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Краткое описание: The theme ;Animals Aims ofthe lesson1. To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speechTo enrich their vocabulary2 To develop their reading writing listening, kills and grammar lexical habits3.To bring up pupils to be attentive to write neatly and correctly.To foster their love for animals. Teaching method;Explanation answer-question, listening,work in pairs and work in group Visual aids; An interactive board taperecorder, toys, posters Procedure ofthelesson1.Organization mom
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The theme ; Animals

Aims of the lesson

1. To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speech

To enrich their vocabulary

2 To develop their reading writing listening, kills and grammar lexical


3.To bring up pupils to be attentive to write neatly and correctly.

To foster their love for animals.

Teaching method; Explanation answer-question, listening, work in pairs and

work in group

Visual aids; An interactive board tape recorder, toys, posters

Procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment

A) Greeting

B)Asking about the dates ,absentees, etc

II.Phonetic drill. Let's sing the song Bingo

There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o.
And Bingo was his name-o.

III. Check-up the home task. To learn by heart new words

IV. New words.

An elephant-Піл

A camel-Түйе

A bear-Аю

A monkey-Маймыл

A wolf-Қасқыр

A fox-Түлкі

A rabbit-Қоян

A tiger-Жолбарыс

A lion- Арыстан

V. New lesson. Today we have new theme Animals( video about animals and their sounds)

Now I will divide you into 3 groups: lion, dog, bear

Exercise 1.Read the text about animals


There are two types of animals.

We know wild animals. They are those that live in the woods, jungles and in the fields. They are: foxes, tigers, wolves, elephants, hares and so on.

And there are animals that live near the people. They are called domestic animals. And some of them even help people. Horses, bulls, dogs help people a lot. Domestic animals are cows, cats, sheep and so on.

Many years ago when there were no cars and trucks people used horses and bulls working in the fields. Dogs are our great friends but they also guard our houses and they are used in the army and by the police. Cats catch mice and rats. As for other domestic animals they are also very useful. Hens, ducks, geese, turkeys give meat and eggs. Cows and goats give milk.

Exercise 2. Write down from this text first domestic animals and then wild animals

Domestic animal

Wild animal

Horses, bulls, dog, cows, cats, sheep, hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, goat.

Foxes, tigers, wolves, elephants, hares

Exercise 3. Completing the word with missing letters.

An Eleph… nt A wo…f

A cam…l A rabb…t

A f…x A be…r

A tig…r A li…n

A monk…y

Exercise 4.For each group I will give animal name and you should draw a picture of this animal and tell about this animal. For example cat lives at home, it eats meat, drinks milk etc.

Size: it's big

Habitat: it lives…

Food: it eats….

Colour: it's... Characteristics: it's wild

Exercise 5.True or false game

1.Cat drinks milk(T)

2.Animals that live with people called wild(F)

3.Cat hates dogs(T)

4.Dog ,rabbit , horse .they are domestic animals(T)

5.Cows and goat give milk(T)

6.Giraffe is domestic animal(F)

VI.Assessments of the pupils:

Бағалау парағы

Оқушының аты-жөні:


Writing (жазу)

Speaking (айтылым)

Activity (сабаққа қатысуы )


4 + (5)



VII. Home work. To learn by heart new words and make up sentences with them.

« Қ.И Сәтбаев атындағы 7 мектеп-лицейі» КММ


Cынып: 5 «A»

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Дайындаған: ағылшын пән мұғалімі: Наурызбаева Т.Н

19.02.2014 ж.

Пән: ағылшын тілі


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