'Friends' - 7 класс

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Краткое описание: Данная разработка представляет собой конспект урока- исследования на уроке  английского языка в 7 классе. Исследовательская деятельность на уроках иностранного языка отвечает всем запросам современного общества к  педагогическим технологиям обучения. Урок-исследова
предварительный просмотр материала

Конспект урока английского языка в 7з классе с использованием исследовательской деятельности в рамках реализации программы ФГОС.

Этап урока

Речь учителя

Речь ученика


1. Актуализация знаний


Мотивация. Актуализация ЗУН и мыслительных операций, достаточных для построения нового знания.

Good morning my friends! I am glad to see you again. Sit down, please!

What's date is today? What's day of the week is today?

What about your group? Who is absent or all are present?

Well, I think you are perfect today. Am I mistaken?

How are you today?

I am glad that most of you are perfect today.

Let's start our lesson! Our lesson today is unusual. We have a researching lesson today. And we will work in groups!

Let's look at the screen! What topic of our lesson do you see?

Yes, it's right.

Can you tell the aims of our lesson? (You can say the aim in Russian).

Good morning! We are glad to see you, too!

Today is… It's… today.

All are present/ …. is/are absent today.

No, you are not.

I am fine, thank you/ I am bad, thank you/ I am so-so…..

The topic of our lesson is "Why do children from different countries make friends?"

-научиться определять тему исследования;

-научиться определять гипотезу, цели и методы исследования;

-в соответствии с методами правильно находить и отбирать информацию;

-научиться составлять заключение по проделанной работе;

-научиться взаимодействовать друг с другом в группах.

Тема урока на экране


Фиксирование затруднения в индивидуальной деятельности.

So, we know the aims of our work. Look at the topic. Can you answer this question now? And why?

We don't know because we haven't an information about this topic.

By the way may be we don't know some new words to the topic.

2. Операционно-исполнительский этап.


Постановка проблемы:

а) создание проблемной ситуации;

б) постановка проблемы исследования;

So we don't know the whole information about our topic. What's the problem of our topic? Why did we choose this topic for researching work? What do you think?

I think the problem is that we don't know enough information to this topic. And this the name of our work is very timely in our world.


Определение темы исследования.
What's the topic of our researching work?

Why do children from different countries make friends?


Формулирование цели и задач исследования.

What is the aim of our researching work?

Say please the tasks in order!

(правильный порядок)

We must say the hypothesis of our work.

We must say the aims of our work.

We must work at the topic "Why do children from different countries make friends?" in different methods.

We must find and collect the information to our topic

We must get and say the conclusion of our work.

The aim is studying and collecting information for our work

We must find and collect the information to our topic.

We must say the aims of our work.

We must say the hypothesis of our work.

We must get and say the conclusion of our work. We must work at the topic "Why do children from different countries make friends?" in different methods.

Называние цели

Называние задач


Выдвижение гипотезы.

There are different hypothesizes to our work.

Choose the right ones!

  1. It's important and interesting to make friends from other countries.

  2. It's useful to be in a cross-cultural project or to study in an international school.

  3. There are a lot of disadvantages of having friends in different countries

  4. We are different, but at the same time we are much alike.

I think….

Выбирают гипотезу из предложенных на экране


Выбор метода решения проблемной ситуации.

What methods will we use for our work?

1.Теоретические методы исследования: анализ и обобщение литературных источников по теме исследования;

2.Эмпирические методы исследования: индивидуальная работа и работа в парах.

Называют предполагаемые методы работы


«Открытие» детьми нового знания. Проверка гипотезы.

You have got different cards of different colours! (red, yellow, green and blue). Make up 4 groups! Remember your first group! Choose the leader of your group!

After my command red cards will sit in one group, yellow in another and so on.

Divide please in 4 groups!

Now we start to work. You have different texts!

Look! Let's pronounce after me! The translation of these words you can find in your tasks!

To be twinned

To communicate

A religion

A lifestyle


To swape

To share different experiences

"One Globe Kids".

Every group has got its own task!

  1. Работа над текстом «My school is twinned.."

  2. Работа над текстом «My international school"

  3. Работа над текстом «My cross-cultural project"

  4. Работа над фильмом «One Globe Kids. Make friends around the World.

You have got 10 minutes of work!

Первоначальные группы

Выбор лидера группы

Карточки с четырьмя разными цветами

Фонотработка новых слов без перевода. Перевод будет дан на листах с заданиями.

Сменный состав групп

Садятся в группы в соответствии с цветом карточек

Каждая группа получает свое задание.

3. Оценочно-рефлексивный этап


Интерпретация полученных данных.

I think you are ready! Now all pupils go to their first groups and try to tell all information that they have learned.

The leader of your group listens and writes the most important information. There are words for leaders….Don't forget the topic of our work!

I give you 7 minutes of time!

Lets start to listen our leaders! One leader begins, the others can add!

We have worked at 4 texts.

We can say that:

it's important to go international school, because….

it's important to be in a cross-cultural project, because…

it's important to have the program "One Globe Kids" because…

It's important to have a pen friend because….

Возврат в первоначальные группы

Сообщение всей информации участникам группы. Обсуждение, выделение главного. Подготовка сообщения.


Вывод по результатам исследовательской работы.
So we have listened to all groups! Now we will try to make a conclusion for our work. Can you answer now: why do children from different countries make friends?

Can you say now that our hypothesis is right?

Can you say that our aims are achieved?

Can you answer now: why do children from different countries make friends?

They…. because… they can…

(international school, a cross-cultural project, "One Globe Kids", a pen friend)


Выделяют выводы и заключение с помощью слов-опор


Применение новых знаний в учебной деятельности. Проверка понимания учащимися изученного материала и его первичное закрепление

What can help children from different countries to better understand one another and to get on with one another?

Complete the story below!

Задание на пропуски на закрепление


Итоги урока. Самооценка детьми собственной деятельности.

What can you say about the lesson today?

Did you like it? And why?

Was it difficult to work at the researching work?

What do you think can you continue to work at this topic and and make your own researching work?

Подведение итогов урока.

Достигнута ли цель.

Рефлексия по проделанной работе

4. Домашнее задание

You have worked today very good. And you have got good marks too!

Open your diaries and write down the hometask!

Hometask: Write a short story about the topic today. Use the cards!

Выставление оценок

Запись домашнего задания

Написание маленького рассказа по теме с опорами.


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