- Учителю
- Урок английского в 5 классе Юрий Гагарин. Первый полет
Урок английского в 5 классе Юрий Гагарин. Первый полет
Ход урока
Greeting. (Вступление, организационный момент)
Hello, children!
How are you?
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What is the weather today?
Thank you.
Dear students, at this lesson you will learn about how the first cosmonaut became world-famous. A cosmonaut is an astronaut from the Russian space program. Lately I've found an interesting report from the BBC news about Yuri Gagarin on the youtube web site. Let's watch this video. (Watching the BBC report/Просмотр видеоролика из презентации, слайд 2)
Now, let me know what do you know about the history of space travel, please, answer my questions in English.
Warm-up questions (Разогревающие вопросы)
Are you interested in space travel?
Would you like to spend a long time in space?
Have you ever heard about Yuri Gagarin? If so, what do you know about him?
Do you know which country launched the first unmanned spacecraft?
Do you know which country launched the first manned spacecraft and when this took place?
What do you think astronauts and cosmonauts who live in space miss most about life on Earth?
What is a space shuttle?
Vocabulary preview (Знакомство с новым лексическим материалом в виде игры. На доске прикреплены: с одной стороны - карточки с новыми словами и их дефиниции - с другой)
Ребята, давайте составим англо-английский словарь! Соедини слово и его дефиницию.
Match the words to their meanings
Well done!
Reading (Чтение и перевод текста, биография Гагарина)
Now, let's read about Gagarin's life in his biography.
Yuri Gagarin was the first person who flew around the earth in a spacecraft.
Gagarin was born in Klushino, a village near Moscow, Russia, on March 9, 1934. In 1955, he joined the air force and became a pilot.
Russia launched the world's first unmanned spacecraft, Sputnik, in 1957. In 1960, Gagarin was among 20 people who were tested to see if they could survive in space. Gagarin did very well in the tests and was chosen to be the first cosmonaut.
On April 12, 1961, Gagarin was sent into space aboard Vostok 1. The flight was controlled by the computer because scientists were not sure how he would react in the weightlessness of space. The spacecraft circled the earth, traveling about 18,000 miles an hour. The flight lasted 108 minutes. Before the craft landed, Gagarin parachuted to earth, landing in Siberia.
After the flight, Gagarin trained the first woman to go into space, Valentina Tereshkova.
In 1967, he began to train for his second space flight. However, on March 27, 1968, he died when the jet (реактивный самолет) he was flying crashed in bad weather. Gagarin's ashes (урна с прахом, останки) were buried in the Kremlin wall, beside other Soviet heroes.
A crater in the moon was named for Gagarin, and since 2001, a celebration called Yuri's Night is held every April 12 in many parts of the world.
Comprehension (Понимание)
Ex. 1 True, False or Doesn't say? (Выполнение упражнений на проверку понимания прочитанного материала. Презентация слайд 3)
Read the statements below, write T, F or D besides the each sentence.
1. Yuri was a member of the Russian Air Force.
2. Sputnik was the word's first manned spacecraft.
3. Gagarin was among 100 people in the survival test.
4. The flight was controlled by the scientists.
5. Gagarin landed in his spacecraft in Siberia.
6. Gagarin became very famous throughout Russia.
7. Gagarin trained the first woman to go into space.
Ex. 2 Vocabulary review (Выполнение упражнения на усвоение лексики. Слайды 4-6)
Choose the closest meaning to underlined word or phrase.
In 1957 Russia launched the world's first unmanned spacecraft.
With no people aboard
Manufactured by machines
Gagarin worked to prepare others to go on space flights.
Gagarin's ashes were buried in the Kremlin wall, beside other Soviet heroes.
Airplane was buried
Remains were placed
Students were trained
Homework check (Проверка домашнего задания: короткие выступления с презентациями на тему урока)
Thank you all, for taking an active part in the exercises. Now, I would like you to show to the class your presentations.
Home task (Домашнее задание)
At home you should retell the Gagarin's biography (Пересказ текста про Юрия Гагарина)
Reflection (Рефлексия)
Ребята, скажите что нового мы сегодня узнали на уроке?