- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме 'The Mass Media'
Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме 'The Mass Media'
Открытый урок по теме " The Mass Media"
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Цель: совершенствование навыков устной речи и лексических навыков по теме с использованием технологии критического мышления.
Задачи урока:
Образовательная: формирование коммуникативной компетенции в чтении, говорении и аудировании;
Развивающие: развивать навыки устной речи, понимание прочитанного, умения работать в группе; графически оформлять текстовый материал, творчески интерпретировать имеющуюся информацию по степени новизны и значимости; обобщать полученные знания;
Воспитательные: повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, воспитание чувства взаимопомощи, умения работать в команде.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, презентация, видеофрагмент.
Ход урока.
I .Подготовительный этап.
Организационный момент.
Введение в языковую среду. Проверяется готовность к уроку.
Good morning! Sit down, please. I hope you are well today.
2.Вызов: методы и приемы-мозговой штурм, кластер, артиципация(предположение).
1.Учитель, мотивируя познавательную деятельность учащихся, ставит вопрос:
Today we live in the time of information? Where can we get information?(from Mass Media). What is Mass Media?(a collective name for newspapers, magazines? TV and the Internet).What Mass Media do you know?
Let's make a claster.
TV Newspapers
WWPress magazines
So, the theme of our lesson is Mass Media and we will speak about it and the Press in particular. And by the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about the Press.Well, your hometask will be ex15a page 249.
2.Создание условий для определения « знаю-хочу знать» по теме для осознания целей урока:
Предлагаю учащимся ответить на вопросы:
-What types of media are used for broadcasting news?
-Where does the members of your family get information from? And what about you?
-Do you listen to the radio much? Which programmes?
-How many hours of TV do you watch every week?
-What are your favourite TV programmes?
-What magazines do you read regularly?
-Do you read any newspapers regularly? Which one?
-What do you use the Internet for?
-Do you use a mobile phone for information or entertainment?
-What kind of information would you like to get on your mobile phone?
Чтение текста с последующим выполнением заданий. Приложение1.
II.Основной этап. Осмысление. Методы и приемы: инсерт(чтенеи текста с пометками), стратегия-Вопросительные слова.
Обучение устной речи. Предлагаю прочитать текст "The Press in Britain" стр.247.
Read the text and make notes in some papers.
Коллективное обсуждение полученной информации.
What facts did you know before?
What new information have you found in the text?
Are there any facts in the text you do not understand?
Which facts from the text do you find interesting?
Обучение устной речи.
«Тонкие» и «толстые» вопросы.
«Тонкие» вопросы-требуют односложные ответы.
«Толстые» вопросы-требуют подробного развернутого ответы.
Answer my questions. Give short answers.
1.What do the newspapers report?(the news)
2.What information do newspapers give?(useful)
3. Do they treat the news in two different ways?(yes)
4.Are the British the greatest newspaper readers in the world?
5. What do all papers pay special attention to?(sports)
1.Explain why are the British believed to be the greatest newspaper reader?
2.Why in your opinion Fleet Street is conveniently situated?
3. Why do you think popular papers have a more general readership?
4. Explain why do the best critics and journalists write for The Sunday Times?
Теперь ученики составляют 2 «тонких» и 2 «толстых» вопроса.
Let's return to our claster and add new information to it concerning newspapers.
morning national local
serious weekly
weekly evening morning
Учащиеся добавляют новую информацию.
2 .I think you can speak about the mass media and the Press in particular. Let's summarize everything you know about it.We have to make out 5 points.
1.What are we talking about today? (the Mass Media)
2.Give me 2 adjectives, characterizing the Mass Media(great , useful)
3.Give 3 verbs( inform, educate,entertain)
4.Give a sentence describing the event( It is an important part of our life)
5. Give only one word,a synonym of the word the mass media (information)
3.Поделились на группы и делают газету. Презентация газет.
Подведение итогов.
Our lesson lesson is coming to an end. Most of you have worked hard today. Your marks are…
Рефлексия. Now it's interesting to hear your reflection on the lesson. What was the most interesting part of the lesson?
The lesson is over. Thank you for cooperation.
Working for the news centre in London
A report by Greg Hudson
Visitors to London are always impressed by this exciting city, with its numerous attractions of all kinds. For me, London's most interesting place is a huge building at 200 Gray's Inn Road, the home of ITN - Independent Television News. This was my London for the past year. Once you get into the glass and steel giant, you cannot resist the feeling that you have come to the centre of the world. Hundreds of journalists and the most famous presenters are rushing around with reports of the latest world news - all just around you.
ITN is a huge news organisation providing bulletins, scripts and pictures to independent radio and television stations around the UK. Whether you are watching ITV, Channel 4 or Channel 5, you will see the news that is broadcast from Gray's Inn Road in London. For those who are more curious, it is worth coming to see the building itself. If you are lucky you can even see Channel 5 Newsbroadcast live.
When I first came to ITN, I was a student of radio and television journalism. Working as a young journalist in England, I had the chance to see the things ordinary people cannot see. I never thought that I would be sitting at a journalist's desk in Parliament listening to the live reports of debates. I took part in many press conferences of top ministers and government secretaries. I was doing my own surveys in the streets of London.
One of the strangest things was the way most of the journalists did their editing work. They did not use computers, but rather they cut up the tapes and then put them together with some sticky tape. I felt I was in a museum of technology.
If you happen to be in London, remember, the centre of the world is at 200 Gray's Inn Road. Just take the Central Line of the underground to Chancery Lane station. It is only a five-minute walk to ITN. Stand there and try to imagine what wonderful things are going on inside.
3 Read the text below and underline the correct answer, a, b or c.
1 ITN is particularly interesting for Greg because
a it is a modern museum of technology.
b it is the centre of world journalism.
c everything is broadcast live there.
2 ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 are
a radio channels.
b TV channels.
c British branches of ITN.
3 When he first worked at ITN, Greg covered
a political news.
b economic news.
c news about celebrities.
4 Chancery Lane is the name of
a the street where ITN is located.
b an underground line in London.
c a tube station in London.
5 If you are a very curious ITN visitor you can
a see live broadcasts of TV news programmes.
b report a debate in Parliament yourself.
c do your own survey among famous presenters and journalists