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- Городской страноведческий конкурс Across English speaking countries по английскому языку 7-8 класс 2016г.
Городской страноведческий конкурс Across English speaking countries по английскому языку 7-8 класс 2016г.
Городской этап ежегодного страноведческого конкурса
" Discovering the land of America " 7-8 классыTask 1. Выбери правильный ответ (a,b,c или d)
The native Americans are:
The Brithish
The Dutch
Manhattan is a part of:
New York
San Francisco
Washington, D.C.
The tallest sight in Washington D.C. is:
US Capitol
The Statue of Liberty
The White House
The best mark in the USA is:
Is there any difference in meaning between "Coca-Cola" and "coke"?
Oscar is a prize given for:
Achivement in motion-picture production
Achivements in journalism and literature
Achivements in in music
What religious holiday is celebrated 12 days after Christmas?
Shrove Tuesday
Ascention Day
The Olimpic motto is:
"In God We Trust"
"Wisdom, justice and moderation"
"Father, Higher, Stronger"
How many countries took part in Summer Olimpic games in Atlanta?
How would you say "football" in American English?
American football
11. Which of the nicknames given below did not belong to Abraham Lincoln?
A. Honest Abe C. Iron Woodcutter
B. Great Emancipator D. Rail Splitter
12. What river is Mark Twain associated with?
A. The Hudson C. the Mississippi
B. The Colorado D. the Missouri
13. What animal in the USA is believed to be very smart and sly?
A. coyote C. Tom-cat
B. raccoon D. buffalo
14. What was the Indian Sequoyah famous for?
A. for being the Chief of Cherokee Indians
B. for cutting down the biggest sequoia
C. for being the first Indian who graduated from university
D. for creating the Indian writing system
15. What made little Bo Peep, a character of a famous nursery rhyme, upset?
A. She has lost her shoes
C. She hasn't had time to play
B. She has lost her sheep
D. Her friend has told her a lie
16. Complete the American proverb "There is nothing more American than … "
A. an apple pie C. popcorn
B. fried turkey D. maple syrup
17. Where is the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, written on the Statue of Liberty?
A. on the tablet C. on the pedestal
B. on the torch D. on the robe
18. What can, in Americans' opinion, bring good luck?
A. A four-leaf clover C. A five-color cat
B. A wish well D. A rabbit's foot
19. What banknote is George Washington painted on?
A. One-dollar bill C. Ten-dollar bill
B. Five-dollar bill D. Twenty-dollar bill
20. What is Greensleeves?
A. A Scottish ballad
B. A traditional English folk song
C. The name of one of Robin Hood's friends
D. A nickname of William the Conqueror
21. Wright Brothers' original 1903 Flyer, Apollo Lunar modul,
and Skylab Orbital Workshop are in … .
a) the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum
b) the Natural History Museum
c) the Museum of American History
d) Arts and Industries Building
22. A famous American artist is … .
А) Norman Rockwell b) Jack London c) Michael Jackson
What makes … in the USA so different from its European cousins, … is not just the size, speed and strength of its players. Rather, it is the most "scientific" of all outdoor team sports
a) rugby; squash and tennis
b) football; rugby and soccer
c) squash; football and rugby
d) tennis; football and soccer
24. By the late 1800s America was a rich country and for many
people these were happy times.
A … was one sign of success.
a) flute b) violin c) piano d) guitar
25. In 1971, the dates of many federal holidays were officially
moved to the nearest … .
a) Monday b) Sunday c) weekend d) week
26. Going home for … is a most cherished tradition of the
holiday season. No matter where you may be the rest of the year,
being "at home" with your family and friends for … is a "a
a) Veteran's Day b) Christmas c) Independence Day d) Labour Day
27… are the symbols drawn on holiday decorations and greeting
a) Pork, corn, pumpkin and cranberry sauce
b) Corn, hot dog, pumpkin and cranberry sauce
c) Porridge, hot dog, cabbage and pop-corn
d) Turkey, corn, pumpkin and cranberry sauce
Task 2. Focusing on WashingtonПрочитай вопросы и выбери правильный вариант ответа (a, b, с или d).
1. What was Booker T. Washington?
A. The USA President
B. One of the owners of the Ford Motor Company
C. A singer and writer of spirituals
D. A black enlightener
2. Why is Washington State called Chinook State?
A. Because Chinook is the old name of the territory.
B. Because Chinook is the name of one of the first settlers.
C. Because Chinook is the name of the wind.
D. Because Chinook is a dog breed selected there.
3. What is the capital city of Washington State?
A. Washington C. Lincoln
B. Seattle D. Olympia
4. What city is Washington Square Park in?
A. New York C. Philadelphia
B. Washington, D.C. D. Chicago
5. What sphere is Denzel Washington famous for?
A. Politics D. American arts and crafts
B. Film-making E. Space research
6. How did the congress characterize George Washington after his death?
A. When George Washington was elected president, there was no national vote.
B. George Washington understood that the Bible is the place where God's records of right and wrong are kept.
C. First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of countrymen.
D. The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. Such was his motto.
Task 3. Hello, New York!Прочитай вопросы и выбери правильный вариант ответа (a, b, с или d).
1. What street in New York is associated with theatrical life?
A. 5th Avenue C. 24th
B. Wall Street D. 42nd Street
2. What borough of New York City is J.F.K. Airport located in?
A. Queens C. Brooklyn
B. Manhattan D. Bronx
3. What borough in New York City is called its bedroom?
A. Brooklyn C. Queens
B. Manhattan D. Bronx
4. What is Bronx cheer?
A. A long cry made by friends to greet each other, with their hand waving.
B. A loud noise made by the lips and tongue to express contempt.
C. A loud sound produced by throat after eating a lot.
D. Whispering sounds of the people who want to be unnoticed.
Task 4. Писателя узнаю по цитате
Прочитайте пять цитат и определите, кому они из указанных писателей они принадлежат.
1. "I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it's better than college. People should educate themselves - you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, I had read every book in the library and I'd written a thousand stories".
2. "Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another".
3. "Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught".
4. "The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books".
5. "Books, the children of the brain".
Писатели:A. Jonathan Swift;
B. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow;
C. Oscar Wilde;
D. Gilbert K. Chesterton;
E. Ray Bradbury
Посмотрите на портреты этих писателей и установите соответствие между именем писателя и его портретом, написав в ответе соответствующую букву (F-J).Task 5. Достопримечательности
Можешь ли ты узнать 6 наиболее известных достопримечательностей Америки?Соедини картинки с их названиями.Rushmore
The US Capitol
Niagara Falls
Golden Gate Bridge
State of Liberty
Соедини название достопримечательности с названием штата, где она находится.Holywood
State of Liberty
Golden Gate Bridge
Niagara Falls
The US Capitol
New York City
New York
South Dakota
Keys: (Всего 59 баллов)
Task 1. (27 баллов)
Task 2. (6 баллов)
Task 3. (4 балла)
Task 4. (10 баллов)
Task 5. (12 баллов)
State of Liberty
Golden Gate Bridge
Niagara Falls
The US Capitol
NYC - 1
South Dakota - 6
California - 3,5
New York
Pupil's name________________________________ School №____________
Бланк ответов
Task 1. (27 баллов)
Task 2. (6 баллов)
Task 3. (4 балла)
Task 4. (10 баллов)
Task 5 (12 баллов)
Pupil's name________________________________ School №____________
Бланк ответов
Task 1. (27 баллов)
Task 2. (6 баллов)
Task 3. (4 балла)
Task 4. (10 баллов)
Task 5 (12 баллов)