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  • Диагностическая работа №1 к учебнику английского языка 'Радуга'- 5 класс_ Unit1

Диагностическая работа №1 к учебнику английского языка 'Радуга'- 5 класс_ Unit1

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Диагностическая работа №1 к учебнику 5 класса (Афанасьева, Михеева)

Unit1 Holidays are over


Прослушайте 3 высказывания о каникулах.

Соотнесите их содержание с утверждениями 4х школьников. Определите, как зовут каждого из говорящих (1)

Martin studied abroad. 1_________

Joan did a lot of shopping. 2_________

Donna didn,t like her hotel. 3_____________

Sandra didn,t like bad weather.

II. Чтение. Прочитайте текст и отметьте, являются ли утверждения после него верными или неверными. (true-верно, false -неверно). 4б

For most schoolchildren summer is the best season. They have these wonderful three-month holidays. Some children go to the countryside and visit their grandparents. Others travel abroad with their families. But many children stay in Moscow because they want to spend summer with their school friends. You can often see groups of happy children in Moscow in summer. They walk in the city centre, ride their bikes in big parks, eat hamburgers in McDonald,s, go to the cinema. Some girls like to spend time in big shopping centres. They don,t buy many things, but they enjoy going from shop and looking at beautiful clothes in the shop windows. Boys don,t like shops? They prefer playing sports games like football,basketball and volleyball at sports grounds. But all children go to big shopping centres to have lunch, because you can buy cheap fast food and ice cream there.

1. Some children go to other countries in summer. True false

2. Children stay in Moscow because of their parents. True false

3. Children buy a lot of clothes in supermarkets. True false

4. Children often eat in big shopping centres. True false

III. Лексика 11б. 1. Выбери верный вариант.

1.In autumn most days are cold, rainy and _______________.(foggy, hot,sunny)

2.Last weekend my family and I went _______the sea. (on,to,in).

3.Fred never writes letters ________ his friends. ( for,to,on).

4. There are a lot of interesting things ___________Red Square. (on, for , in).

5. I often drink tea ____________ breakfast. (with, on, for).

2.Дополни предложения подходящими словами из рамки.

City capital town abroad hotel Square

  1. Many tourists come to Moscow. Almost all of them visit Red _____________.

  2. When people travel ____________, they usually take a lot of luggage.(багаж)

  3. Last year I visited a very big American ________. I went to New York.

  4. London is the _______________ of the United Kingdom.

  5. I prefer to stay in a big and expensive ____________ in the city centre.

  6. The family lived in a small ___________ not far from Madrid.

IV. Грамматика. Дополните предложения подходящими глаголами из рамки, поставив их в нужную форму.

Write begin go meet take be

1.Last week Sally ________________her old friend Jim. They had a good time together.

2.This weekend my mother and I are _________________to visit my granny.

3.Why are you late, Doris? The lesson ______ten minutes ago.

4.I _________________this letter a week ago. I want to send it today/

5.Jane and her family ___________not going to spend this summer abroad.

6.Every weekend Anna,s mother ________________her to cinema.

V.Письмо. 6б

Напиши открытку другу, соблюдай правила оформления открытки. (50-65 слов)

October 5th

Dear _____________!

(Remember to write about: -

where you are;

What the weather is like;

What you do;

How much you like it there,why )

Your pen friend ______


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