Разработка урока: 'Wild animals'

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предварительный просмотр материала

Theme: Wild animals.

Grade: the 1-th form

Subject: English


The aims of the lesson:


- систематизировать и обобщить знания обучающихся по теме; - активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.


- совершенствовать навыки обучающихся в монологической, диалогической речи, в чтении и письме; - развивать навыки использования знаний для подготовки и представления презентации по теме.


- воспитывать любовь к животным, экологическую культуру в целом.

Тип урока: Комбинированный

The plan of the lesson:

I. Generation

1.1 Organization moment

- Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. Sit down, please. -Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
-Who is he/she absent?
-OK. Let's begin our lesson.

1.2 Lead in

-Look at the screen and answer: What are we going to speak about today?

1.3 Warming up

-And now we shall try to pronounce this patter:

A black cat sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat.

-Read it slowly, please.
-Repeat after me.
-Who will try to pronounce it?

II Consolidation

2.1 Talking

- Look at the screen and try to remember the color of each animal. I give you only 5 seconds.

-What color is a dog? -What color is a fox? -What color is a pig? -What color is a cow?- What color is a giraffe?

2.2 Physical exercises - Let's have a rest. Will you stand up, please? We shall remember our poem.
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
Can you be like a good child?
As still as you wish?

2.2 Reading

-Look at this text. Read and translate it, please.

Where do animals live?

Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

-You are excellent pupils!

III Generalization

3.1 Result

-What have you done on the lesson?
-What new words have you know?

3.2 Home task

- Open your dairies and put down your home task:


- Your marks from the lesson are....

- Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over.

- Good bye.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.


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