- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка в 8ом классе по теме 'Find your way in the world of information'. К. Кауфман
Конспект урока английского языка в 8ом классе по теме 'Find your way in the world of information'. К. Кауфман
Тема урока: Find your way in the world of information
Разработала: учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ № 8 а. Куликовы Копани Туркменского района Ставропольского края Чершенбеева роза Ахметовна
Цель и задачи урока: Познакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме «Популярные источники информации в современном мире» и обеспечить ее первичную отработку в серии языковых и речевых упражнений.
Обучающий аспект - стимулировать использование учащимися уже известную им информацию, а также ранее изученной лексики для составления собственных высказываний по теме.
Развивающий аспект - формировать способности учащихся к наглядно-образному мышлению, развивать память, внимание, познавательный интерес.
Воспитывающий аспект - воспитывать информационную культуру учащихся.
Тип урока: интегрированный.
Оборудование: комьпютор, проектор, презентация «Интернет и Всемирная паутина», приложения с заданиями.
Межпредметные связи: информатика, музыка.
Ход урока
этапы урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
Орг. момент,
1-2 мин.
- сообщение темы урока, его целей и задач;
- краткий план деятельности.
Good morning, children! My name is… I will be your teacher today. I hope we'll be good friends/. OK. а) беседа T -> Cl
Т: How are you?
P1: I'm fine.
P2: I'm Ok.
P3: I'm so-so.
I: What day is it today?
P1: It is Friday.
T: What date is it today?
P2: It is the 17th of March.
T: Are you ready to work?
I'm fine. Thank you.
Today is…of February.
Listen and read the rhyme:
Higglety, piggletty, pop
The dog has eaten the mop,
The pig's in a hurry,
The cat's in a flurry,
Higglety, piggletty, pop
Ребята хором читают рифмовку.
Речевая зарядка(сл.4)
Повторение ранее изученного материала
3мин. (сл.8)
Подведение к теме урока
Презентация нового материала (сл.10-11)
10 мин
Закрепление материала.
3 мин
1 мин
Постановка проблемного вопроса.
5 мин.
3 мин.
Коррекция зрения.
(1 мин.)
Развитие навыков диалогической речи
3 мин
Развитие грамматических навыков
Объяснение дом.задания
2 мин
1 мин.
Let's remember the words and word- combinations on our topic "Find your way in the world of information
Look at the slide and name the sources of information
(parents, teachers, books, encyclopedias, TV, radio, textbooks).
Which of them are mass media?
We shall repeat words we need today
Yes you are right. And now listen and try to guess what source of information is it about. It is the most modern and easiest source of information. You use it often at the IT lessons.
(the Internet). You are right. The topic of today's conversation is the Internet. You probably know the words: the net, World Wide Web (WWW), browser, e-mail (electronic-mail), to e-mail, to surf the net ("путешествовать" по Интернету), website.
Let's remember the IT lessons. What does the abbreviation WWW mean? It means World Wide Web. It is a worldwide network which connects millions of computers. Website is a page on the net with some information. A search engine is a programme which looks for specific information by keyword.
Answer the questions:
What does 3 WWW mean?
What is a website?
How can one find the information in the net?
Read the text and find the appropriate words.
A paper printed and sold daily or weekly with news and advertisements is called…
The Internet
The process of sending and receiving massages through the air, broadcasting programmes for people to listen to is called…
A newspaper
Broadcasting programmes, shows, ads, news, plays that people to watch on their TV sets is called…
A tabloid
A newspaper with a lot of rather small pages, pictures, little serious news is called…
A television
The way to communicate with your partner, who might be very far from your computer, is called…
A radio
Key: 1 b,2e,3d,4c,5a
You are found the words. Well done!
Touch your ears, touch your nose,
Touch your shoulders, touch your toes.
Clap,clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet together
Smile, smile, smile your friends
Let us smile together
You say that you often work in the net. But we see that there are some problems in using the worldwide net. Think a little and write positive and negative sides of it.
Групповая работа
Well, now one of the groups tells us about positive features.
(Getting a lot of information
You can get distance education
Easy communication with parents
E- Mail is easy
Easy Internet - shopping)
The other group will speak about negative sides
(There is little real communication
Bad quality of goods
The information can be not always reliable
Little time for teachers
You can loose your written and spoken skills )
And now let's make a conclusion
We have worked a lot. Let's do exercises for your eyes.
Read the sentences and make up a dialogue.
Парная работа.
So, our lesson is going to an end, I thank you for your successful work. You will have good marks…
Let's do exercise A p. 15 in your workbook.
Write your homework for the next lesson.
It will be creative work.
Using different sources find the information about Prince William.
Write the essay "The World Wide Web: is it good or bad?"
I know the most popular sources of information are…
I should use the net…
Ученики называют источники информации по слайду.
Догадка учащихся о теме предстоящего разговора
Ученики читают текст на соответствие
Приложение 1
Ученики делают зарядку.
Решение проблемного вопроса.
Ученики заполняют таблицу по группам. Одна группа пишет положительные стороны, другая негативные
(прилож. 2)
Защита учащимися своих предположений
Ученики делают общие выводы
Ученики работают в парах
(приложение 3)
Ученики пишут в рабочих тетрадях
Приложение 1
Read the text and find the appropriate words.
A paper printed and sold daily or weekly with news and advertisements is called…
The Internet
2 The process of sending and receiving massages through the air, broadcasting programmes for people to listen to is called…
A newspaper
Broadcasting programmes, shows, ads, news, plays that people to watch on their TV sets is called…
A tabloid
A newspaper with a lot of rather small pages, pictures, little serious news is called…
A television
The way to communicate with your partner, who might be very far from your computer, is called…
A radio
Приложение 2.
Write positive and negative of using the Internet
Use the following word- combinations
But don't forget…
Very true, but…
But in fact…
Getting a lot of information
There is little real communication
You can get distance education
Easy communication with parents
E- Mail is easy
Bad quality of goods
The information can be not always reliable
Little time for teachers
You can loose your written and spoken skills
Easy Internet - shopping
Приложение 3.
Complete the dialogue in the right order
And what do you use the Internet for?
Do you like to work in the net?
- Me too. The Internet is cool.
- Yes I do. It's interesting. And what about you?
- How often do you use the net?
- Not always. You should check the information in other sources.
- I use the net ones a week.
- I use it for doing my homework, making projects.