- Учителю
- Конспект урока Традиции и обычаи Великобритании
Конспект урока Традиции и обычаи Великобритании
План-конспект урока
9 класс
Тема: Особые случаи и торжества праздники
Тип урока: Урок комплексного применения знаний
Цель урока: Совершенствование лексических навыков монологической речи
Задачи урока: Образовательные задачи-
Активизировать и расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме "Holidays"; развивать умения работать с текстом, выделять главное, находить нужную информацию; развивать умения понимать информацию на слух.
Развивающие задачи - развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка, способствовать развитию логических общеучебных умений и навыков, развивать воображение, память.
Воспитательные задачи - прививать положительное отношение к
культуре и праздникам других стран, расширять общий кругозор,
научить детей эстетически грамотно представлять материал.
Лексический материал: Easter, Christians, Lambs, Spirits, Ghost,
Pumpkins, Treat, Conspirators.
Грамматический материал: Past Progressive Tense
Фонетический материал: Отработка звуков [h], [m], [f], [p].
Методическое обеспечение: УМК "Английский язык" учебник для 7 класса Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
Оборудование: ПК, Проектор, карточки с грамматическими упражнениями.
Ход урокаОрганизационный момент. Беседа с дежурным, сообщение темы и задач урока.
- Good morning, dear girls and boys!
- I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please.
- How are you?
-Today we'll continue to speak about tradition and holidays of
Great Britain.
-The topic of our lesson is: The main customs and traditions of
England .
Good morning, teacher!
We`re glad to see you too!
-We are fine, thank you.
Слайд 1
</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Речевая зарядка.
- But first of all let's repeat the words you have learnt in this unit. Say after me:
Tradition, special, public, symbol, mean, wish, gather, hug, card, sweetheart, hear, New Year's Day, St. Valentine Day, Easter festival, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night, Christmas.
- Now complete my sentences:
- My friend sent me a beautiful…
- In January we celebrate…
- On St. Valentine's Day people send…
- Celebrating Halloween is a very old…
- People in Britain celebrate Christmas…
Ученики слушают учителя и повторяют за учителем хором и индивидуально.
Pupil 1- Postcard.
Pupil 2- New Year's Day
Pupil 3- Valentines.
Pupil 4- tradition.
Pupil 5- on the 25th of December.
2 мин.
Фонетическая зарядка.
We have phonetics exercise. Look at the screen and repeat after me :
[h]-holiday, hear, hand, hug
[m]-mum, mother, motherland
[f]-fatherland, Father Frost
[p]-pen-pin, pet-pit.
Дети читают хором
Читают по отдельности 3 человека
3 мин
Слайд 2
Фонетическая отработка лексики:
It's time to revise the words about holidays and traditions.
Let's play (игра с мячом - учитель бросает мяч учащимся, которые переводят данные слова).
Celebrate, a present, tradiations, strike, special, symbol, wish a happy holydays, card, sweetheart, hear, hug.
Учащийся, поймавший мяч переводит слово
Pupil 1- праздновать
Pupil 2- подарок
Pupil 3-традиции
Pupil 4- удар
Pupil 5- особый
Pupil 6- символ
Pupil 7-желать счастливых каникул
Pupil 8- открытка
Pupil 9- возлюбленный
Pupil 10-слышать
Pupil 11- крепко обнимать
Ознакомление с содержанием презентации и работа по ней
Read and answer the questions:
Слайд 2: February 14
Was started in the time of Roman Empire.Is dedicated to St. Valentine.
People send a card to someone they love, like, fancy or admire.
Слайд 3: In April.
The celebration of the Resurrection of ChristSchools are closed for two weeks.People give each other chocolate eggs that are wrapped in silver paper.
Слайд 4: October 31
A pagan festival celebrates the return of the souls that visit their former houses.People dress up as witches, ghosts etc.Houses are decorated with pumpkins.
Слайд 5: November 5
He was a terrorist.The day marks the discovery of a plot to blow up Parliament in 1605. People make models of him and burn them on big bonfires.
Слайд 6: December 25
Religious ceremony commemorating the birth of Christ.Children wake up early to find presents in their stockings.Traditional Christmas tree and dinner.
Слайд 7: December 31
Traditionally Scottish celebration.
At midnight everybody joins hands and sings Auld Lang Syne.
Слайд 8 : -When we celebrate St. Valentine's Day?
-When we celebrate Guy Fawkes' Day?
- When we celebrate Christmas ?
- What children do on Halloween?
- When we celebrate Easter?
Дети читают текст, переводят и отвечают на вопросы.
Pupil1- St.Valentine's Day is February the 14th. On this day, people send Valentine cards to their relatives and friends to show them their love.
Pupil 2- Guy Fawkes' Day is November the 5th.
Pupil 3- Christmas is an annual holiday celebrated on December the 25th
Pupil 4- People make special lamps called Jack-o-Lantern, have parties, and dress as ghost and witches.
Pupil 5- We celebrate Easter in April
Слайд 2-8
Упражнение на закрепление пройденного материала Past Progressive
Exercise 6, page 129
Дети читают, переводят и определяют время
5 мин
Работа с текстом
Open you books at page 130. What is the title of the text?
But first look here. There are some new words we are to get acquainted with. Repeat them after me.
We are ready to read the text. Let's begin reading.
… Great. Now finish the sentences from the text.
1) At Easter Christians celebrate Christ's … and victory over ….
2) Easter means ….
3) Long ago people thought that on 31 October ….
4) Some people dress up as ….
5) Guy Fawkes' Night is on ….
6) When it gets dark, people …
Дети читают, а затем дополняют предложения
Pupil 1-At Easter Christians celebrate Christ's return to life and victory over death….
Pupil 2- Easter means spring, new life after winter….
Pupil 3- Long ago people thought that on 31 October spirits of the death came back….
Pupil 4- Some people dress up as witches and ghosts….
Pupil 5- Guy Fawkes' Night is on 5 November….
6) When it gets dark, people go out into the streets and watch beautiful fireworks…
Подведение итогов урока. Оценивание.
Today you are fine.
1. You know a lot about customs and holidays of Great Britain.
2. You can listen to the text and understand it. 3.You can tell about British traditions.
1 мин
And now your homework. Make up your own multimedia presentation about one holiday of GB. Your marks today are: Now the lesson is over. Thank you!
1 мин