- Учителю
- План-конспект урока по английскому языку ' Are you a city mouse or a country mouse?'
План-конспект урока по английскому языку ' Are you a city mouse or a country mouse?'
A city mouse or a country mouse ?
Научить учащихся вести разговор о разном жизненном укладе в городе и деревне.
развить коммуникативные универсальные учебные действия через все виды речевой деятельности
способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка.
активизировать изученную ранее тематическую лексику .
Мотивировать учащихся на дальнейшую работу.
Организовать работу с заголовком и с иллюстрациями
Оборудование:проигрыватель, проектор, компьютер,
Материалы:фото города и деревни,смайлики, презентация.
Ход урока
Организационный момент
Good morning children! Sit down ,please. Nice to see you again. I'm not going to name the subject of our discussion today. You should guess about it during our lesson. Today we are also going to read the text work on it and speak a lot.
Now , look at the blackboard. What can you see there?
Учащиеся соответственно называют то , что они видят : город и деревню.
Right! So our subject today is about a city and country. Lifestyles.
Фонетическая зарядка
Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
Some peope live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big.
And in the cities where the houses are tall
There are no gardens at all.
Речевая зарядка
What can you say about a city?
Предполагаемый ответ:
It is big. There a lot of cars ,shops and different places of interests.
And what about the country?
Предполагаемый ответ:
It is not so big as a city. People know each other.They help each other in difficult situations. There are not so many shops in it.There aren' t any theaters. How can you see /smell/hear in the city?How do they make you feel?( На доске слова stressed relaxed free worried happy lonely) Do you know all the words?( Слова переводим, закрепляем произношение)
Now listen to the sounds.
How do you feel in the city (in the country)?
После прослушивания записи, используя смайлики, учащиеся говорят, какие чувства они испытывают.
Отработка фраз: don't mind , very important to me, can't stand
Предполагаемый ответ: Peace and quiet are very important to me/ I can't stand crowded streeets, and heavy traffic! I think I'm a country mouse.
Who guessed about our subject?
Предполагаемый ответ: A lifestyle, Life in a city and a country.
Now look at the phrases on p.6 once more and repeat after me.
Do you like to live in a city ? Why? Why not?
Развитие умения просмотрового и поискового чтения
Let's read the titles on p. 6-7.
(Учащиеся читают только первый абзац). What is this text about? Think,please.
( Записываем ответы на доске).
Let's work with the words now.( Презентация: фото на каждое слово )
guests (n) -people who are invited
swap (v-) exchange sth for sth else.
farmyard (n)-an area of land near the farmhouse
milk(v) -get milk from a cow
barn (n) -a building on a farm where we keep crops and animals
feed (v) -give food to an animal
isolated (ajd)- being alone
close at hand (exp.) - nearby
hustle and bustle(exp.) movement,activity and noise of a place
huge(ajd.)- very big
facilities (n)- buildings,equipment, or services provided at a place
be homesick(exp.) to feel bad because you are away from your home
miss (v) -feel sad because you don't have sth any more
Now let's read the text ,as if for a radio programme.
Mark , please, the sentences T(true) or F(false).
Развитие умений диалогической речи:
It's time for us to play now.One of you will be an interviewer and the other Sarah or Anabel. Interview outline.
Introduce yourself and magazine.
Ask if you can ask questions
Ask first question.
Thank interviewee for time.
Greeti nterviewer
Reply politely.
Учащиеся работают в парах.
Look at the text again now. Find,please, the sentences: Сегодня мы доим коров в сарае и кормим цыплят.Мы собираемся по магазинам на Оксфорд стрит, а затем мы идем в кино.
В каком времени стоят глаголы в предложениях?
Present Continuous / Present Simple.
На доске- текст с предложениями. Учащимся предлагается прочитать предложения , распознать время и объяснить его употребление в предложении.
Now your task is to write about Sarah and Anabel's life. Look here ,please ! ( На интерактивной доске за
Where Sarah lives: Where Anabel lives:
Sarah's daily routine: Anabel's daily routine:
How do they feel:
Итог урока:
Now, our lesson is coming to the end.I want to ask you: what new words have you learnt? What are they? Make up sentences.
What have you learnt about the teenage life in England? What do you think about the swapping life ? Do you want to swap your life with someone for a week?
What new things have you learnt about Present Continuous?
Домашнее задание:
Your homework for the net lessson is SB,ex. 7 p.7 WB c.5
Write an e-mail to your English penfriend. Write about:
Where you live:
Your daily routine:
What are you doing these/those days tonight: