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  • План-конспкст урока по теме Мой дом (5 класс)

План-конспкст урока по теме Мой дом (5 класс)

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Тип урока: урок обобщения и контроля с использованием информационных технологий.

Педагогическая технология: технология личностного и коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения.

Учебная цель:

активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся, проверить уровень усвоения пройденного материала;

в конце урока учащиеся должны представить описание своей комнаты/квартиры в виде монологического высказывания.

Воспитательная цель:

практиковать учащихся работать в группах, проявлять чувство ответственности и взаимоподдержки.

Развивающая цель: активизировать умение извлекать нужную информацию в тексте, делать выбор и обобщения, составлять логические описания квартир/комнат и делать собственные рассказы на основе примера, развивать творческое мышление, воображение.

Задачи урока:

активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме «Мой дом», провести контроль усвоения уч-ся изученной лексики;

проверить уровень усвоения учащимися структуры There is/are;

активизировать устную коммуникацию через монолог и диалог при описании картинки с изображением комнаты;

организовать работу в группах для составления рассказа - описания комнаты и его презентации;

подготовить учащихся к работе над своими проектами «Дом моей мечты».

Оснащение: компьютер учителя, медиапроектор и экран, раздаточный материал.

Активная лексика и структуры: house, home, flat, cottage, names of rooms, furniture, структура There is/are, предлоги месторасположения.

Ход урока.

Начальный этап.

Организационный момент.

T: Ladies and gentlemen! Our company declares competition on the best team among young competitors. The main prize - the modern apartment with the hi-tech equipment in the center of our city overlooking the sea. So, bring together the friends and by all means take part in our fascinating competition. (slide 2)

P1: Competition - it sounds great. Hey, guys, let's take part in it.

(P1 собирает команду)

P2: We'll participate too. And we will win.

(P2 собирает команду)

T: present your teams. Say your name and your motto.


We are the best from East to West. (slide 3)


We're OK, we're tip-top, We're drinking cola, we're dancing hip-hop! (slide 3)

Фонетическая разминка

T: Let's start our game. First of all we are going to discover where the main prize is located. In a city, in a town or in a village.

It is a place where many thousand people live. There are many museums, galleries, theatres, big supermarkets and cars. The houses are very high and have many floors. (slide 4)

    Центральный этап.

    Активизация изученной лексики:

    T: What shops and facilities are located in a city?

    TEAM 1, TEAM 2 list different kinds of shops - Florist's, Butcher's, Chemist's, Newsagent's, Greengrocer's, Bank, Bookshop. (slide 5)

    T: What can we buy at these shops? Take a picture and find the right goods.

    TEAM 1, TEAM 2 (берут картинки и составляют предложения; у каждой команды своя картинка). Handouts 1

    We can buy meat at the butcher's.

    We can buy medicine at the chemist's.

    We can buy books at the bookshop.

    We can buy fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer's.

    We can buy flowers at the florist's.

    We can buy bread, buns and rolls at the baker's.

    Совершенствование навыков владения диалогической речью:

    T: Pretend that you are at the shop. And you are eager to buy some goods. Compose the dialogues. The customer will be from the HOT PEPPERS and the shop assistant - from the WILD DANCERS.

    Customer. Excuse me.

    Shop Assistant. Can I help you?

    Customer. Yes, I'm looking for a sweater.

    Shop Assistant. How about this one?

    Customer. Yes, that's nice. Can I try it on?

    Shop Assistant. Certainly, there's the fitting room over there.

    Customer. Thank you.

    Shop Assistant. How does it fit?

    Customer. It's too large. Have you got a smaller one?

    Shop Assistant. Yes, here you are.

    Customer. Thank you. I like this sweater, but have you got it in blue?

    Shop Assistant. Wait a second. I'll just check. Here you are.

    Customer. Thank you. That's fine. How much is it?

    Shop Assistant. It costs $40.

    Customer. Are there any discounts?

    Shop Assistant. Yes, a 10% off for today.

    Customer. Great! I'll take it.

    Shop Assistant. OK, how would you like to pay?

    Customer. Do you take credit cards?

    Shop Assistant. Yes, we do. Visa and Master Card.

    Customer. OK, here's my Visa.

    Shop Assistant. Thank you. Have a nice day!

    Customer. Thank you, bye.

    Обучение чтению с извлечением необходимой информации:

    T: Let's find out how the shops are organized in the city centre. Read the text, then look at the map and label the shops.

    (slide 6) / Handouts 2

    Физическая разминка:

    Актуализация лексико-грамматических навыков:

    T: We approached absolutely close to our dream. I mean the apartment. Only rooms and furniture equipment left us. So, label the rooms. (slide 7)

    (Primary I-Dictionary) Furniture

    Совершенствование навыков владения аудированием:

    T: Listen and put the objects in the correct place, then say where each object is. Use There is (slide 8)

    There is a book behind the sofa.

    There is a TV under the table.

    There is a telephone between the chair and he plant.

    There is a lamp on the table.

    There is a radio next to the arm-chair.

    There is a vase on the chair.

      Заключительный этап

      Совершенствование навыков владения диалогической речью:

      T: In teams describe one of your rooms and choose only one person to present the description.

      (slide 9) / Handouts 3

      P1: I've got a spacious modern living-room. There are two comfortable armchairs, a sofa and a television with video. There's a small coffee table in the centre of the room. My mum always puts some flowers in the vase. We like spending in here our spare time together discussing our day. And also you can admire a magnificent view of the city from the living-room balcony.

      P2: My flat's on the twentieth floor. And my bedroom is huge and cozy. I always spend a lot of time here relaxing. There is a comfortable bed in my bedroom. In the corner there is a wardrobe. There are cushions on the bed to make me feel good. And leaving my bedroom I don't miss the chance to glance at the mirror opposite my bed.

      T: Unfortunately, the building and your apartment is not ready yet. That's why our company propose you to prepare a project "A House of my Dream"

      (slide 10)


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