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- План конспект открытого урокапо английскому языку на тему From the history of cinema. My favourite film. (11 класс)
План конспект открытого урокапо английскому языку на тему From the history of cinema. My favourite film. (11 класс)
1 - Oh! Hello! What a surprise! Nice to meet you ……!
2 - Hello ….!
1 - How were your summer holydays? I've heard you've been to the USA?
2 - Yer, it was a fantastic trip…
1 - Where were you in the USA?
2 - I was in Los Angeles, California.
1 - How wonderful! Have you been to Hollywood?
2 - I have… It was my dream to visit this place… Well, don't you know that Hollywood is the world capital of filmed entertainment?
1 - I know this! But what impressed you most of all?
2- Well, LA is a multicultural city. About 100 languages can be heard on its streets!
1 - Unbelievable! LA is a melting pot like the whole United States.
2 - Sure…Unfortunately LA has its own problems. And I think all them are from these street gangs from poor areas…
1 - I thought only rich people have such an opportunity to live in LA?
2 - And more than that teenagers join these gangs… And the main reason of their problem is money…
1 - I suppose this problem is the main one of any large city in the world…
2 - I agree with you… Well, all in all my trip was exciting and I want to remember only good moments. Well, I must go now…
</ 1 - It was nice to talk to you. See you later. Bye.
2 - Bye-bye.