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- Сценарий вне классного мероприятия 'Karlsson's Birthday' 5-6 классы
Сценарий вне классного мероприятия 'Karlsson's Birthday' 5-6 классы
The Birthday of Karlsson
Hello, my dear friends! Today we will have an unusual party. Do you like reading books? What kind of books do you read most of them ? What are your favourite characters? And writers? Well, I see you are fond of reading. Let's start our party. What is the title of our party? Guess, please. He lives on the roof and can fly. Yes ,it is Karisson. Today he has a birthday party. Karlsson looks forward to his friends.
Characters: Karlsson, Kid, Crocodile Gena , Cheburashka, Shapoklyak, Wolf, Hare, the Three Little Pigs, Dunno, Trills, Baba-Yaga, Chipollino, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Malvina, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Scene I
Kid (обращаясь к зрителям, сидящим в зале): Hello, children! Do you know me? I am Malish. In English I am a Kid. You know I have a good friend - Karlsson, who lives on the roof. Today is his birthday. I want him to be cheerful and happy. I want to surprise him - to invite a lot of guests to his birthday party. You know many of them. They are from cartoon films and books. Will you help me to invite them here?
Children: Certainly. With pleasure, Kid.
Kid: All right. When I say: "Crible, cruble, booms", repeat these words after me. (Подает детям знак повторить слова)
Children: Crible, cruble, booms! (Слышится шум за сценой, «прилетает» Карлсон)
Kid: Well, here you are. This is my dear Karlsson himself. He is the best Karlsson in the world.
Karlsson. Hallo, Kid. I am very glad to see you.
Kid: And I am glad to see you, Karlsson. I have missed you very much. I am happy to see you again.
KarIsson: Did you remember that its my birthday today?
K i d: Of course, I did. (Обращаясь к детям.) As far as I remember, he has had a birthday two times this year. Isn't that so, Karlsson?
Karlsson: Yes, it is, but I can have as many birthdays as I like, can't I?
Kid: Of course, you can. Now sit down, Karlsson, and have a rest. We are going to have a birthday party for you. A lot of guests will arrive in a few minutes.
Karlsson: Guests!? Then I must look handsome. (Подходит к зеркалу, причесывается, надевает на шею большой яркий бант, пританцовывает.)
Scene. II
Kid (обращаясь к детям, подает знак повторять за ним): Crible, cruble, booms!
ChiIdren: Crible, cruble, booms! (Медленно из глубины зала под музыку песни В.Шаинского «Голубой вагон» идут Крокодил Гена, Чебурашка, Шапокляк).
Сrocodile Gena, Cheburashka,Shapoklyak (вместе): Dear Karlsson, we are glad to see you.
Karlsson: So am I.
Shapoklyak, Cheburashka (вместе): Here is our musical present for you, Karlsson.
You have a date to celebrate,
Which comes but once a year.
And so today we'd like to say
From all of us to you:
Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you!
Karlsson: Thank you, funny Cheburashka and charming Shapoklyak. What a nice start to my birthday party! Crocodile Gena, what about your song? Will you sing for me?
Gena: Oh, if you like it, I will sing it for you with pleasure.
The more we are together, together, together.
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be.
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends,
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be.
Karlsson (поет):
The more we are together, together, together.
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be.
( Появляется на метле Баба Яга.)
Baba-Yaga (обращаясь к Карлсону): Are you the biggest eater in the world?
Karlsson: Certainly l am.
Baba-Yaga: I know you like cakes. Though I am not a wizard, I am Baba-Yaga, though I have no helicopter, I shall fly and bring you and your friends a lot of cakes in just a few minutes. Wait for me, Karlsson! Happy birthday to you. ( Улетает на метле.)
Scene III
K i d: Crible, cruble, booms!
Child re n: Crible, cruble, booms! (К сцене на велосипеде подъезжает заяц и садится в первом ряду со зрителями.)
H a r e: I shall wait for the Wolf here.Вбегает запыхавшийся волк.Голова и лапа у него забинтованы.)
WoIf: Where is the Hare? Ha-re!
Hare (из зала): I am here.
W o I f: Tell us where you have been, dear Hare. How are you? Are you feeling bad or well?
Hare: I am all right. What about you?
Wo1f (показывая на бинты): So-so, not very well.
H a r e: Don't get upset. You are to be merry here. We are at Karlsson's birthday party. Here is a present for him. (Дает волку хлопушку с конфетти.) Take it and give it to Karlsson. Let's congratulate him.
Wo1f: Happy birthday... (Держит хлопушку, собираясь вручить ее Карлсону, Заяц дергает за веревочку, и хлопушка «взрывается». Заяц убегает. Волк сконфужен.) Ha-re! I shall teach you a lesson.
Wo1f (успокоившись, примирительно приглашает зайца на танец): Well, Hare, let's have a dance.
Hare: No, dear Wolf, not now.
Scene IV
Kid: Crible, cruble, booms!
Children: Crible, cruble, booms! (К сцене под музыку вприпрыжку подбегают три поросенка. Вручают разноцветные шары Карлсону и, встав в кружок, танцуют и поют.)
The Three Pigs:
We are happy brother pigs,
Brother pigs, brother pigs,
We are merry piggy wigs,
We're not afraid of the big, bad Wolf,
Big bad Wolf, big bad Wolf,
We're not afraid of the big, bad Wolf,
(Обращаясь к Карлсону.) Dear Karlsson, we are the merry brother pigs. We wish you to be the merriest Karlsson in the world.
Karlsson: I shall be, for sure!
Kid and the Children (вместе): Crible, cruble, booms!
Появляются Незнайка и Гусля, останавливаются у пианино.)
Dunno: It's a pity, but I can't sing very well, Trills. Do teach me to sing, please.
Trills: With pleasure, Dunno. I'll teach you to sing the song about a cuckoo. It's a very easy song. (Поет.)
Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from me,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, I see you in the tree:
Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's such an easy song,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's hard to get it wrong.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from me...
Trills: Slop, Dimno. Sing it like this..
Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from me,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, I see you in the tree.
Dunno: Oh, I see now. Let's sing this song for Karlsson now.
(Подходят к Карлсону и поют вместе.)
Dunno and Trills (вместе):
Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from me,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, I see you in the tree.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's such an easy song,
Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's hard to get it wrong.
Karlsson: Thank you for the song, Dunno and Trills. You are welcome.
Dunno: Here is a jar of jam for you, Karlsson.
Karlsson: Oh, I am the best jam-eater in the world. Thanks, everyone.
Dunno and Trills (вместе): Don't mention it, Karlsson.
Scene V
Kid and the Children (вместе): Crible, crubie, booms! (Появляется Золушка, за ней бодро шагает Чиполлино.)
I am going to look for something better
In a distant land.
Will you go with me, children?
Will you go with me, children?
Here's my friendly hand.
Children: No, dear Chipollino. We shan't go with you. It's so nice here. Stay with Karlsson and his friends. He is having a birthday party today. Stay with his guests, have a rest, Chipollino.
Karlsson: Be my guest, Chipollino.
Chipollino: With pleasure (Вручает Карлсону апельсин.) To the best orange-eater merry Karlsson, from Italy.
Cinderella: Karlsson, I also know that you like cakes. Am I right/
Karlsson: Yes, you are.
Cinderella: With the help of my magic wand I shall call Baba-Yaga to fly here as quickly as possible. Baba-Yaga! Baba-Yaga! Karlsson is waiting for some tasty cakes! ( Взмахивает палочкой.)
Guests: We are also waiting for some tasty birthday cakes.
Cinderella: Baha-Yaga will be here in a few seconds (Вбегает Пиноккио, за ним Мальвина.)
Malvina: How do you do? (Делает реверанс.) Pinocchio, say hallo to guests, to Karlsson and to the children, please.
Pinocchio: Hallo, boys and girls. How do you do, dear Karlsson, dear guests? Happy birthday, Karlsson.
Malvina: Karlsson, I hope you healthy and wealthy and wise.
Cinderella: Baba-Yaga is flying.
Scene VI
(Влетает на метле Баба Яга, веселая, нарядная, следом за ней, приплясывая под веселую музыку, друг за другом появляются семь гномов и Белоснежка.)
Baba-Yaga: Do you like me now, Karlsson? Now I can be your guest, can't I? (Кружится, показывая свой наряд)
Karlsson: Certainly, you can. And you, Dwarfs, and you, Snow White. You are welcome_ (Белоснежка дирижирует, гномы танцуют, взявшись за руки, и поют.)
Snow While, Dwarfs (вместе):
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Karlsson,
Happy birthday to you!
Snow White:
May your birthday be bright
From morning till night,
May your birthday he bright
From morning till night!
Baba-Yaga (колдует над котлом):
Fire, fire in my pot.
Cakes for Karlsson.
Cakes! A lot.
(Извлекает из котла поднос с пирожными)
Here are some delicious cakes. Wont you smile, Karlsson, the best cake-eater in the world? Lucky Karlsson, happy Karlsson!
Karlsson: My dear friends! I am the happiest Karlsson in the world. I have so many friends. Thank you, Kid. Thank you everyone, for your presents, for your smiles. Let's sing a song about friendship
(Все поют.)
The more we are together, together, together
The more we are together; the merrier we will be
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends
The more we are together, the merrier we will be.
Our party is coming to end. To finish with, I want to remember: «Wear an old coat and buy a new book». I believe that books will be your best friends because you love then! Good luck!