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  • Открытый урок 'Новости. Виды СМИ'

Открытый урок 'Новости. Виды СМИ'

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Развернутый конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе

Тема: Новости. Типы СМИ

Практические цели:- организовать устную тренировку по оперированию в речи на уровне

предложения изученных грамматических и лексических единиц

- организовать чтение диалога вслух

Задачи урока:

Личностные: 1. Воспитывать терпимое и уважительное отношение к мнению, вкусам и

предпочтениям других людей.

2. Формировать потребность и способность выслушать и понять чужую точку


Метапредметные: 1. Развивать способности к продуктивным и репродуктивным видам речевой


2. Развивать способности к сравнению, сопоставлению и обобщению фактов,

к формулированию выводов из услышанного.

3. Развивать умения работать в парах и индивидуально, а также умения делать

краткие записи для построения собственного высказывания.


1.Речевая компетенция: совершенствовать грамматические и лексические навыки и умения в

основных видах речевой деятельности чтения (чтение с основным пониманием),

аудирования (вопросы и ответы собеседника), говорения (диалоги-опросы и

высказывания своего аргументированного мнения о чем-либо) и письма

(выполнение короткого теста, составление предложений из отдельных слов).

2.Языковая компетенция: развивать лексическую (использовать в речи и узнавать в тексте

изученные лексические единицы в соответствии с темой урока) и грамматическую

(повторить видовременные формы прошедшего длительного времени в вопроси

тельных и повествовательных предложениях) стороны речи.

3.Социокультурная компетенция: познакомить учащихся с разными типами СМИ, с речевыми

клише, с помощью которых строятся повествовательные и вопросительные


4.Компенсаторная компетенция: развивать языковую догадку учащихся при прослушивании и

чтении диалогов (отрывки из статей газет и журналов)

5.Учебно-познавательная компетенция: формировать универсальные учебные действия при

выполнении заданий с опорой на вопросы, схему, слова.

Материальное обеспечение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, аудиоколонки,

учебник Spotlight 7 класс, раздаточный материал

Формы организации работы на уроке: IW - individual work, GW - group work, PW - pair work

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Начало урока

  1. Орг. момент

    1. Приветствие

  1. Речевая разминка

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

Основная часть

Организовать устную тренировку по оперированию в речи на уровне предложения изученных грамматических и лексических единиц

2.1. Постановка цели, вызов интереса

2.2. Постановка проблемного вопроса

Good morning boys and girls.

How are you?

I'm very well, thanks. I am glad to see you.

Sit down, please. There are some guests here. Good morning dear guests. Welcome to our lesson. I hope you'll enjoy our work.

As usual we start our lesson with some questions.

What is the date today?

What day of the week is it today?

There are a lot of English proverbs you have on your desk. Look at the cards, read out the proverbs and say what do these proverbs mean?

Which of these proverbs have the same meaning?

Read them out and give the Russian equivalent for them.

Tell me please, what are we going to do today?

I agree with you and continue.

Today we're going to speak about emotions that we feel reading newspaper headlines. You will learn how to tell and react to news. So the theme of our lesson is "In the news" (slide1)

Pay attention to the fact that "news" is singular.

So news means new information and reports of recent events. Where can we find news?

Good morning teacher.

Fine, thanks. And you?

We are glad to see you too.

Today is the 19th of November.

It is Thursday today.

"Ill news goes fast"

"No news is good news"

"Bad news travels quickly"

"Bad news has wings"

These proverbs mean "news"

"Ill news goes fast"

"Bad news travels quickly"

"Bad news has wings"

«Плохие вести не сидят на месте»

Today we're going to speak about news, about different types of media

We can find it in the media.






2.3. Выполнение тренировочных упражнений

- подстановочные

- в расширении высказывания

2.4. Составление учащимися самостоятельных высказываний из отдельных слов (работа в парах)

What types of media are there?

Yes, we can find news

in newspaper

on television (these words are on the radio on the card)

on the Internet

Mind prepositions! Read these words out altogether.

Let's continue our lesson. Please, attention on the board. You can see some photos here. These pictures were taken yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock. All these people were using different types of media.

What types of media was each person using?

Mind your grammar. Use Past Continuous in your answers.

Sue was using TV at 6 o'clock yesterday.

Now answer my next question.

What was each person doing yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock?

Use these phrases to answer the question.


  • read a text message all these

  • watch TV phrases are

  • read a newspaper /a magazine on the

  • send emails board

Don't forget about Past Continuous!

So the next task for you.

Use the ideas to ask and answer questions about the people in the pictures. Work in pairs. Before you start let's read the example.

(slide 4)

- John/read magazine/6 o'clock?

- Sue/send text messages on her mobile/6 o'clock?

- Tony/send emails/6 o'clock?

- Mary/watch TV/6 o'clock?

Television, radio, newspapers and magazines, the Internet

in newspaper

on television on the radio

on the Internet

John was using a mobile at …

Tony was using a newspaper at…

Mary was using a magazine at…

Laura was using the Internet at…

John was reading a text message on his mobile at 6 o'clock yesterday.

Sue was watching TV at 6 …

Tony was reading a newspaper …

Mary was reading a magazine …

Laura was sending emails


Laura / read the newspaper / 6 o'clock?

A: Was Laura reading the newspaper at 6 o'clock?

B: No, she wasn't. She was sending emails.

(work in pairs)






2.5. Подведение итога работы

  1. Физминутка

  1. Организовать чтение диалога вслух

    1. Постановка цели, вызов интереса

    1. Словарная работа

Tell me please what grammar skills in oral speech do you improve?

(Past Continuous)

I think it's time to have a rest. Stand up.

I see your eyes are tired. Let's do exercise for your eyes.

Look left, look right

Look left, look right

Move your eyes round clockwise

And in the opposite direction

Once again - clockwise,

- in the opposite direction.

That's enough. Sit down please.

Are you ready to continue our lesson?

Boys and girls, what type of media do you prefer?

Do you prefer watching TV? Maybe you like listening to the radio or surfing the Net?

Yes, tastes differ!

What does each type of media provide us with?

Before you answer look at the cards. You can see some words here. Read them out. (one by one)

Use these words to answer the question. -

"What does each type of media provide us with?"

TV provides us with …

Radio provides us with …

Newspapers and magazines provide us with…

Which of these do you like most of all?

As for me I like fashion and beauty advice in magazines. And what about you?

We improve our skills in Past Continuous in oral speech.

(possible answers)

As for me, I like watching TV.

I prefer reading magazines. …

-local/national/international news,

- daily horoscopes, - interviews, - weather reports, - interesting articles, - music, - TV guide, - cartoon strips, - chat shows, - advertisements, - celebrity gossip, - fashion and beauty advice, - documentaries

TV provides us with news, interviews, weather reports, documentaries, music, chat shows and advertisements.

Radio provides us with news, weather reports, interviews and music.

Newspapers and magazines provide us with interesting articles, TV guides, cartoon strips, horoscopes, fashion and beauty advice, celebrity gossip.

(possible answers)

I like daily horoscopes on the radio.

I like chat shows on TV.

I like cartoon stripes in magazines






    1. Контроль понимания содержания текста в процессе диагностического чтения

- работа с предвопросами

- частичный перевод отдельных предложений, высказывание своего мнения и отношения к вопросу

    1. Объяснение интонационных особенностей речевых клише в диалоге

(работа в парах)

Let's move on to the next stage.

So news and media on the whole play an important role in our life because they make us experience different feelings and emotions.

What emotions can people feel?

Look at these pictures and say what emotions these people feel.

(emotions people experience)

excited, surprised, worried, interested, curious, shocked, sad, happy.

What do you think of this boy?

What does the girl feel?

Now look at the board. (slide 5)

What can you see here?

Let's read these headlines and translate them into Russian.

Pay attention to Present Simple in the headlines!

How do these headlines make you feel?

Before you start answering, look at these cards.


I'm shocked that…

I feel excited that…

I'm interested in headline about…

I'm happy to know that…

The headline about … made me sad.

I'm worried about …

I'm surprised that …

I'm curious to find out that …

I'd like you to begin your answer with the phrase on the card.

Mind the tenses! Change Present Simple into Past Simple if you need!

Please attention on the board.


You can see the language box here.

"Telling & Reacting to news"

It's divided into two parts.

The first one is 'Telling the news'. The second one is 'Reacting to news'

(possible answers)

He is shocked /sad …

She feels happy/ worried…

We can see newspaper headlines.

"Brother rescues sister from fire"

"Flying turtle "stops" taxi"

"Younger generation takes better care of the environment"

"Hollywood actress visits kids in hospital"

"Teenagers conquer Everest"

"School on Saturdays, says Minister"

"Two puppies need a home!"

"130 injured in train crash"

(possible answers)

I'm shocked that teenagers conquered Everest.

The headline aboutn130 injured in train crash made me sad






    1. Первичное прослушивание диалога

    1. Контроль понимания содержания текста после прослушивания

    1. Вторичное прослушивание диалога в звукозаписи

Read out these phrases.

Did you hear about …? Wow! Really?

Listen to this … What a story!

You won't believe this. That's amazing!

I've got some good news Oh dear! That's terrible

to tell you. /scary! How awful! etc

Use the language box to discuss the headlines.

Work in pairs.

Let's continue our lesson.

Look at the board. (slide8)

You can see the first exchange of the dialogue.

Read it out please.

What do you think it is?

What do think the interview about?

There are some cards on your desks. They are reporter's notes. They are the same as on the board.

(образец карточки на доске) (slide 9)

When? At 1)__________

Who? 2)______________

What? Turtle 3) __________ onto a car.

How? Turtle was 4)________ when it 5)________.

Results? Car 6) __________but the turtle was OK.

Mr Shiao feels 7)__________________.

Look at the board and read the question words out.

Listen to the dialogue once again and complete the reporter's notes with necessary information.

( listening to the recording)

Let's check your answers.

(possible answers)

A: Did you hear that a boy rescued his sister from a fire?

B: That's amazing. etc

Reporter: Good evening, Mr Shiao. I'm from the Hong Kong Herald. Can you tell me what happened to you in your taxi today?

Mr Shiao: Well… it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I was driving home…

It's an interview.

It's about a taxi driver who was driving home when something happened to him.

Учащиеся заполняют пропуски в карточках.

Gap1: 4 o'clock

Gap2: Mr Shiao

Gap3: fell

Gap4: crawling on the balcony

Gap5: fell

Gap6: was damaged

Gap7: shocked






    1. Подведение итога работы

  1. Домашнее задание

  1. Подведение итога работы. Рефлексия

The next task is to use the notes to tell your classmates what happened to Mr Shiao.

Do it briefly.

Our lesson is coming to the end. Your hometask for the next lesson is to write a news story about Mr Shiao and what happened to him. For the task you should read the dialogue on page 38.

Thank you for the lesson. At the end ask for my questions:

What was our topic?

Was it interesting?

What was new?

You have worked very well. I'm pleased with your work. All of you get excellent marks. Keep it up!

(possible answer)

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon a taxi driver was driving home when a huge turtle off a balcony and landed on his car. The turtle was fine, but it damaged the car.


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