- Учителю
- План урока по английскому языку на тему Виды коммуникации. Социальные сети. Пассивный залог
План урока по английскому языку на тему Виды коммуникации. Социальные сети. Пассивный залог
</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">ПЛАН УРОКА
Класс: 8 Б
Тема: Виды коммуникаций. Социальные сети. Повторение (Passive Voice)
Цели урока:
Обучающие: Обучение диалогической и монологической речи на основе тематической лексики; формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции; совершенствование этических норм общения и развитие эстетического восприятия действительности;
Развивающие: развивать мышление, память, воображение учащихся; развивать интеллектуальные умения; формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
Воспитывающие: воспитание у учащихся активной жизненной позиции; развитие познавательной активности на уроке; воспитание уважения к мнению других людей, формировать качества человека: самостоятельность, активность, умение объективно оценивать свои достижения;
Оборудование урока: Учебник, рабочие тетради, раздаточный материал, карточки с заданиями
Структура урока:
Организационный момент.
Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.
Основной этап:
Работа в группах с текстами по теме «Виды коммуникаций. Социальные сети»;
Работа с текстами и повторение грамматической темы «Пассивный залог»;
Выполнение заданий.
Закрепление пройденного материала.
Подведение итогов урока.
I. Организационный момент
Учитель и учащиеся приветствуют друг друга, создавая тем самым психологический настрой на учебную деятельность. Речевая зарядка организует учащихся и настраивает их на урок английского языка.
T.: Good morning, students. I'm glad to see you. Please, sit down. I hope you are fine and are ready to work hard at our lesson today. Are you ready?
Now, tell me, please, what is the date today and who is absent?
St.: Today is the 19th of April. Nobody is absent.
T.: The theme of our lesson is hidden among these letters given on the board. Now your task is to find it out.
St.: Social networks
T.: Well done! This method of critical thinking is called Munsterberg's method (Тест Мюнстерберга предназначена для диагностики избирательности внимания. Избирательность внимания позволяет концентрировать внимание даже при наличии помех восприятия информации при постановке сознательной цели). It's is used in order to check your attention selectiveness.
At today's lesson we are going to work with a new theme individually and in groups using the methods of critical thinking. Also we will revise grammar material Passive Voice. But, first, let's start the lesson with the phonetic drill.
5 min
II. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка
(children read the proverbs and tongue-twisters shown on the board)
1. Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
2. He speaks Chinese and Japanese with equal ease.
3. The train and its trucks are trapped by a tree-trunk across the track.
2 min
III. Основной этап
T.: Before starting the main part of our lesson I would like to give you papers with several columns that you should fill in during the lesson. Then we will discuss them at the end of the lesson. (Приложение 1)
I knew it
It's new
I thought differently
It's interesting, unclear, I need to understand it
Now look at the board again. At the center of the board you see Kinds of communication.
Let's brainstorm and make a cluster. What kinds of communication do you know? (Мозговой штурм)
St.: Verbal, non-verbal, interactive, face-to-face, written, oral, interpersonal, mimics, gesture, posture, appearance, formal, informal, etc.
T.: Very well! Nowadays, as you know, interactive communication is well developed. There are many social networks that you can use in this purpose. The most popular networks are Facebook, VK and Instagram. (Приложение 2)
Now you are divided into 3 groups. These groups are called your home groups. You will work with these materials individually, than in groups. (Jigsaw)
Метод Jigsaw разработан профессором Э. Аронсоном.
Этап работы: 1. Новый материал разделить на равные 3 части (Фэйсбук, ВК и Инстаграм)
2. Все учащиеся делятся на 3 группы. Каждый участник получает одну из частей материала.
Он становится экспертом по данному вопросу. (10 мин)
3 min
7 min
13 min
T.: We will keep on working with the texts.
1. Эксперты по одному вопросу собираются в тематические группы для обсуждения того, как этот материал можно преподнести другим (конспект, план ответа, выводы). (5 мин)
2. Затем учащиеся, изучающие один и тот же вопрос, но состоявшие в разных группах, встречаются и обмениваются информацией как эксперты по данному вопросу. Это называется «встречей экспертов». (5 мин)
3 Затем все собираются в первоначальные группы и в необходимом порядке преподносят друг другу то, что изучили самостоятельно и в экспертной группе. (7 мин)
4. Контрольный опрос.
Учитель проводит опрос, чтобы выяснить, как усвоен учебный материал, задает вопрос любому участнику и подводит итоги. (5 мин)
T.: Today we are also going to revise grammar material Passive Voice.
Now I want you to tell me the rule. How is the P.V. formed?
So, for passive constructions we have to know the 3 form of the verb. Let's revise some irregular verbs.
Now tell me what's the difference between the two voices (their meanings).
5 min
5 min
7 min
5 min
8 min
T.: Let's do some exercises!
1. Change the following sentences, active to passive or passive to active: (Приложение 3)
Variant 1
They make good cars in Germany.
Good cars are made in Germany.
They __________rice in China.
Rice is grown in China.
Bell invented the telephone.
2. The telephone _____________by Bell
Boys _________a window yesterday.
3. The window was broken by boys.
They built 5 new factories last year.
4.Five new factories ________________ last year.
They _________this text into English
5. This text will be translated into English
Variant 2 Active
They make good cars in Germany.
Good cars are made in Germany.
1.They __________porridge for breakfast.
1.Porridge is cooked for breakfast.
2.Mary told me everything.
2. I _____________everything.
3.Boys _________a bike last Monday.
3. The bike was stolen by the boys.
4.We decorated the New Year Tree on Sunday.
4.The New Year Tree ______________ _________on Sunday.
5.They _________fresh Fruit here.
5. Fresh fruit are sold here.
6.He will send you a telegram in a week.
6. The telegram ___________________ to you in a week.
Now exchange your works and check.
Who has no mistakes? ...1 or 2 mistakes? OK
2. Transfer them into Passive Voice
Nobody has used this room for ages.
We will give you the keys tomorrow.
Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment.
By the time I arrived, someone had already opened all your letters.
We usually talk briefly about the problems of the family at dinner time.
This room hasn't been used for ages.
The keys will be given you tomorrow.
Dr Johnson is being interviewed at the moment.
By the time I arrived, all your letters had been already opened.
The problems of the family are usually talked briefly at dinner time.
T.: Now, please, give me back the papers that I've given to you at the beginning of the lesson. I'm going to choose 3 experts, who will check and summarize your answers. While they are checking them I will read you the article from the newspaper.
Your task is to listen to me attentively, be ready to answer my questions and retell the story like a snowball.
Hooked on the Net
The latest addition to trap thousands of people is the Internet, which has been blamed for broken relationship, job losses, financial ruin and even suicide. Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome( IAS) as a new illness that could cause serious problems and ruin many lives. IAS is similar to other problems like gambling, smoking, drinking: addicts have dreams about the Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning, they lie to their parents and partners about how much time they spend online; they wish they could cut down, but are unable to do so. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet, Some addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games and who find it very difficult to resist games on the Internet
Answer my questions
What is the latest addiction to trap thousands of people?
What has the Internet been blamed for?
How do psychologists recognize the Internet addiction?
What is IAS similar to?
Addicts have dreams about the Internet, don't they?
Who are hooked on computer games most of all?
Retell the story like a snowball. Who wants to start?
T.: Well done!
Experts, please, make conclusion.
As we see from their words, you have known a lot of information about social networks before…but…
Grammar theme is also very well known…but…
5 min
5 min
10 min
5 min
IV. Закрепление пройденного материала
In order to check your knowledge of today's material I will ask you questions.
1. What kinds of communication have you know today?
2. What are the most popular social networks?
3. When do we use Passive Voice?
2 min
V. Подведение итогов
We've coped with our plan. Your marks are...
Copy your home task from the board while I'm putting down the marks.
Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!
3 min