- Учителю
- План-конспект урока английского языка Тема урока: “«Mobile phone – wolves in sheep’s clothing? »
План-конспект урока английского языка Тема урока: “«Mobile phone – wolves in sheep’s clothing? »
Тема урока: «Mobile phone - wolves in sheep's clothing? »
Цели урока:
1. Практическая : совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода.
2. Развивающая: Расширять активный и пассивный словарный запас учащихся лексическими единицами по теме.
3. Воспитательная: Воспитывать культуру речи.
Оборудование: учебник 9 класса Л.М. Лапицкая, наглядности, доска, раздаточный материал.
Тип урока: комбинированный урок.T - Cl
T - P
2 мин
Б. Речевая разминка
And now answer my questions:
Do you have a mobile phone?
Do you have landline phone at home?
How often do you use landline phone?
If you had to choose between the mobile phone and the TV, what would you choose?
What do you mostly use your mobile phone talking or playing games?
What is the modal of your mobile phone?
How your parents attend to mobile phone?
Do you spend much time with your mobile phone?
Do you know who make the first mobile phone? In our lesson we will know about it.
T - Cl
T -- P
3 мин
Фонетическая разминка
Work with new words:
Weird -- странный, таинственный.
Right - правильный, нужный, подходящий
Disagree - не соглашаться
Connect -- подключать, связывать (по телефону)
T - Cl
5 мин
Проверка домашнего задания
Let's check your home task! As far as I know you should read and translate the ex. 2 a point b.
Answer my questions:
What is the story about?
What 2 things are mentioned in it?
Do you know yo-yo?
Do your parents have yo-yo?
- If you had to choose between the mobile phone and yo-yo, what would you choose?
- Are the mobile phone is useful for you?
- And what function is more important for you in your mobile phone?
Read the text.
Translate the text.
True or false.
Finish the sentence.
T -- Cl
Доска , Раздаточный материал
10 мин
Д. Физкультминутка
Are your eyes tired? I prepare you some exercise. Look at the screen and follow by butterfly.
2 мин
2. Основной этап
А. Работа с текстом.
a) New words:
Nickname - давать прозвище.
Rival - соперник, конкурент
Responsible for - ответственный за
Shape - форма
b) Find the sentences with these words in the text and read them with translation.
c) Complete the sentences choosing right variant. Read the sentence and choose right variant. After that translate it.
d) Ex. 1
Who are they:
Martin Cooper
Joe Engel
Finish the sentences:
All this happened in … .
General Manager of communication company Martin Cooper stopped, … .
The first mobile phone was nicknamed " the shoe", because… .
Mr. Cooper called to Joe Engel, who… .
Mr. Cooper was in New York because… .
The quality of the call was very good, because … .
Translate in English:
Это все произошло 3 апреля 1972 года.
Ex. 4
Look at the blackboard, with the help of this words make up a story.
And now you should retell the text.
T - Cl
Доска , Раздаточный материал
3. Заключительный этап
А. Домашнее задание
Open your record book, your home task is an exercise 4 a at page 230.
1 мин
Б. Рефлексия и подведение итогов
I want you to appreciate your work in class. Did the lesson was informative? What new did you know?
What information will you used in future?
Do you remember who was making the first mobile phone?
How Martin Cooper nicknamed his first mobile phone?
I had enjoyed working with you.
The lesson is over.
T - Cl
5 мин