- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 7 классе 'Sport is fun'
Урок английского языка в 7 классе 'Sport is fun'
Тема урока: "Sport is fun"
УМК: "Enjoy English - 7", М.З. Биболетова
Учитель: Степанова А.В
Класс: 7
Урок в теме: 1
Результат: учащиеся вспомнят названия видов спорта на английском и узнают новую лексику по теме «Спорт. Виды спорта», научатся читать и понимать небольшие тексты про разные виды спорта.
Личностные результаты
- Ответственное отношение к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию;
- Осознание необходимости стремления к совершенствованию собственной речевой культуры в целом
- Желание приобретать новые знания и умения, а также совершенствовать имеющиеся.
- Осознание себя как индивидуальности и одновременно как члена общества
Метапредметные результаты
- умение постановки учебной познавательной задачи на основе соотнесения того, что уже известно и того, что ещё предстоит освоить; понимание учеником того, что он будет делать в классе и дома и зачем он будет это делать
-умение принимать и сохранять учебную задачу
-умение в сотрудничестве с учителем ставить новые учебные задачи
-умение адекватно оценивать результат своей работы
- умение сосредоточиться на выполнении речевых действий, умение проявить настойчивость и усилие для достижения поставленной цели
- самостоятельное выделение и формулирование познавательной задачи
- поиск и выделение необходимой информации при чтении текста на ИЯ
- проявление познавательной инициативы в учебном сотрудничестве
-умение устанавливать причинно-следственные связи в изучаемом круге явлений
- рефлексия деятельности по овладению ИЯ, контроль и оценка процесса и результатов иноязычной речевой деятельности
- умение выстраивать монологическое высказывание на основе прочитанных текстов с новыми лексическими единицами
-умение сотрудничать с учителем и сверстниками при решении учебных проблем, принимать на себя ответственность за результаты своих действий
-умение слушать и вступать в диалог
-умение осуществлять необходимую взаимопомощь пр работе в группе
-знание того как адекватно использовать речевые средства для эффективного решения разнообразных коммуникативных задач
Планируемый предметный результат :
учащиеся вспомнят названия видов спорта на английском и узнают новую лексику по теме «Спорт. Виды спорта», научатся читать и понимать небольшие тексты про разные виды спорта.
Предметные результаты:
1. Коммуникативные задачи
- формирование лексического навыка использования названий спорта на этапе организации ознакомления и первичной тренировки лексических единиц
- формирование лексического навыка использования словосочетаний со словом спорт на этапе организации ознакомления и первичной тренировки лексико-грамматических единиц
- развитие умения монологической речи (путь «снизу», монолог-описание спортсмена, монолог-описание спорта)
- развитие умения чтения с общим охватом содержания и извлечением конкретной информации.
2. Воспитательная задача
Воспитание любви к спорту и толерантности к различной спортивной культуре культуре англоговорящих и других стран.
3. Развивающие задачи
- развитие антиципации
- развитие таких мыслительных операций как анализ, синтез, классификация
- развитие воображения
4. Образовательная задача
Расширение спектра социокультурных знаний учащихся по теме «Спорт. Виды спорта»
Оснащение урока: компьютер; проектор; колонки; « Enjoy English - 7. Student's book", М.З. Биболетова; презентация Microsoft Power Point " Sport is fun"; карточки со словосочетаниями с sport и sports; карточки со словосочетаниями: at school, in a summer camp, for boys, for girls, winter sports, summer sports, ball sports; картинки с изображением спортсменов, аудиоприложение "Enjoy English - 7", М.З. Биболетова.
Этап урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность ученика
I. Начало урока
1. Организационный момент
2. Фонетическая зарядка
3. Целеполагание
4. Речевая зарядка
Good morning, children. I'm glad to see you. How are you today?
Well, let's start our lesson. At first look at the screen, please. There you can see a poem. What is this poem about?
Yes, you're right. It's about sport.
What words from this poem do you know?
Well done. Now listen to me, please.
Repeat after me, please.
Read it in pairs.
Who wants to read this poem? May be somebody have already learnt it by heart?
You told me some kinds of sport. But look at these pictures. Do you know these kinds of sport in English? Have you some information about these sports in your heads?
So what do you think, what will we speak today about? What will you learn at this lesson?
Yes, there are many kinds of sport in the world.
What sport do you do?
What sport do your parents do?
What is your favorite sport? Why?
Do you prefer do or watch it on TV?
What sport would you like to do?
Is it hard to do sport?
Does sport make man stronger?
Does sport only make us healthy or something else? What?
Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too. We're fine. Thanks
It's about sport.
Sport, boys, toys, ski, skate, snowballs, swim, football, hockey, tennis, basketball, jump, run, fun
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
No, we don't
Yes, we have/ No, we haven't
We will speak about sport.
We will learn some new words about different kinds of sport.
I play football, basketball. I ski in winter.
My mother likes to skate/ My father play volleyball.
My favorite sport is figure skating. It's very beautiful.
I prefer watching sport on TV/ I like doing sport
I'd like to play basketball.
Yes, it is
Yes, it does.
I think, sport, healthy food and positive thoughts make man healthier.
T- P, P1, P2
T- P, P1, P2
T- P, P1, P2
II. Основной этап
Организация активизации ранее пройденного лексического материала
Организация ознакомления с новой лексикой по теме «Спорт»
Презентация новых лексических единиц
Организация тренировки лексики
Организация ознакомления с новыми лексико-грамматическими единицами по теме «Спорт»
Организация тренировки новых лексико-грамматических единиц
Организация чтения с общим охватом содержания
Предтекстовый этап
Текстовый этап
Послетекстовый этап
Организация чтения с извлечением конкретной информации
As you know every sport has its mother country. Open your books at page 100 and find ex. 1.
Look at the pictures, match them and sports. And then say which countries are these sports associated with? You have 3-4 minutes.
Let's check. Who is ready to answer?
Well done.
Which sports are popular you think? (на доске предложена модель ответа I think ____ is popular.)
Find ex. 3 Now let's listen to the list of the most popular sports and sports activities. Do you agree that they are popular? What new sports do you see? They are very much like Russian words. Do you understand them?
Now let's repeat them!
Which words sound similar in Russian?
Very nice, but what sports do you remember. Look at the pictures on the screen. What sport is it?
Work in groups and make your list of popular sports: at school, in a summer camp, for boys, for girls, winter sports, summer sports, ball sports. You have 3 minutes.
Well, groups, read your lists, please.
Thanks for your work.
Well, let's play a game 'I am very good at'.
Stand up, please. I'll say some kinds of sport. Your task is to show them without words.
-I am good at football
- I am good at running
- I am good at judo
- I am good at swimming
- I am good at tennis
- I am good at horse-riding
Thanks. You are very good actors. Sit down and let's continue our lesson.
Sometimes in the texts you can see two words: sport and sports. Let's pay attention to the difference between these words. Find ex. 2.
We say "sport" when we mean sport in general. And we say "sports" when mean different types of sport.
Helen, read the examples from the exercise.
You see some sport phrases in the exercise and the cards. Work in pairs and make three groups: phrases with 'sport' and with 'sports' and other phrases.
Look at ex.2 and repeat the phrases after me.
Now look at this man, let's describe him.
It's good work. Thank you.
I will give you other pictures (photos). Use the cards to describe the people. Work in groups. You've got 4 minutes.
Well, time is over. What group wants to be the first?
Good work! Thanks.
Now you can say many sports in English, and you can describe a sportsman. Let's read about sport.
Find ex. 4. Read the first sentence. What are the texts about?
Well done! You say sports! It's correct!
Now read and say what sports they are about.
Tell me, what text 1 is about!
Well done! Look through the text again and answer my questions:
- Where can you do aerobics?
- Where can you play table tennis?
Excellent! Look at ex.5 and match other sports and places.
Let's check!
Well done.
Учащиеся смотрят на иллюстрации и выбирают спорт для разных стран:
Number1 is basketball, I choose it for the USA. Number 2 is football, I choose it for Brazil. Number 3 is baseball, I choose it for the USA. Number 4 is chess, I choose it for Finland. Number 5 is cycling, I choose it for Russia. Number 6 is skiing, I choose it for Norway. Number 7 is hockey, I choose it for Canada. Number 8 is ice-skating, I choose it for Finland. Number 9 is horse riding, I choose it for GB. Number 10 is figure skating, I choose it for Russia. Number 11 is boxing, I choose it for Germany. Number12 is tennis, I choose it for GB.
I think football is popular! I think figure skating is popular!
Учащиеся слушают перечень видов спорта и отвечают на вопрос.
Yes, I agree! - No, I don't agree!
Учащиеся слушают и повторяют:
- Football, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, chess, gymnastics, aerobics, dance, cycling, swimming, walking, skiing, ice-skating, horse riding, windsurfing, jumping, running, boxing, figure skating, wrestling, hockey, judo, kickboxing, polo, rugby, baseball, athletics, handball.
Football, badminton, volleyball, gymnastics, aerobics, dance, windsurfing, boxing, wrestling, hockey, judo, kickboxing, polo, rugby, baseball, athletics, handball.
Учащиеся смотрят на картинки, называют виды спорта:It's table tennis. It's chess. It's cycling. It's swimming. It's walking. It's running. It's windsurfing. It's running. It's judo. It's polo. It's rugby. It's baseball. It's handball.
Учащиеся объединяются в группы, вытягивают карточку с темой рейтинга: popular sports at school, in a summer camp, for boys, for girls, winter sports, summer sports; составляют рейтинг и сообщают классу
(На доске опора: Top three popular sports at school . Number 1 is ______, number 2 is_______, and number 3 is ___)
Top three winter sports. Number 1 is hockey, number 2 is skiing, and number 3 is ice-skating.
Учащиеся встают, слушают фразы и демонстрируют вид спорта
(на доске предложено название игры и синоним: I am very good at football = I can play football very well)
Учащиеся читают пример:
She is not very good at sport.
Football, tennis, athletics are all sports.
Учащиеся получают двусторонние карточки со словосочетаниями (с переводом на обратной стороне) и распределяют их в три группы.
be good at sport, be fond of sport,
sports centre, a sports club, a sports jacket, a sports car, a sports fun, do sports, watch sports
a fine sportsman, be sporty
Учащиеся повторяют фразы.
Учащиеся смотрят на фотографию и описывают человека с использованием опоры:
He is good at _____________
He goes to a sports ________
He has a sports ___________
He likes watching _________
He is ___________________
Учащиеся работают в группах. Каждая группа получает изображение / фотографию человека. Используются карточки и опора из предыдущих заданий. Учащиеся описывают человека в группах, затем выступают перед классом.
He is good at swimming.
He goes to the sports centre.
He has a sports form.
He likes watching water polo.
He is athletic.
Учащиеся читают первое предложение
A round ball is used in this game.
И предполагают, о чем пойдет речь в тексте:
They are about games! They are about sports!
Учащиеся читают тексты и определяют вид спорта, о котором идет речь. На слайде предложены варианты:
I think it's …
table tennis
Учащиеся описывают содержание текстов.
Учащиеся повторно читают тексты и находят ответы на вопросы:
-You can do it in a sports centre
- You can do it at home or in the gym
Учащиеся выполняют упражнение, соотнося вид спорта и место. На доске опора:
You can do this sport in / on…
Swimming. You can do it in a pool or river.
T- P, P1, P2
T- P, P1, P2
T- P, P1, P2
T- P, P1, P2
T- P, P1, P2
T-P1, P2, P3
T-P1, P2, P3
T-P1, P2, P3
T-P1, P2, P3
T-P1, P2, P3
III. Конец урока
Сообщение домашнего задания
Your home task is to describe a sport. We'll guess what sport you describe. Use the plan, ex.4a, ex.5 and the Internet, if you like.
Our lesson is coming to the end. What did we speak about?
What sports in Engish did you recollect?
What new sports names in English have you learnt.
What did you do in the lesson?
And what's your idea about the topic of the next lesson.
Well. Your ideas are nice. Thanks for your work. It was hard and I hope it was useful, too. Our lesson is over. Good bye.
Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание. Примерный план описания спорта:
You can do it in/on..
You need …
It is …
We spoke about sports.
Football, hockey, basketball, tennis, swimming.
I have learnt aerobics, windsurfing, rugby, handball.
We read, listened and repeated words about sports. We matched the words. We read small texts about sport.
I think we'll speak about famous sportsmen, game rules, Olimpic Games.
T- P, P1, P2
Приложение 1
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.