- Учителю
- Глаголы движения план - конспект урока
Глаголы движения план - конспект урока
План конспект урока на 29.02.2016PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production)
урок презентации учебного материала (по ФГОС)
Warming up
- Stand up! Make a circle!
- Good morning pupils!
- Greet each other! For example
: « Good morning Kirill, how are you?»
- thank you for you work, be sited!
- Look at the black board; tell me please, What do you see in the screen? (на доске картинки с глаголами движения)
- You are right, thank's for your answers. Answers the last question what is the theme of our lesson?
-Let's make the aim of our lesson:
is meeting with new vocabulary, learn, and use vocabulary accurately and fluently in your speech. By the end of the lesson tell 1-2 sentences with using new words, grammar constructions accurately and fluently.
(new voc.: jump, draw, sing, hear, see, fly, read, dance, run, cook) and grammar construction I can / I can't
-Now tell me what will you be able to do for to reach your aim?
- Present new voc.: jump, draw, sing, hear, see, fly, read, dance, run, cook
Ex. 1 Now listen to me and repeat after me!
Ex. 2. Listen to the tape and repeat after it!
</ Ex. 3. Stand up please, Now I will name you the verbs, you will show me them.
Ex. 4 work in pairs and pronounce each other these words. (поднять смайлики)
You have 2 mins
Ex. 5. now look at the board you see the pictures and the words you should match them (2 mins) raise the smiles at your desks
Ex. 6 Continue to work. And next task. look at the pictures and tell me what can / can't we do? (объяснение конструкции)
Now Listen to me and repeat after me!
Ex. 7 read and fill in the gaps (5 min)
Check the task in pairs (put the score - 5 баллов)
Ex. 8 ex4 p 37 (work in groups) 7 mins (поднять смайлики в группах)
Ex. 9 Make a circle, now tell me 2 sentences what can/can't do? (7 mins)
Ex. 10 let's summaries our lesson
Look at the board, you have a tree, and the tree shared in to three parts low middle and high there are your knowledge put your stars where are your knowledge?
Ex. 11 six hats!
-Good morning teacher
- Make a circle!
- Greet each other!
- Pupils guess what will be the theme of our lesson! Name the verbs
Boys and girls make actions at the pictures, do something ….(называют по - русски глаголы)
- Pupils tell me it
- the aim of our lesson is meeting with new vocabulary, learn, and use vocabulary accurately and fluently in your speech.
- Pupils tell me: listen, read new words, do some tasks…
- Pupils look at the screen and listen to me
- Pupils listen and repeat after me
- Pupils listen and repeat after
- Pupils name them
- Pupils do
- Pupils pronounce
- Pupils match and tell
- Pupils raise the smiles
- Pupils name
- Pupils listen and repeat after
- Pupils do
- Pupils do
- Pupils do
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