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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе. Горячие источники. Natural Hot Springs.

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе. Горячие источники. Natural Hot Springs.

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</ Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 Б классе.

Учитель: Рагель Татьяна Сергеевна

УМК: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Upstream Intermediate. Express Publishing 2002.

Тема урока: Горячие источники. Natural Hot Springs.

Цель урока: обучить учащихся технике работы с текстом и новой лексикой.

Задачи: 1. Развивать навыки разных видов чтения (поискового чтения и чтение с целью извлечения определенной информации).

2. Вести новую лексику и работать с ней, используя различные упражнения, в том числе и толковый словарь.

3. Развивать устную речь учащихся.

4. Развивать письменную речь учащихся, учить работать с планом сочинения.

Оборудование: учебник, доска, карточки с заданиями.

Ход урока:Приветствие

1 мин.

Good morning! I'm glad to see you!

Well, today we have a lesson from the Culture Clip section, and we are going to read about Natural Hot Springs.

Good morning!

Работа с текстом и лексикой.

a) предтекстовые


9 мин.

б) чтение текста

15 мин.

*поисковое чтение

*чтение с целью извлечения определенной информации

*подробное чтение

в) Работа с лексикой


So, please open your student's books at page 80.

Look at the picture. What do these two places have in common?

To understand the texts better we should study the new words. Please repeat after me and guess their meaning.

Please name the words that mean diseases.

I've written their transcriptions on the blackboard. Please, match the words to their transcriptions.

Make up sentences using these words, as in the examples.

Look at page 80 again. The topic of these articles is Naturally Hot. How do you think the title above is related to the pictures?

Please, scan the texts and find out where these natural wonders are.

Now, read the texts about Rotorua and Ainsworth Hot Springs, then answer the questions of exercise 43. Write R (Rotorua) or A (Ainsworth Hot Springs).

Let's check the answers.

Read the articles again and find one similarity and one difference between each of the resorts.

Use the structures on the blackboard.

Both…and… .

… , whereas … .

Well, now let's work with the new words.

Find the words in bold in the text and match their explanations from a dictionary.

Well done. And the next task: open your notebooks and copy all the highlighted words from the text. After that translate them into Russian and find as many synonyms in English as you can.

Открывают учебники.

Both of these places are spots of nature. They are very beautiful and have something to do with water.

Повторяют за учителем новые слова и переводят.

Arthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism.

Соединяют слова и транскрипции.

Составляют предложения с новыми словами по образцу.

The caves contain

ancient limestone.

There are lots of bubbling geysers in New Zealand.

The two pictures show water. The water must be warmed up naturally by the heat of the Earth.

Просматривают текст и выполняют задание. Rotorua is New Zealand and Ainsworth Hot Springs is in Canada

Читают тексты, переводят и отвечают на вопросы.

Перечитывают текст и сравнивают курорты, пользуясь конструкциями.

Варианты ответов.

Similarities: both resorts have natural hot springs and are used for relaxation and therapeutic purposes. Both resorts were originally used by native people long ago.

Находят в тексте жирно выделенные слова и соединяют из со значением из английского толкового словаря.

Переписывают слова, выделенные в тексте оранжевым, переводят их и подбирают английские синонимы:

form - make up, constructed -formed, declined- dropped, varies -changes, humid -damp, relieve- ease, region-


Ancient limestone, high mineral content, relaxation and therapeutic purposes, dark and humid, caves, natural steam bath, bubbling geysers, active volcano areas, mud pools, hot springs, pain-relieving qualities, arthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism and spas.

Differences: Ainsworth Hot Springs is famous for its caves, whereas Rotorua is famous for its geysers and mud pools. Rotorua is an active volcanic area, whereas Ainsworth Hot Springs is not.


5 мин.

Which of the following can we find in our country: mud pools? hot springs? active volcano areas? caves in mountains? natural steam baths? health spas? Why might a person visit such places?

We can visit such health spots in the Caucasus, and we can also find them in the Crimea.

Домашнее задание

4 мин.

So, you can find lots of such places in our country, that's why at home you're asked to write a short article about a famous health spot in our country. You have to use the plan given in exercise 45. Read the plan.

At home, you will also have to learn the new words we've studied.

Записывают домашнее задание. Обсуждают план статьи.

Подведение итогов

1 мин.

Well done. Thank you for your active participation. Your marks are... . See you soon.


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