- Учителю
- План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 -ом классе на тему Транспорт
План-конспект урока английского языка в 7 -ом классе на тему Транспорт
План-конспект открытого урока английского языка,
проведенного в 7 Б классе
МОБУ СОШ № 10 городского округа г. Нефтекамск
Янгировой Миляушой Фирзинатовной
Тема урока: Виды транспорта.
активизация употребления лексических единиц по теме «Транспорт»;
совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме: «Степени сравнения прилагательных»;
совершенствование речевых навыков по теме: «Транспорт».
развитие потребности в творческой деятельности, в самовыражении через различные виды работ;
развитие навыков работы в сотрудничестве.
воспитание умения работы в коллективе;
повышение уровня мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Оснащение урока:
проектор, компьютер, экран;
бумажные снежинки;
тематические картинки, кроссворд по теме: «Транспорт».
I. Организационный момент. Объявление цели урока.
Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please! (Включаю запись с шумом автомобиля, самолета, мотоцикла). Oh, what is it? What are we going to talk about?
Children: About transport.
Teacher: Right you are! Today at the lesson we are going to speak about different ways of traveling, means of transport. What means of transport can we see in the street?
Children: Buses, cars…
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: I've got a poem about some means of transport. (На экране появляется стихотворение):
In the street you can see
Buses, cars and a taxi.
In the sky there is a plane,
On the rails there is a train.
Teacher: Look at the blackboard, please. Repeat the new words after me:
Sky [skai] небо
Rails [reilz] рельсы (фонетическая отработка слов)
Teacher: Read the poem after me (построчное чтение стихотворения за учителем).
Teacher: Who wants to read? (3 ученика читают стихотворение вслух).
III. Отработка лексики по теме "Транспорт".
Teacher: What means of transport do you know?
Children: (перечисляют виды транспорта).
Teacher: Let's see how you know means of transport. Please, go one by one to the blackboard and find some means of transport and put them down.
Teacher: Everybody likes traveling, trips and journeys. As for me I like it very much, because, as they say, travel broadens the mind. My favourite means of transport is a car.
What is your favourite transport?
P1-P4: My favorite transport is… (Опора)
Teacher: Which is the most popular means of transport?
Pupil: The most popular means of transport is a car.
IV. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: We have just revised some means of transport, and now I would like to listen to your dialogues, which you were to learn at home. So, who would like to be the first?...Ruslan and Sasha, you are welcome! The rest, please listen to them attentively and try to find the mistakes if there are any.
(ребята рассказывают у доски диалоги, оцениваем вместе с обучающимися)
V. Физкультминутка.
Teacher: Thank you. I liked your dialogues, they were really nice! I see you are a little bit tired? Let's have a rest. Do you like to ride a bus?
Let's sing a song and ride a bus together: (на мотив "Мы едем, едем, едем…")
We go, go, go, we go in the bus
We go all together
Have a look at us!
We know a bus is slower,
Is slower than a train,
We know a train is slower,
Is slower than a plane.
VI. Отработка степеней сравнения прилагательных.
(Обращаю внимание детей на сравнительную форму прилагательного «slower», встретившегося в физкультминутке. Вспоминаем образование степеней сравнения простых и сложных прилагательных.)
Teacher: Do you like computer games? I think you do. Let's play the car race then.
(Слайд "Car race").
Teacher: Let's count, children.
Children: 3, 2, 1, go!
Teacher: This car is…
Children: fast.
Teacher: and the driver is …
Children: good.
Teacher: The yellow car is …
Children: faster.
Teacher: and the driver is …
Children: better.
Teacher: The red car is …
Children: the fastest of all.
Teacher: And the driver is …
Children: the best.
Teacher: Let's applaud the best driver.
T: Let's compare different vehicles: look at the pictures. (Работа с опорой и предметными картинками).
Which transport is faster: a helicopter or a plane?
Which transport is more convenient: а train or a plane?
Which transport is cheaper: a bike or car?
Which transport is less comfortable: a motorbike or a bike?
Now, will you please make up 5 your own sentences comparing traveling by plane, train, boat, car and bike.
Children: Travelling by bike is less expensive than traveling by car.
Travelling by car is more comfortable than traveling by bike. etc…
VII. Работа с текстом «Cars and people».
Teacher: Thank you! And what do you think the most popular forms of transport in the USA. Let's find the answer to this question in the text «Cars and people». Open your books to page 55, find Ex. 86, the second part. Now we shall read and translate the text After that we shall try to answer the question. Is the task clear?
Teacher: Look at the blackboard, please. Repeat the new words after me:
parking places
"drive-in" service
VIII. Постановка домашнего задания.
Teacher: Thank you. At home your task will be to do Ex. 87 on page 55 on this text and to write a mini- composition on the topic: "The most popular forms of transport in Russia". Is your home task clear?
IX. Итоги урока.
Teacher: To make a conclusion we can agree with the statement "Travel broadens the mind", can't we? Why?
Children: Yes, we can, because: people can see interesting places; try to travel by different means of transport; get a lot of impressions and great experience; get much useful information and make new friends.
Teacher: What have you learnt today? You can speak about transport and compare it. Try to do it. (Опора). Did you like your work?
Teacher: Thanks for your work. I want to give presents to you: snowflakes to the New Year.
You are my real friends and I want to give one more present: a song:
The more we are together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are.
For your friend is my friend,
And my friend is your friend.
The more we are together,
The happier we are.
(Учащиеся поют, взяв друг друга за руки)
Thank you for your work! You were active today. We have done a lot. well done!
I give "a five" to…………because…………
I give "a four" to ………….because………
The lesson is over, you may be free! See you!