2 класс конспект урока Funny ABC

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Конспект урока

английского языка

( 2 класс)

Тема: "Funny ABC"


Салина Елена


Кочкурово 2009

Цель: Обобщить знания по теме «Алфавит». Подвести итоги по изучению английского алфавита.

Задачи: 1. Повторить знания по пройденным темам: «Семья», «Животные», «Цифры».

2. Развивать речь, память, внимание, пополнить словарный запас.

3. Воспитывать интерес к дальнейшему изучению языка; любовь к животным; уважение к семье.

Оборудование: картинки с буквами алфавита, магнитофон, кассета с записью песни "My family", телевизор, диск, маски кошки и мышки, плакат "ENGLISH ALPHABET"

Ход урока

I.Организационный момент.

Т: - Good morning, dear children.

  • Children it's time to say "Hello"

Ch: It's time to say "Hello"

It's time to say "Hello"

It's time to say "Hello"

And start our lesson.

II. Постановка темы и цели урока.

T: - Dear boys, girls and guest welcome to our funny ABC

  • Children, today we should remember English alphabet. Let's start!

III. Ocновная часть.

T: Answer my question.

  • How many letters there are in the English alphabet?

CH: There are twenty six letters.

T: Can you say the alphabet from A to Z?

CH: Yes, we can

T: Let's sing the Alphabet Song.

Letter A: Hello. I am the letter A. A is for ABC. Let's remember the story about letter A. (просмотр буквы по диску)

T: Now, our children will recite the poems about the letters.

B: I am the letter B

B is for brother.

C: I am the letter C

C is for cat.

D: I am the letter D

D is for dog

E: I am the letter E

E is for Elephant.

T: Who are you?

F: I am the letter F

F is for flower

T: But I think, F is for family.

Let's sing the song about family.

Father, mother, sister, brother

Hand and hand with one another.

G: Look at me! I am the letter G

G is for girl.

H: I am the letter H

H is for house and hand

T: How many hands has a boy, say?

How many hands for work and play?

How many hands has a girl, say?

How many hands for work and play?

CH: Two!

I: I am the letter I

I is for I.

J: I am the letter J

J is for jam.

K: I am the letter K

K is for Koala.

L: I am the letter L

L is for Line.

M: I am the letter M

M is for Mouse (надевает маску мыши)


Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Mouse: Little cat, little cat

I have no flat

I am a poor mouse, I have no house.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Came in to my house.

Mouse: Little cat, little cat

I do not do that

You want to eat me.

N: I am the letter N

N is for nine.

O: I am the letter O

O is for one.

T: Let's count all together.

One, one, one, little dogs run.

Two, two, two, cats see you

Three, three, three, birds on the tree.

Four, four, four, toys on the floor.

P: I am the letter P

P is for pig.

Q: I am the letter Q

Q is for questions.

What is your name?

How old are you?

R: I am the letter R

R is for river.

S: I am the letter S

S is for sister

T: I am the letter T

T is Tick and for Tock

"Tick-Tock," - says the clock.

U: I am the letter U

U is for umbrella

V: I am the letter V

V is for vegetables.

W: I am the letter W

W is for wolf

X: I am the letter X

I am for six

Let's count up to six

CH: One, two, three, four, five, six!

Y: I am the letter Y

Y is for yard

Where children play.

Z: I am the last letter, the letter Z

Z is for the Zoo. Let's go to the zoo.

CH: Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the zoo

Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the zoo.

There is a giraffe there and a zebra too,

A bear and a monkey and a kangaroo.

T: Let's remember the story about letter Z (просмотр буквы по диску)

IV. Закрепление материала

T: Now, I give you activity shits. You should find and color the letter. (дети ищут буквы на рисунке и раскрашивают их цветными карандашами)

T: Now, we know the alphabet.

CH: We can read, we can write,

We can speak English too.

We love learning English

And what about you?

T: I love English too.

  1. Итог урока

T: How many letters there are in the English alphabet?

How many new words do you know?

  1. Домашнее задание.

T: This is your home task. You should writ the English Alphabet from A to Z.

- The lesson is over. Thank you.



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