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  • Конспект урока по теме Memory в 10 классе

Конспект урока по теме Memory в 10 классе

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Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Memory"


Познавательный аспект - знакомство с особенностями первого впечатления, памяти человека и способами улучшения памяти;

Развивающий аспект - развитие памяти, внимания, воображения; развитие у учащихся способностей к сопоставлению речевых единиц, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного;

Воспитательный аспект - воспитание вежливого отношения к окружающим;

Учебный аспект - формирование грамматических навыков, а также лексических навыков говорения и чтения;

Сопутствующая задача - развитие умения читать / понимать на слух, развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения нужной информации.

Речевой материал:

лексический - take an active interest in, keep one's brain fit, reduce stress; подбор синонимов;

грамматический - Past Simple and Past continuous, used to, regular and irregular verbs;

Задачи урока:

  1. формировать лексические навыки чтения и говорения;

  2. практиковать учащихся в чтении и аудировании с целью извлечения конкретной информации;

  3. повторить и закрепить грамматический материал.

Учебные пособия:

Раздаточный материал с упражнениями, картинки, таблицы, песня, диск с диалогами, магнитофон.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, everybody! Can you guess what we are going to speak about today? Not yet? Today we are going to speak about memory. Our lesson promises to be very involving. Actually, you will learn some tips how to improve your memory.

  1. Введение в тему. Речевая разминка

Answer my questions, please. (фронтальный опрос)

  • What do you notice about people when you first meet: their voice, their face and hair, their clothes or something else? Could you share your view with us?

  • How accurate are your first impressions of people?

  • Have you ever been completely wrong about someone?

  • Have you ever met anyone famous? Where were you? What do you remember about him/her?


You will hear the people in photos a-c discussing how they met one of the people in photos 1-3. Listen and match the people. Make a note of where and when each of the people met and what they said to each other.

  1. Актуализация ЗУН по использованию Past Simple and Past Continuous

- Please, look at Andy's tapescript. Find two examples of regular/irregular Past simple verbs and Past continuous verbs.

- How do we form the Past simple and Past Continuous tenses?

We use Past Simple for states and actions that happened in the past. (I saw someone famous yesterday.)

The actions can be short or single, repeated. (I dropped the glass and it broke on the floor.)

We also use the Past Simple tense to talk about states in the past. (When I was young, I loved playing with my toys.)

We use Past Continuous for actions in progress at a time in the past. (I was living in London then.)

Sometimes this includes a specific time or another (completed past action). (we were having breakfast at eight o'clock.)

We shouldn't forget that we do not use continuous forms with state verbs. (I hated vegetables when I was young.)

  1. Закрепление грамматического материала Past Simple and Past Continuous

Let us do some exercises. (p. 17)

Work in small groups

  1. Аудирование (прослушивание песни и выполнение грамматических заданий)

You are going to listen to the song Remember the days of the old schoolyard by Cat Stevens. From the title what do you think the song is about? Can you complete the song with the following verbs? Let's listen and check

How does the writer of the song feel about his schooldays? Were they a completely happy time? What words/lines tell you this?

  1. Актуализация ЗУН по использованию used to, didn't use to

When do we use used to? We use used to for habits and states in the past. (I used to go to the gym every day.)

Let's practice this rule doing exercises.(p.19)

Work in small groups.

Think back to your life when you were ten years old. What are the differenced and similarities between your life then and now? Try to employ sentences using used to, didn't use to.

  1. Чтение

What methods do we use to remember things? Look at the pictures below. What methods is the man using to remember his shopping list? Have you ever tried any of these methods?

Which of the things below do you think improve your memory? Which don't help?

Let's read 10 ways to improve your memory. Do you rely on them?

  1. Подведение итогов. Объяснение домашнего задания

  • You have done a lot today. Your answers were up to the mark (Выставление оценок). Please, write down your homework.

  • Our time is up, thank you for your fruitful work. You did your best today. Good-bye!


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