Планирование ' А New friend

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The date :26.09.2015 The form: 5b

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

A New friend


АКТ, смайлик, words

Жалпы мақсаты:

Оқушыларға жаңа достар туралы айтып және олармен тез дос болу керек деп түсіндіру

Олармен жиі серуенге шығып көмектесіп жүру керектігін айтып өту. Достары жайлы білуге үйрету.

Күтілетін нәтиже:

Әрдайым дос болу керек екенін біледі және оған қолынан келгенше көмектесу керек екенін үйренеді.

Негізгі идеялар

Has he got a dog? Have you got a friend?

What's in the beach-bag?

Грмматикалық жаттығу жұмыстарын орындау

Grammar : Have got, has got

I have got a family You have got a father

He has got a sister

She has got a brother

Have I got a family? Has she got a brother?

Has he got a sister?

Yes I have/ No, I haven't

Yes, She has ./No, she hasn't

Yes, They have/ No, They haven't


Complete thе sentences

Ben has got a frisbee

Ben and Felix have got a towel

Monica has got an ice-cream. Ben has got a beach bag.Ben has got a mobile phone.

Gemma and Felix have got drinks.

Кейінгі тапсырмлар

Write true sentences!

Mr Bean has got a camera. I haven't got a towel. My friends have got a Mr Bean DVD and frisbee.

New words : frisbee, ice-cream, beach- bag, drink, towel etc.

I. The org. moment

Good morning pupils!

Good morning teacher!

Sit down please.

What date is it today? ---- Today is__ __of September!

What day is today? --------

I slide: 1) Have you got a friend?

2) What is his/her friends name?

3) Has she got a family?

4) Has she got a pet?

5) What is your friends favourite sport?

6) What are there in your bag?

7) Do you like ice-cream?

8) Does your friends pet like to play with your frisbee?

9) What kind of drink do you like?

10) Have you got a drink in your bag?

11) Have you got a towel in your bag?

12) Have you got a mobile phone?

Ok, good children

What can you see in this picture?

II slide:

Our lesson is A New friend.

Now children I'll give you different pictures devid into three groups. A) Drink

b) ice-cream c) Frisbee Who has a drink, who has eat an ice-cream, who has a play Frisbee

Now, will begin our lesson

Now, let's read the dialogue with the good intonation.

You'll give marks yourselves look at the blackboard there are smiles if the groups answer the questions , put your stirkers in this smile

Find the sentences with the verbs: Have got/ Has got

II Task

Read the sentences: True or false?

  1. Ben is new friend.(true)

  2. Smartie is a dog( true)

  3. The mobil phone is a camera too (false)

  4. Monica and her family are in the photo.(true)

III. Correct the new words form the dialogue.

Unscramble words:



Eachbabg -beach-bag

Ridkn -drink

wetol -towel

IV. Order sentences:

a camera

a towel

a Mr

Bean DVD

haven't got

have got

has got

hasn't got

Mr. Bean


My friends


V. draw imagination in your friend.

VI. write down topic about your friends .

VII. Giving home work: write down essay. The end o the lesson: Do you understand me? Have you got any questions? Our lesson is over good bye!


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