.

Teacher: Little children, make a ring

Make a ring, make a ring.

We shall sing and we shall play,

We shall play the game today. (A song "We wish you a merry Christmas")

T: Now it's time to riddles. (отгадывание загадок)

  1. Fat and gay on a winter day

It came here with us to stay

When it grew both sad and thin,

We brought his younger brother in.

People meet the guest with cheer,

For it brought another year. (a calendar)

  1. Which month of the year is the shortest?

(May- it has 3 letters, February- it has 28 days)

  1. A little woman with 12 children,

Some short, some long,

Some cold, some hot,

What is it? (A year)

  1. They run upon the ground with upturned noses (Skis)

  2. What is without hands and without feet, without head and body, but can open the door? (a wind)

  3. What is it that catch me in the garden and in the street, can make me wet, but cannot reach me at home? (snow, rain)

  4. What often falls on us, but never hurts us? (snow)

Учитель: А теперь, ребята, образуйте круг вокруг меня. Помните игру «Я садовником родился, не на шутку рассердился, кроме яблони одной…Мы поиграем в эту игру. Только вы превратитесь в разных зверей, а я буду храбрым укротителем. Каждому из них учитель распределяет роли и игра начинается.

Teacher: Let's begin, please. I am a brave tamer. And I like all my pets and animals. I like them all, except you, a tiger.

Tiger: I.

T: What's up?

Tiger: I like.

T: Whom?

Tiger: I like a cow best of all.

Игра продолжается до тех пор, пока один за другим выбывают звери, забывшие вовремя откликнуться).Учитель хвалит тех, кто был внимателен и угощает их конфетами.

Teacher: I hope you enjoyed the party today. Till the next competitions. Thank you. Soon the New Year is coming, I wish your dreams will come true and you will get many presents. Good luck! Good bye!


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