- Учителю
- Разработка урока по теме 'Телевидение'
Разработка урока по теме 'Телевидение'
Урок по теме «TV or not TV?» в 10 классе
Цели и задачи урока: познакомить с новыми ЛЕ по теме урока; формирование коммуникативных компетенций, составить краткое описание «Портрет телезрителя 10 «Б» класса»; прививать умение и навыки работы в парах, группах, выполнять различные социальные роли, формировать правильное отношение к телевидению и воспитывать телезрительский вкус к хорошим и полезным программам.
Ход урока:
The beginning of the lesson (беседа учителя с учащимися)
Teacher: Could you guess the theme of the lesson, please? Answer my questions, please.
What is the most popular hobby in summer?
What is the most popular hobby in winter?
What is the most popular hobby all year round? That`s right. It`s Television.
Lexical work
Teacher: You can see the chain of words on the blackboard: viewerfilmnewsconcertdiscussionsportcartoonshowsoupoperadocumentary. Circle them and then read, translate into Russian and make sentences with these words.
Работа над дифференциацией слов: look, see, watch.
Teacher: You`ll hear a conversation about TV programme "In the House". Choose the right answer:
How is John interested in the programme?
Very much b) a little c) not at all
How is Jane interested in the programme?
Very much b) a little c) not at all
3. How many people are there in the House?
a) nine b) ten c) one
4. How many weeks do they stay in the house?
a) nine b) ten c) one
5. Do they all stay until the end?
a) Yes b) No c) only few
6. Which sentence is correct?
a) The viewers decide which two people should leave the house each week;
b) The people in the house decide which person should leave each week;
c) The people in the house choose two people to leave and the public votes one of them.
7) Will Jane watch the new show?
a) Yes b) No c) May be.
5. Проверка понимания услышанного текста.
6. Speaking
Teacher: Does TV play a very important role in your life? What is your favourite programme? (фронтальная работа)
- Now the first group will find out advantages and the second one - disadvantages of TV? Fill in the table (работают в группах и затем называют по очереди «плюсы» и «минусы» TV).
Advantages of TV
Disadvantages of TV
Television is a good company for housewives, old people, etc.
It is cheap opportunity to relax
You can get a lot of information
Television takes up too much of our time
It hurts our eyes
There is much violence and cruelty
7. The Survey
Teacher: Using the card "Find someone who…" make a short report/survey and give a portrait of the average television viewer in your class. Walk around the class, interview your classmates and then make a report (каждому ученику раздать подготовленный опросник):
Find someone who…
1)….has more than 3 TV channels
2) ….turns on the TV first thing when they come home
3) …loves Dom2
4) …enjoys the news
5) …thinks that Culture Channel is boring
6) …watches Foreign Television and films
7) …thinks there are too many American programmes
8) ….has arguments with family members over what to watch
9) …always watch local TV programmes
8. The report and discussion.
9. Рефлексия.
Запись домашнего задания: перевод ТV программы канала «Россия» на неделю
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