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- КИМ для 11 класса
КИМ для 11 класса
Английский язык
11 класс
1. In what word is the vowel read differently?
a) corpse
b) corps
c) horse
d) worse
corps |kɔː|
corpse |kɔːps|
horse</ |hɔːs|
worse |wəːs|- мы имеем звук [ₔ:] ( необходимо просто запомнить)
2. In what word is ch read differently?
a) chaos
b) chair
c) chalk
chaos |ˈkeɪɒs|- мы имеем звук [k], т.к это слово греческого происхождения
chair |tʃɛː|
chalk |tʃɔːk|
3. In what word is g read differently?
a) finger
b) tiger
c) ginger
d) linger
finger |ˈfɪŋɡə|
tiger [ˈtaɪɡə]
ginger |ˈdʒɪndʒə| обе буквы g читаются как [dƺ] (необходимо просто запомнить)
linger |ˈlɪŋɡə|
4. Find synonym to the marked word:
The yearly growth of the gross national product is often used as an indicator of a nation's economy.
a) sluggish
b) haphazard
c) routine
c) annual
Слово annual является синонимом слова yearly - ежегодно
5. Find synonyms to the marked word:
The 132 islands in the Hawaiian chain extended across 388 miles of the Pacific Ocean.
a) enchance
b) claim
d) span
Пояснение. Слово span - «протянуться, растягиваться» является синонимом слову extended across
6. Which word is the Participle I? добавить
We were smiling because the photographs were extremely amusing.
a) smiling
b) were smiling
c) amusing
d) extremely
Пояснение. Слово smiling является причастием I (Participle I ) и частью составного сказуемого were smiling , стоящего в Past Continuous Tense
7. Choose the right form:
I will sing, ….. that you sing with me.
a) provided
b) providing
c) provide
d) to provide
Пояснение. providing - Participle I глагола to provide, «при условии, обещая»
8. Fill in the gap:
She is a singer …..singing I like most.
a) who
b) whom
c) whose
d) which
Пояснение: притяжательным является только местоимение whose - чей?, чье? В данном предложении мы исходим из перевода «чье пение мне нравится больше всего»
9. Choose an appropriate заменила бы на установку попроще the correct preposition:
Most non-smokers object ….. smoking.
a) for
c) by
d) to
Пояснение. Фразовый глагол object to - «возражать, быть против»
10. Check your knowledge of the Commonwealth:
Until the middle of the 19 century добавила бы слово «это»- it , а то не совсем понятно «Что именно? was used as a prison.
a) Great Britain
b) Australia
c) Canada
d) New Zealand
Пояснение. До 19 века Австралия использовалась Великобританией как место ссылки каторжников.
11. Check your knowledge of the Commonwealth:
In 1921 добавила бы словосочетание «эта страна» - this country became a part of the United Kingdom.
a) England
b) Ireland
c) Scotland
d) Wales
Пояснение. Северная Ирландия последней была присоединена в - к Соединенному королевству в 1921 г. и многие годы боролась за отделение от Великобритании.
12. Check your knowledge of the Commonwealth:
Данное предложение сделала бы вопросом - В какой стране существуют две основные партии - In what country are there the Labour Party and the Tory Party ?
The main parties are the Labour Party and the Tory party.
a) Great Britain
b) Canada
c) Ireland
d) Australia
Пояснение. В Великобритании существуют две основные политические партии - лейбористы и консерваторы (тори).
13. Check your knowledge of the Commonwealth:
It was founded by the Dutch colonists - the Boers.
a) New Zealand
b) Australia
c) Canada
d) The Republic of South Africa
Пояснение. Южно-африканская республика была основана голландскими поселенцами - бурами.
14. Check your knowledge of the Commonwealth:
There are two state languages there - English and French.
a) Canada
b) Australia
c) India
d) New Zealand
Пояснение. В Канаде два государственных языка - английский и французский.
15. Check your knowledge of the Commonwealth:
Bars there are called pubs.
a) Great Britain
b) Australia
c) Canada
d) New Zealand
Пояснение. В Великобритании кафе и бары называются пабами.
16-20. Read the text and write which statements after the text are true and which of them are false.
The English Castles.
One of the few places where kings and lords in the Middle Ages could feel safe was behind the Thick stone walls of their castles. There, they and their men could fight off attacks by bandits and set out long sieges * by invading* armies.
As castles developed, they became larger and more comfortable. A wallwalk ran right around the top, and through each tower. Soldiers could run from one point of attack to another without ever showing themselves to their enemies. Castles had rounded towers and square towers and served a dual purpose: any castle was always both a fortress and a private residence, a home, to the king or lord, members of the family and their servants. In practice the castle had other functions too because it was the centre of local administration. There was usually at least one chapel, a prison, a treasury and an armoury there.
There are many castles all over Britain. One of them, Windsor Castle, is one of the Queen's official residences. It is situated in Windsor, a town in South England on the river Thames.
Вопросы 16-20 открытого типа. Пояснение T (true) , F (false)
16. Kings and lords felt safe in their castles.
Пояснение: (T) true- One of the few places where kings and lords in the Middle Ages could feel safe was behind the Thick stone walls of their castles
17. Castles had thick stone walls.
Пояснение: (T)true- was behind the Thick stone walls of their castles
18. As time passed castles grew more comfortable.
Пояснение: (T)true- As castles developed, they became larger and more comfortable
19. All English castles had square towers.
Пояснение: (F)false Castles had rounded towers and square towers
20. Any castle was only a fortress.
Пояснение: (F)false any castle was always both a fortress and a private residence, a home, to the king or lord, members of the family and their servants. In practice the castle had other functions too because it was the centre of local administration. There was usually at least one chapel, a prison, a treasury and an armoury there.
Данное задание уже встречалось в олимпиаде для 7 класса. Здесь точно такие же ошибки, как в 7 классе. На мой взгляд для 11 класса это слишком легкий текст и по структуре , и по содержанию. Это олимпиадный уровень - он должен быть еще повыше.