- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка на тему: 'Обучение в школе' (7 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка на тему: 'Обучение в школе' (7 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку.
Учитель: Вакула М.Ю.
Класс: 7 А
Тема урока: "School Education".
Цель урока: развитие умений письменной речи учащихся на уроках английского языка посредством организации технологии мастерских.
Задачи урока:
обогащать и активизировать лексический запас учащихся;
активизировать изученные грамматические структуры;
развивать навыки восприятия устной речи;
развивать навыки письменной коммуникации.
расширять кругозор учащихся;
развивать речевые умения;
развивать память, внимание, мышление, воображение;
способствовать укреплению навыков рефлексии;
способствовать становлению представлений о самоценности каждой личности;
развивать навыки групповой работы;
учить грамотному ведению творческого диалога;
способствовать становлению благоприятного психологического климата в группе.
Оборудование урока: мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная презентация, видеоролик, раздаточный материал, материал для организации рефлексии.
План урока:
Физ. минутка.
Работа с информацией.
Социализация скорректированного продукта.
Объяснение домашнего задания.
Подведение итогов урока.
Ход урока:
T: Good morning, students. I am glad to see you.
P: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
T: Sit down, please. Let's begin our English lesson.
T: I'd like to start our lesson with the poem written by one of our students.
Let's read it.
Subjects are so nice and great
Classes, teachers every day.
Here life is flying by,
Only students will survive.
Open your eyes and ears,
Listen, learn and study here.
1. T: Thank you. How do you like this poem?
P: I think (suppose, consider) / In my opinion the poem is … .
(nice, good, great, wonderful, interesting, exciting)
T: What is this poem about?
P: This poem is about school.
T: Yes, of course. This poem is connected with school. So, that's exactly, the topic of our workshop is "School Education".
T: What are we going to do today?
P: We are going to read texts, to write sentences, to speak English, to express our opinions about school education.
T: Today we are going to talk about different things connected with school.
Look at the blackboard, read different school subjects and choose one, which you like best. Define what subject it is and sit at the desk with it's name.
Science (Maths, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology)
Humanities (Russian, Literature, Drama, History, French, English)
T: All people study at school and remember school years. Some people like school years, others don't. But people of different ages always have something to say about school. And what emotions does school evoke in your soul? How do you feel at school?
P: I feel … at school. (tired, happy, excellent, well, sad, indifferent)
T: Hopefully, you like your school. Explain why. Open your student's books, find ex. 31 at p. 68 and explain.
T: I am glad to hear that most of you are happy at school. What is school associated with? What do you associate with school? Write as many associations as possible. You have some minutes for doing the task.
T: I'd like some of you to read five most important of your associations. You also have an opportunity to enrich your wordbank with some words and combinations of words invented by your classmates.
(to make friends, to learn, to study, subjects, timetable, to take exams, tests, to write, to read, teachers, students, holiday, marks, a modern building, to discuss, to listen, a school uniform, discipline, to teach, grade, form, free, education, activities, classes, homework, private schools, state schools, to wear, compulsory, secondary).
T: Well, boys and girls, you go to school to study, don't you? Read the list of subjects. Tick subjects, you've got in your school. Do this task in pairs, please.
Maths, Science, History, Geography, Home Economics, Music, Physical Training, Biology, Chemistry, Russian, Literature, Physics, Design and Technology, Art, Information Technology, Religious Education, Drama, Economics, French, German).
T: Let's have a talk about studies.
What is your favourite subject?
What subject is the most difficult for you?
What subject gives you a lot of information about people and events?
At what lessons do you write a lot?
At what lessons do you move a lot?
At what lessons do you speak a foreign language?
At what lessons do you work on a computer?
T: The next thing I'd like to do is to write some sentences about school, including all the words you've written on your sheets.
Физ. минутка.
T: Let's sing the song "At our school".
In the playground
We have lots of fun.
We play, we talk,
We jump, we run.
At our school.
On the sports field
We do PE.
We play sports together,
You and me.
At our school.
In the art room
We paint and draw.
We put our pictures
On the walls.
At our school.
In the computer room
We look and hear.
We put the headphones
On our ears.
At our school.
T: I'd like some of you to read their sentences.
T: But school is not only studies. When we speak about school we mean our classmates and teachers. How can you describe your classmates and teachers? Make up short sentences, please. The first group speaks about classmates, the second one speaks about teachers.
P: My classmates are … .
(kind, cool, tolerant, ready to help, unfriendly, easy-going, independent, smart, honest, happy, brave, bright, cheerful, confident, cooperative, enthusiastic, friendly, obedient).
T: And can you imagine a school without teachers? Of course, we can't. There are a lot of teachers in our school. They are men and women, young and old? Experienced and just the beginners. They are different. How do you think what traits of character teachers should have?
P: Our teachers should be … .
should have … .
(kind, strict, fair, easy-going, a sense of humour, clever, lazy, boring, angry, gentle, jolly, pleasant, quiet, skillful, wise, creative).
Работа с информацией.
T: Now I want you to work in groups. Each group is given a text, in which some grown-ups and school children are sharing their opinions about school. Which of these opinions belong to grown-ups and children? Try to guess. Look through the texts.
Mike: I don't like school very much. I have some problems with Maths. I'm always nervous when we have a test. I wouldn't like to have any tests. Besides I hate homework. I think that everything is boring at school. School is a waste of time. I can get information from books, TV and my computer! But I can't do without my friends. I am glad I see them every day at school.
William: School? I lived in the country and I went to the little village school. We were all together - boys and girls of all ages. It was like one big, happy family. I never had any exams. My school days were very happy. The teaching was very good and there were lots of after-school activities. I played in the school orchestra. That was very interesting! I am not sorry that I went to my little village school.
T: Let' start from the first group. Does this opinion belong to a grown-up or a child?
P: It belongs to … .
T According to your text itself and texts on your desks, improve your texts.
T: Let's listen to some of your texts.
Социализация скорректированного продукта.
T: Change your texts with the participants of another group. Read the texts and express your opinions to them. Use the following expressions:
As far as I'm concerned … .
In my opinion … .
Personally, I think … .
It seems to me that … .
I'm sure that … .
To my mind … .
To my knowledge … .
Объяснение домашнего задания.
T: Continue working in groups. Discuss what's the reason of having schools only for boys and girls. Give your pros and cons, suggest a timetable for girls' and boys' school.
T: Was our lesson joyful, successful and creative? Was our work productive at the lesson? Please, give your marks for the lesson using the English marking system.
(A, B, C, D, E)
Подведение итогов урока.
T: I want to finish our lesson with the words of Henry Ford, one of the famous American people.
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young".
T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.
Вакула Маргарита Юрьевна Оренбургская область г. Бугуруслан